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Posts posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. I just had a couple of matches where I stated to the team that we were getting wrecked because we were a bad comp vs a very good comp, and a couple of people started bashing me that I was bad at power chrono and essentially why we lost. Like they actually expected me to carry the team or something...when I'm getting wrecked by a rev, support guard, two thieves, and a necro. One guy then went on to say I wasn't good at power chrono and it is the second hardest class in the game to play and I should drop it. He also claimed gold 3 is the average pvp rating, and assumed I was gold 1 and would stay gold 1 forever. I looked up his name and he's ranked in the 30s for the season, but also said he duoQ's. So idk, the game is toxic af and it seems like the people in the higher ratings are the most toxic from my experience. I think this would happen in any game, but it is super off-putting that the people who play a lot and have high ranking in the game mode bash lower ranked players with 0 regard or consideration.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

    You are a "mesmer player" who haven't even unlocked all of mesmer yet, compared to multiclassing veterans you are very new. It's not an bad thing, I wish I was new sometimes. Experiencing this game for the first few months was pretty awesome.

    Also invisibility has nothing to do with invincibility. You can easily kill stealthed players just by throwing non-targeted AoE-s and aimed attacks towards them. Try literally anything other than mesmer and you'll have access to those.

    And counters to reveal an invisible player:
    It's already in the game. But it's very limited and for a good reason(there are much more skills that apply reveal to someone who's actually visible though). If everyone had access to an easy to use reveal, stealth would be meaningless.

    Regardless, I've played 618 matches total so not having unlocked virt doesn't mean anything.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

    Yeah you are definitely still new for having such ideas... try playing thief for a while. You'll see why this is absolutely not feasible. 

    The game is full with AoE-s that pulse damage. There are also ricocheting projectiles, AoE attacks that don't even have any kind of indicators etc... it is impossible to get into melee range in teamfights without getting hit by all kinds of stuff. If you turn everything in this game into a reveal, stealth becomes pointless.

    I wouldn't say I'm new, I just don't play thief.

    What about melee 1 attacks vs invis instead of aoe? I mean...what is the realism logic behind invis=invincible? No where ever does invis=invinc.

    The point is there should be some kind of counter to reveal an invis player, not just thieves.

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    I have yet to see a single thief on any spec, being cabable of facetanking damage without ever pressing the dodge button....I have yet have too see a single thief blocking, evading damage for what feels like a kittening eternity.....I have yet have too see a single thief going around spamming 111111 on their semi invincible condi bunker spec ..without you can guess, using that dodge button even once...I have yet to see a single thief bursting down while being invulnerable to all sources of damage....I have yet to see a single thief hiding behind a column while a tanky golem deals more dmg than a glass spec.....I have yet to see a single thief going around with their permaboon BS.

    Never thought I'd see this day as I hate thieves as much as the next guy but...before I see another thief nerf, I want to see the complete stomping and destruction of these blocking, distortion, heal, evasions, condi spamming abusing specs....to see another thief nerf before any of the current atrocities is properly addressed...would be the end

    yet all of those specs you just complained about can eventually be killed. Thief will just invis and run off, so unkillable > all of those annoying things you mentioned. Invis in the game should not = invincible, I think that's what it comes down to. Aoe, whiffing attacks should all be able to hit an invis player and reveal them. If you're invis and you can't handle running around someone to mitigate someone swinging a sword around than...that's on you.

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  5. 6 hours ago, Wild.1705 said:

    @Deadmoose.6594 Regardless if it was true or not, that player was being toxic.

    Without further information about the match, it is impossible to see if you were the problem or not. If the deadeye was farming you in the group fights or on side nodes and you died multiple times to him alone that does look bad and there may be a level of self fault.

    From your posts it seems that you are more frustrated with the fact that they have many tools to escape and reset. This leads me to believe that you are side-nodeing and getting into 1v1s with thieves and even when you are about to win they peel and go elsewhere, only to eventually come back for seconds. In these situations it can be tricky to identify if holding onto the node you are on is the right play and it depends on the rest of your team. While you were at a sidemode fighting the thief before he peeled, did your team secure mid? After peeling did the thief player go mid and swing mid for his team killing all your team's players while you sat on a side-node waiting to see if he would return? In that case you should have gone mid to even out the numbers. However, if your team was holding mid strong or was able to get kills and force the enemy team players (including the thief) to trickle in while they held mid AND you were holding home guaranteeing 2 nodes for your team, then you were in the right and not killing the thief didn't mater because he had nowhere to go.

    this is exactly correct, for whatever reason a lot of people I’m paired with lately don’t communicate well with who is going to defend home. That pretty much forces me to try to sidenode home because nobody else realizes the importance of keeping home tapped. So I’m basically left with 1v1ing which doesn’t usually end well on chrono depending. In this particular match though the deadeye hunted me everywhere I went, which is smart. It’s just the comments of telling me I was the reason why we were losing was the toxic part.

    I think what this comes down to is that thief don’t have a counter.

