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Posts posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. 7 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    It'd go a long way if people just communicated.

    One decides to go far first thing, doesn't let anyone know, you think you've got four headed mid, then you end up 3v4.

    Of course, I could always ask, "hey, what's the split at start?" but I don't. So I'm just as bad.

    Part of my point is this, people don't communicate...so 3v4 is going to take an L almost every time.

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  2. The far strat is wrong and incorrect in almost every single case, and I'll explain why you're all wrong. Just because there are a bunch of you that agree in home/far, doesn't mean you're correct. It just means you all need to learn how to play the game.


    Sure you can win going home and far, but statistically this probably happens <10% of all matches. The winning strat will almost always be to send one person home and then 4 go mid and win there. You get two nodes immediately, both geospatially closest to your spawn so getting back to those nodes will happen much faster. Not only are you getting 2 points every 2 seconds, you won the mid battle so you gained ~15-20 points for kills as well. Reverse this to realize what you lost by losing the mid battle.


    Going far is a losing strat as this is what will happen, you took home and then the rest of your team struggles to take far. Why? Because everyone has to run all the way there to take the second cap, which isn't even guaranteed because enemy reinforcements will go there and recap anyway. The other team is now 60+ points ahead of your team because every second that passes by of you running to their home, they are getting 2 points for for every 1 point that you're capping at home.


    Meanwhile the other team has home, mid, and is dominating so much that they're now sending people to your home to cap. In a pug, nobody is discussing strat or trying to figure out how to salvage the match, so at this point, it's an L.


    I would personally rather go with the statistically much better win strat than try to split and go home/far.

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  3. Why do people insist on this? It's aggravating as kitten, and it's really starting to kitten me off. Do people like to lose or just don't know how to play or don't give a kitten?


    You're not going to win with home and far without mid. The other team can easily recap far and it takes your team forever to run there, stop doing it. I've never seen it work, never. Literally never. Despite how many times I try to tell people, some moron insists on going far and doesn't listen and continues to go there. Meanwhile we're getting obliterated mid and the difference between winning and losing is literally up to that moron who decided to go far.

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  4. 2 hours ago, DEATHsCLAW.1978 said:


    sorry to break it to you but the warrior was doing the right thing. If your team doesn't have the comp to teamfight you are better off playing far&close. this splits the enemy team, resulting in a 1v1/1v2/2v2 fight on far. these are the situations which the warrior (spellbreaker I assume..) is build for and can help your team. especially when he is outnumbered and doesn't die instantly he is helping you a lot bc the rest of the team can actually get out of spawn without being facestomped by the whole enemyteam and can therefore get back on the nodes.


    Since you're silver I also suggest you watch a youtube video about the different roles in pvp (I think vallun made a good one). this will get you to low/mid gold without much fighting skill.


    I'm almost gold 2 now. I definitely have more to learn about other classes, but my fighting skill is pretty high. Usually top dmg or at least 24% of team dmg without earning top dmg badge, in which case I usually get a top badge for something else.

  5. 10 hours ago, ascii.1369 said:

    I mean, I don't want to be a kitten, but if you're going back and forth between silver and gold I don't think your biggest issue is that teammates don't follow your strategy. While @Bazsi.2734 advice isn't the only way to carry a game, generally speaking he's right. Focuse on your own play and what you yourself can do to carry the game instead of putting the burden on your teammates.


    Focusing on getting your teammates to follow your strategy is not only a poor allocation of your attention. There is also a big difference between you feeling like you have a winning strategy and actually having one. Most players are not very good at understanding why they won/lost a game, especially in lower ranks.

    I've been climbing gold now finally, so clearly its not me that's the issue. This is a team game, so you need to have a solid team in order to win. There isn't any debate to be had on this, unless you're God's gift to GW2 pvp and to your team and you can carry everyone with your elite scrapper build, then good on you.


    That's not me. I'm a chrono mesmer, which is the only class I really enjoy playing in the game. The build has some severe limitations, but I enjoy the challenge of winning and I enjoy how it plays so I don't really want to change it up. At this point I'm well beyond the 1:1 win ratio, so I'm doing something right.


    I'm not going to stop trying to help steer my team to a win, even if some people just don't listen. Saying its a waste of time isn't helpful or useful at all, nor is criticizing people who are silver and gold. Sounds like you've got it in your head that you're just way better at the game because you might be plat or whatever, so only your experience matters and those who are in lower ranks count for lesser because they aren't as good. That's pretty kittened up tbh, and I'm done replying to you after this.


