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Posts posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. if match making were actually good it wouldn't be an issue. I'd rather have 10 close matches and lose all 10 than this 50/50 bs that we have right now. Being locked in to a 50/50 win rate is an atrocious scheme. Really just bare bones 0 thought into this game mode with no updates or improvements in sight.

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  2. 57 minutes ago, Eddie.9143 said:

    Thief gets first hit, can steal for an interrupt, has evades with almost any weapon, it should never lose to mes. Mesmer doesn't have the ability to sustain through a few openers. 


    Mirage can maybe beat one, with desert distortion trait, but if the thief decides to just leave instead of re-opening, then you get no kill lol

    exactly, if a mes wins a fight it just means the thief ran off. It's annoying af.

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  3. It takes too long, nobody has time for this kitten only for a loss and 3 pips. There are plenty of other games to play now, and the game mode just isn't good enough anymore to justify playing conquest. Give us straight up arena non stop and give us the conquest chest rewards. OR do something like knock the point limit in conquest down to 300. Nobody wants to wait around for a team to get to 500, especially if you're losing. The match is usually decided in the first minute anyway, you need some better mechanisms to address this issue.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    But you are rewarded if you sit in spawn and do absolutely nothing all game

    Big contributor to the problem

    tbh I'd rather have someone sit in spawn than suck, at least I'd know it isn't worth the effort

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  5. I'm consistently putting up huge dps numbers, 50-60% of the team, yet I'm always paired with the biggest scrubs imaginable. The other team on the other hand is a dream team, and now I'm less than 1:1 win rate. Why do I get so many idiots on my team while the other team seems like plat level try hards every kittening time?!

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  6. I prefer pvp and was actually playing hundreds of unranked matches before I realized ranked had really good rewards, so I'll stick with pvp. Being a dad of two young children, I only have limited time at night so being able to complete the season chests works well for me as opposed to lengthy wvw grinds or raids. As some stated, I'm not really in a rush and I enjoy pvp for the most part...unless I'm in a losing streak which is never fun. I guess my alternative would've been wvw because there's still pvp involved, but it doesn't sound quite as engaging to me and I hate having to keep up a participation thing so that will be a no-go. Thanks for the replies!

  7. Another player in another post mentioned they were only playing spvp to get ascended -> legendary armor, is spvp a good way to get legendary gear? I have a legendary chest and it wasn't too but but it took a while. I pretty much only play spvp in game and seldom do pve stuff so I have no idea if its the best way to go about getting legendaries.

  8. 2 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

    @WhoWantsAHug.3186 yeap i personaly play this game cause of its fightmechanics since its Release. The mechanics are rly unique buuuut sad thing is anet made it so spamy (in Terms of AoE dmg/ condi Spam/ boon Spam but also invuln and Dodge Spam on some classes) its just out of control and will never get back to its old way (the to me better one).

    I was actually going to talk about this next, Anet really needs to look at the survivability of some specs and reassess if its a little excessive. Some melee classes can just faceroll opponents, saw a willbender 3v1 last night. Unkillable, doing tons of aoe damage and you can't outrun them with a lot of classes because they just sword leap you. I understand maybe making a spec more survivable, but don't make a spec more survivable AND doing excessive unescapable damage.

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  9. Looking up raging in video games, an article I read suggested that there are two reasons people rage: they feel that they are not good enough, or they are being mistreated. In GW2 pvp which isn't balanced in any way shape or form, it's easy to feel mistreated and mistreated on such a frequent basis that the game mode is undeniably bad.

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