  6. On 5/23/2023 at 1:04 PM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    GS5 skill on mesmer has no synergy with the weapon itself.
    if you use GS4 then GS5, you will knock enemies away from the phantasm.
    If you do GS5 into GS4 enemies will be up before cast finishes and thus dodge without having to expand a stunbreak.
    If you do gs5 into gs2, you knocked them away so you wont get the bounces, unless you run back into them at which point the knockback was useless to begin with.
    Gs5 sets up gs3 but whats the point of a set up for skill with 0.25s cast time?
    Its a 4fun skill, you blink behind someone and yeet them off the ledge, anything else is a micro stun on insane long cd.

    GS5 is more of a defensive measure to get melees away from you which might give you a chance to run away, also shattering seems to work well after a 5. As was mentioned, 5 into gravity well works great if you can pull it off.

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  7. Sorry been away and haven't had time to read or reply to any of the comments here. As a mesmer main, my class just plays really bad against thieves. A player who is half decent can easily straight up ignore most mesmer attacks, and then if things happen to not go in their favor they can just run and hide and then return. This is undeniable and allegedly part of the chess match setup they have with the classes. This being said, I recently had a deadeye player message me during a match and tell me that I was the reason why my team was losing. That's never happened to me before and it's borderline harassment. This was also a top 25 ranked player, whereas I'm like probably #260 this season.

  8. How do you counter a thief? They can just go invis and run, then heal and come back. If you get one that skirts terrain, they're impossible to kill. I only play mes so I don't know what its like from the perspective of other classes, and I know thief is anti-mes basically. Just kind of tired of a thief having nearly unlimited success in pvp.

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  9. Greatsword:

    Illusionary Wave in pvp is almost useless. Too many classes are just completely immune to this ability, and they tend to be melee classes which makes the mesmer a shrugging meme when they're getting torn up at close range.

    Spatial Surge range should be greater than 1200. There are several classes that I've observed out ranging me, and doing significant damage as well at super long range. If you're using GS, you're primarily going to be ranged and the current max range leaves a bit to be desired.


    Tides of Time stun affect is almost completely worthless in pvp. It's too slow of an ability overall, easy to dodge, and its a basically a liability because it takes up so much time to use. By the time you cast it, you've already been wrecked in melee. It should work faster and then stun should last more than one second.

    • Confused 1
  10. Cata were definitely op at one point but I think they nerfed them because they seem much less powerful now (not sure that's a good thing, they seem a lot weaker).


    This player had the noob armor on, so I'm not inclined to believe that they were skilled or experienced. Seems its a two step process, leap towards enemy, whirling blades. On top of that, there's burn damage. I tried blocking as well as blinking away but they stayed on me, endured my damage burst and downed me and another player. Granted, I don't think the other player played the fight well, they tried to revive me instead of killing the willbender.


    I've actually started to like arena better than conquest, because conquest most people don't know how to work together at all.

    • Confused 6
  11. Yeah and Hall of the Mists should be removed completely. It's completely biased towards aoe users. If you're anything else you're f'd. Just went up against a ranger/guard combo and got wrecked 3 times in a row without even being able to do literally anything. That leaves a sour taste in your mouth.

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  12. Last season in Conquest I was climbing gold 3, nearing plat. This season during my initial 10 placement rounds I got paired with some really bad players, and up against some really good combo teams like reaper and willbender which had tons of aoe. I think I only won 4 rounds in total. My question is, I thought the ranking system takes in to consideration your previous rank? I don't see how I can drop that much, its a little too significant of a drop. The matchmaking was horrendous tbh.


    Not that I care about rank, and this season will be over soon. I was hoping to get to plat eventually just to say I did it. At this point I'm just trying to get my ascended mark and get out.


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  13. On 4/10/2023 at 7:46 AM, Freya.9075 said:

    Oh no, how dare anet having pve dailies that takes a few more minutes to do than PvP and WvW dailies. I could have used those minutes to walk around in Lions Arch wondering what to do! 

    hey not everyone has time to do a ton of stuff in game every day. I've got kids and a job and all that, if I can get on and do the pvp daily in one go that's great, but if it takes me like 4-5 matches I get a little pissed. I guess my fault for not realizing I could do a combo of pvp and pve.

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  14. Let's face it, pvp sucks but it's the fastest way to get the daily done. Unless you get a kitten team and suck every single match of the night, in which case you begin to rage and hate pvp and begin to grow resentment for gw2. There is a strong possibility of this happening.


    As an alternative, why are there only like two good pve daily things to complete? If you're going to make people do all this tedious things, why not at least have them in the same zone? Just put them all in the same zone at least, and add more tasks so pve players can get it done easier and faster.

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  15. I'm near the end of zone 1 in world 2, and I get to this point where there's a line of trees with a bear on the other side. I can't get through and if I jump to the left around it, I can make my way over to a waterfall but there are logs slowly going down and its like I have to jump across one to another ledge and it's literally impossible. I feel like I'm missing something here because I can't figure this out.

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