    As an aside, you may be higher rank but we don't know your specifics. You could be duo que, play a broken build, etc. There's a lot of cheese ways to climb up higher quickly, and just because you do one doesn't mean you're smarter at the game than I am. Even if you do share at this point, I'm not even going to really consider it the truth given the nature of your responses so far. I've already admitted I'm a solo que chrono mesmer, and you can take that to the bank. I'll even group with anyone here if you don't believe me.

    • Haha 1
  6. 14 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

    Expecting other people to play your strat is a perfect way to set yourself up for disappointment. When gold players are infesting my PvP, normal roles and tactics go out the window and it's just a clown fiesta. 
    Which is almost every match since there is barely anyone playing who can consinstently make it in high plat anymore. You have to go in with the assumption that both yours and the enemy team will be full of clueless golds who aren't here to play a role, they are here to... have fun by being incredibly suboptimal or something. Play some mobile bursty build and zoom-zoom around getting decaps and easy kills. Most matches where your team isn't getting spawncamped are winnable if you do this effectively.

    Don't expect people to communicate, don't expect people to cooperate. This might be an MMO, but you are alone. Get a reliable buddy, climb up to mid/high plat and play in peak times if you want actual conquest.

    This comes across as elitist. I've been silver for a while and been going back between gold and silver...


    18 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    If you'd lose mid even with that person ... could make sense to send someone far while the others at least contest or distract at mid. But if someone starts to "help" capture the empty far point ... you have even less in mid. Then they'll steamroll you mid and move back to far (their close) and outnumber there was well ...

    This is literally my complaint. I recently fought a map where a war wasn't listening and kept going far even though we were losing mid. Losing mid isn't just losing one node, you're giving the other team a lot of points due to the number of deaths involved too, which nobody seems to mention. If we had that one war, it might've made the difference between winning and losing, and the match was close at the end too.


    On 3/10/2023 at 9:33 PM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

    Two. Also, you did not mention THE MOST important tool: the mini-map.

    This is common sense. Who is playing pvp and not looking at their minimap or pinging the map? I do it multiple times every match.

  7. 2 hours ago, ascii.1369 said:

    Have you considered they do that because you can’t hold mid? Trying to find value elsewhere rather than dying in a fight you can’t win seems fine.


    Your previous complaint was precisely about the fact that they are thinking, rather than mindlessly fighting on mid. You just don’t agree with their conclusions.


    PvP can be frustrating, because it’s not really feasible to play a coherent strategy with random people and no voice chat. However, it seems rather likely to me, that the other players in your game would be saying about you exactly what you’re saying about them.

    That’s just what happens when people on the same team have differing opinions on what the best course of action is at the moment. Everybody thinks they know best, and then complain about their teammates not following their lead.


    Okay, I have a reply to basically all of this.


    Half the time we can't hold mid because of either of these two reasons: not enough people showed up mid at the same time and the other team got the advantage and swept the trickle of players into mid, and/or, the team just wasn't targeting the right person/people. For the later, this is where strat comes into play and you can try to come together as a team and agree on who should be focused and from there it should be easier to overcome the other team.


    Are you thinking? If they are, they're doing it in a vacuum because they aren't communicating their plans to literally anyone. I don't see how venturing to the far point only to lose is a good strat, especially not communicating to anyone your plan. Should we all be assuming that since we lost mid most of us should go far?


    I don't see how it's not only feasible but necessary, especially in ranked. When I first started ranked it seemed like people were really into strat and trying to figure out how to win. Since then I may have just been unlucky with my teams but its certainly devolved into nobody talking and a lot of losing. Some afk'ers as well. When you say people have differing opinions, again, they aren't talking so how do I know they have a different opinion? I don't like to assume anything.

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  8. 10 hours ago, August.5934 said:


    Idea sounds good but it isn't a good idea. This can easily be exploited/abused. If a losing team decides to AFk at the end then losing team wouldn't lose any points. people will start to wish if someone could AFK just when they are losing. it will only encourage more AFk'ing and PVP wouldn't be fun.

    good point, the whole team would afk if they knew they would get bonus points for losing with an afk'er.


    from what I've seen, it's definitely a people problem and not really Anet's fault tbh. Sure I think they could come up with some better way to manage it but ultimately it's the fault of specific people who play the game.

  9. On 3/1/2023 at 10:46 PM, Khalgir.3862 said:

    Well, once the matchmaking will start giving me teams where I do not end up doing 35% team damage while playing with my toes, then I will stop being afk. 

    I agree to a point, but you shouldn't be afk'ing just because you're top dps. That basically means if you afk, it's an auto loss.


    On 3/7/2023 at 9:38 AM, titje.2745 said:

    while me a pve player and my team got totally destroyed.

