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Posts posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. 2 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    a large amount of very direct focused harassment from some individuals who don't want me pointing out the things that I point out, in attempts to make me so uncomfortable that I leave the game.

    When I was a high gold 3 nearing plat and played with you and other people in that rank range, it was the most toxic experience I've ever seen in pvp by a mile. The harassment was insane, and I didn't feel any regret leaving that rank range at all. I remember people claiming that I didn't know how to play chrono or should switch to something else, even though I used chrono exclusively to get into that rank.

    Maybe you should stop harassing other people if you don't want to be harassed yourself.

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  2. Just now, Flowki.7194 said:

    Oh finally, a mesmer that admits it 😜

    I made a post about it, and people just criticized me for complaining and not using it. I refuse to use it personally...it's such a bs ability.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    But you know, it's ok that a Chronomancer can double Moa while laying down 40k bursts left & right.

    As a mesmer main I've argued for removing moa completely from pvp several times. Mesmer really doesn't need this ability in pvp by any means at all. No argument can be made to keep moa.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    Smokescale losing its CC is just a big fat nerf for Ranger after they've already nerfed everything on Ranger, in a patch where every other class is getting buffed.

    This is much needed, rangers have too much cc as it is and high dps with certain weapons. They can one shot a lot of classes while facerolling damage.

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  5. 15 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    Are you the reaper i stunlocked on my Support Druid in my last game?

    He kept typing "lol carried by immob" every time I killed him. 


    --He was right, but it just made it all the more fun to bully him.

    Never used those exact words but definitely complained about ranger stuns.

    Doesn’t help that literally every match I’m either paired with and/or matched against a ranger. What does that tell you?

  6. 9 hours ago, zonias.1083 said:

    What about solo players? I do not mind people have the ability to duo, but i do not wanna face duos in my games. So are you saying that solo player satisfaction should not matter? 

    If it is one or two that is okey, but i faced 20 yesterday, 20 matches that where unwinnable. 

    2v2 is the most toxic experience in spvp from my experience. Why is this? It’s because it highlights everything wrong with the balance of the game mode AND matchmaking. In 5v5, you’re up against at least mostly pugs and nothing is as personal in comparison. 2v2 is bad because it reveals all of the balance issues in the game, and its glaringly bad.

    This just sounds like really bad luck though, I pugged against a guilded duo and won. I recommend you pug until you find someone you work well with and then try to duo with that person. I did that yesterday and we ended up winning more than we lost.

    • Like 5
  7. In summary from above, the balance team sucks and doesn't put a lot of effort into the game mode at all. This is undisputable and we all know it. It's all minimum effort balances to appease the loudest crowd, which is why I come on here and voice my opinion over what I hate in this game, which is a lot. I enjoy the competition of it and trying to overcome the other team, but when things happen like I get moa'd, it's kittening stupid. I'm not sorry for saying any of this and I won't change my mind.

  8. On 10/19/2023 at 9:40 PM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    Yeah it's funny that someone playing a stealth burst one shot build is complaining about other class's cheese, but oh I'm sure he doesn't play that build like the rest of the players do on that class haha

    I don't moa out of principle. Anything that removes a player from using any defensive abilities at all is an abusive mechanic and needs to go in pvp. All abilities mention that there is a slightly different function to them in pvp, but for some reason moa has 0 change. With how bursty this game mode is, its instant death if you get moa'd. Do I use distortion? Yes. Do I use Signet of Illusions? Yes.

    On 10/20/2023 at 11:56 AM, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:
    • Ele needs an adjustment
    • The Warrior Nerf
    • Nerf everything (my personal favourite)
    • Scrapper need a nerf again
    • Last post, uninstalling the game
    • Conquest sucks
    • Thief is too powerful and needs to kitten off

    1) Anything with burst aoe spam needs adjustment.

    2) Warriors still need nerfs despite the recent nerf

    3) Yes

    4) Yes, game mode is too bursty and damage needs to be slightly lowered for all classes

    5) See point 1

    6) I feel like this all the time

    7) Yes

    8. Yes again

    9) Yes

    10) Overall invis is too powerful


    Almost all of my posts are great feedback imo and should be reviewed by the balance team.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:

    Why should the Elite players among us be the only ones that get to experience what it's like to carry in Guild Wars 2 PvP?

    I think it's downright selfish to get all the kills, cap all the points/buffs, and win the clutch 1v3s over and over. Rotating in that exact right moment to secure the win? Priceless core memory.

    It's not that your other teammates don't know how to kill, rotate, or cap. Cmon, those are basics. It's these kitten Elitists taking all the opportunity and experience away. PvP is dying because new players never get the chance to step up and take the reins.

    I propose all Plat+ players give others that chance. Stop rotating, sit home, and watch. Read a book or something in the downtime, you tryhard addicts. Your teammates will rise to the occasion. I guarantee it.

    it'll never happen because there's too many douchebags who play this game. There are too many cheap mechanics that people will abuse that make the game mode just not fun for everyone else. I've made a lot of posts expressing my opinion, but these douchebags here insist that everything is perfectly balanced and in a good state. If you think this game mode is fun right now than you're a kittening idiot.

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  10. 44 minutes ago, Dreams.3128 said:

    Why did I have a feeling a mesmer main would be saying the most asinine takes? They have proven through history to be the most unhinged, rage-filled individuals that claim everything and anything is broken when it slightly inconviences their tactics. 

    Because power mesmer builds are high risk high reward and super glass. They are basically the benchmark of maximum damage output, so you can safely weigh how that damage does against literally any spec to gauge how powerful a spec is in terms of survivability and its ability to do its own damage.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    Mes can stunlock and burst a player hard from stealth and has far more damage mitigation than ranger.

    Avoiding damage isn't damage mitigation. Going invis, blocking, or distortion is not mitigation in my opinion. The class itself is actually glass when it can get hit.


    1. the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
      "the emphasis is on the identification and mitigation of pollution"


    Again nobody is addressing ranger downstate stun and rapidly full healing.

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