    I mean, this is a huge part of your probably right here. You should start out playing unranked, and play a lot if you want to get good at pvp. I probably did close to 300 matches unranked before going into ranked.


    On 3/5/2023 at 3:19 PM, Crab Fear.8623 said:

    The game was actually better when you lost pips for losing.

    They should go back to that for the rewards.

    No rewards plus lost progress on the pip chests.

    Rewarding losers is and always has been a terrible idea.

    It encourages nothing.

    If players are driven away by this, it isn't the rewards, it is the game mode itself.

    I disagree with this, because a match is already putting a lot of trust into randoms that are usually not very good at the game. The pvp population would drop off significantly if this were to be implemented.


    On 3/7/2023 at 3:15 PM, Equinox.1463 said:

    Or, and hear me out, this very simple solution: if you don't leave your base for a minute, you're automatically disconnected and your team is given no punishment.

    I like this, I would even say if you have an afk'er, the rest of the team should be given a bonus reward...say for trying to overcome the odds of being outnumbered. It would have to detect someone as afk though, like if they were idle in spawn, or even if they just stayed in spawn but still moved around. That's probably the best way to do it, and they should have a warning that says they'll be flagged afk if they stay in spawn.


  10. I really don't get this. I feel like 90% of the time when my strat is implemented, its a win. The problem is most people don't seem to care enough to want to win, they just blindly chase people to kill them or they go to the furthest node when we can't even hold down mid.


    I'm starting to think I like TDM better than Conquest because at least the dumb people don't have to think as hard. It's tailored for them because all they have to do is kill the enemy, which apparently is all they can handle.


    Additionally, seeing almost nobody call targets using CTR-T. Almost nobody replying back in chat, nobody responding or seeming even to want to work as a team. So in the end I suffer and get less rewards for my time, awesome.

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  11. 9 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

    It uses glicko which essentially means the less you have played the higher variability you will get in your match making until it can find your skill level. I am assuming you haven’t played very long and it’s placing you into matches with better players until it evens out to your skill level.

    I have over 300 games played on my mesmer but I probably have only around 30 on ranked...does it matter between ranked/unranked?

  12. 25 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

    I find it really strange, there is no innovation in PVP games at all. I wish there was something like GW 2 pvp in its own game 3d battle arena game with multiple skills that have push and pull offense defense mechanics, but there isn't.

    Wasn't this GW1? But yeah...I wish Anet gave it more attention. It can be pretty fun, the rewards are good, and it doesn't take too long for a match to be completed.


    I think they should somehow enforce some code of conduct rules on it though, so that the toxicity is more under control. That in and of itself is going to drive away a lot of players. Other than that the only things they could do is make new maps, fix balance issues and improve matchmaking.

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  13. On 2/20/2023 at 6:53 AM, Gibson.4036 said:

    My experience is that unranked is paradoxically far more toxic than ranked. As soon as I cleared the ranks needed to access ranked, I’ve never gone back.

    I've been noticing the opposite of this. I was only playing unranked for around ~120 matches. Most people don't even talk, or won't respond.


    When I went to ranked, I thought I noticed that people were more into it and trying to work together more to get the win. Then as time has gone on, I've noticed that people are really toxic in ranked and call out people who don't do well and rage and stuff.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

    I think goldwise it's a better farm than conquest. League tickets you never know how it's gonna be, I have seen 30-50.


    You get faster qs and faster games, if you have other 2 friends to q with and run a super explosive comp matches are going to be super fast winning or losing, and you gonna be surprised how much raw gold you get out of that

    I have noticed there's a lot of gold involved, can't complain about that.

  15. 1 hour ago, Zuko.7132 said:

    I’ve been playing since launch. I did dungeons while leveling, got my first exotic set and stopped. I did like three fractals. Never done a raid. Never done a strike. Still haven’t finished EOD story. I dabble in wvw roaming. However, 95% of my gameplay time is pvp. There just is genuinely nothing else like it on the market. Even when I hate it, I love it.

    It is definitely a love hate vibe for me as well.

  16. I recently went through my old gw2 pvp posts and removed all of the content of said posts as I came to the realization that I actually enjoy gw2 pvp for the most part. It's all I actually do in the game, because it doesn't take a lot of time and I have limited time these days.


    I also realized that being negative and blaming certain things isn't going to solve anything. Sure matchmaking can throw you the short end of the stick several times in a row, sure you might get teammates that don't listen at all, sure there are always going to be OP specs and balance issues. Overall though I think its a solid game, and I enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out how to win in a match. I guess in the beginning of 3v3 I didn't know how to survive well, so I was dying quick...but as I've continued to play the game mode I've learned how to survive for longer, which means more damage output and a better outcome for the team overall.

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