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Everything posted by FShoppe.6572

  1. Spear is awful and intentional, varrying target cap / dely on casts / AoE size based on EXACT, arbitrary range thresholds ISN'T FUN to play with or against, and is literally is just putting a hat on a hat'. Not to mention the auto benefits your enemy Zerg when you get "in close" by cleaving FIVE of your own party when it's reflected by all the projectile hate. -- (You know, getting in close - the thing you're supposed to be rewarded for doing on this weapon, somehow, because it doesn't even have a gap closer, let alone a fancy system or even a skill reset like all the others.) I would actually rather use rifle. So good job ANet at making rifle appealing by comparison I guess. After 11 years of this bullcrap I keep wanting them to get better. But ever since Hugh & Robert G left there's been blatantly no passing interest, let alone passion for designing for Warrior. So yeah ANet, I may log in every now & then to check on how far things have fallen, but I will not be buying Janthir Wilds.
  2. Spear is the dumbest Weapon in any game I've ever touched, period. And I am 100% convinced this was designed deliberately by someone WHO HATES WARRIOR but WANTED IT TO LOOK CLEVER ON PAPER. I guess ANet saw all the feedback about people complaining about the Delay they added to Dragon Trigger 2 vs 1&3 and how that's an absolute nightmare to play with or against (becayse it's the same animation but different attacks) and went "What if this was a whole weapon!?" Skills: 1 -- Fractures in close Zerg engagements, so you end up having all 5 shots reflected and CLEAVING YOUR ENTIRE OWN PARTY. My WvW commander literally stopped running this morning and waited until all the Warriors with "beta" tags to leave/swap after they figured this out. -- Target cap is just an awful way to balance power scaling btw. So is AoE size. (See below.) 2 -- Same problem as above ^ but with carrying AoE size at specific, unknowable cutoff points. So good luck being either able to plan your set-up or dodge it when fighting against Spear Warrior. 3 -- Knockback should be at the start, evade should travel further & this is the only place where the proximity distance escalling knockback' actually makes sense. But it's conspicuously absent. 4 -- Not actually a "fast projectile" as Taylor claimed and has a 3/4s casting time (AND it's a 1200 range skill shot, on an otherwise 900 range weapon because!?) As such by the time you line-up + cast your skill to interrupt your target(s), you've been interrupted yourself and probably made quite dead. 5 -- Worst place to put power damage over time debuff (with varrying delay.) F1 Shouldn't lock you and shouldn't evade. Damage on evades is dumb for everyone involved, even if it's Warrior. ESPECIALLY on spam able skills. >> Look at infinite dodge thief in PvP rn. Berserk F1 -- Why is this just Falming Flurry but worse because it takes longer to cast & doesn't block projectiles!?!? Even if you ignore all of this, there's no gap-closer anywhere on the weapon that supposedly "Rewards you for being up close." --- Also, side-note, isn't this exactly just "Putting a Hat on a Hat"? Warrior already has 2 (albeit quite awful ranged-powrr weapons: Rifle (1,200) and Gunsaber (900 sort-of.) Since CmC himself is on-recorf as saying that Longbow is a Melee Condi weapon (and a bad one at that excpet for the F1's) wouldn't a hybrid mid-range weapon, or Joko-Forbid, a Utility Weapon be better at "Filling a Hole in a Role"???? I am 100% convinced that this was done as a deliberate-afterthought. And I will not be buying Janthir Wilds. Already made the mistake of picking up an expansion based on "How the Warrior thing Previewed" (i.e. Bladesworn back when it wasn't unplayable garbage.) And look how that turned out. & ANet, if by some miracle you get someone better in charge of Warrior Design I have one tip: "Just pretend it's ranger but without a pet." I think you'll do better with that. Or maybe the new person will actually have experience in game-design or passion for the class they're working on, and know not to make these mistakes. #VoteWithYourWallet
  3. Also Staff 3 no longer gives you a stack of unblockable'. Either that it's immediately consumed by ye weakness it applies. But that doesn't make any sense because it doesn't do damage and they could have just put the offensive portion first to avoid this after testing it like, once? Also the double animation lock, total cast time, and after ast lock, and inability to cancel any of this < on Staff 3 makes it pretty unusable as a healing tool. Just my 2 cents. Also bullet catcher should actually block fo allies and reflects but doesn't generate adrenaline when trained with [Shield Master]. Hire a Warrior Dev next Please.
  4. 1. Magebane Tether: Alac pulses around you & your target for PvE. 240 radius. & Resilience for WvW/Might for PvP. -- 1s pulse icd but 3/4s Alac boons duration so you have to somewhat invest in +%boon duration gear (as Supports should.) 3/4s for Resiliance, 5s might but 2 stacks per pulse. 2. Old Daring Dragon back on Bladesworn w/ possibly nerfed / buffed cost's numbers -- if it wasn't where the devs wanted it. Hell, add a slash cap if that was the issue. 3. Remove the delay on DT2. Allow Dragon Slashes to be affected by quickness (I have no idea why they're not.) Boom, Done. Classes balanced with coding that already exists.
  5. Probably an Unpopular Opinion over here on the Guardian Forums Side' but "we" / ANet already went through standardizing 'stomp/res times' i.e. Not having boons like Quickness affect them. Even the Daredevil Stomp Chain' : Ending with [Impact Strike] (the fisher) doesn't have the benefit of optionally knocking down 4 people and the full chain (even with quickness) still takes about 2s to cast. Unlike regular stomp animations in 2024 quickness, regardless, does still hasten the cast time of finishing your opponent. Even without HP is only 1.25s which is gonna be pretty darn "un counterable" if you use it with any quickness sigils, especially if they add evade (or possibly stability might be more "guardian/healthy" on startup?) Or maybe it could only have a slightly increased cast-time when used against single foes since, I'm assuming, they also have the ability to split that functionality? However there should definitely be an advantage of using a stomp skill over just pressing F to pay respects on a downed' body. So maybe both skill set(s) could be standardized to 15 or 1.75 or so? Don't get me wrong I'm happy Heaven's Palm is gonna ๐Ÿฆถ downed' dudes. It always should have imo. And I'm also glad to see it has some aoe knockdown capabilities preserved as well. I'm open to being wrong ofc. Discuss & just my 2 cents. Cheers!
  6. SO we gonna get fixed for like ALL OF THE MAJOR WARRIOR CHANGES that were "put through" in the last patch that just plain... DON'T WORK? [Heightened Focus] -- Still refreshes Berserk Mode and Dragon Trigger skills instead of Primal Bursts and Dragon Slash F2. [Furious Burst] -- Patch notes showed that it has a 4s icd but in-game and tooltip is 15s icd. + All existing Warrior Bugs, Weapons being more outdated than 24fps video, etc. Not to mention Alacrity Willbenders being completely immortal in WvW and Bladesworn being an actual pile of unplayable dogkitten. Warrior still needs SO much help tho. I can't wait for Staff to completely invalidate literally every other Warrior weapon forever because they're all so bad. TY for the preview tho appreciate the effort.
  7. Heightened Focus is a good idea but needs to just cause all of your burst/DTs to recharge after you push an elite skill for the next 10s (to match up with the fast-charge buff from Tactical Reload). Primal Bursts are already on a 4.25s cd and DT's on a 8 before alacrity reduction and PvE Decapitate already refreshed automatically. And you're already hugely filtered by Adrenaline / Flig generation anyway, especially if it's competing with Burst Precision. You'd have to dedicate a psychotic amount of your utility skills or traits to pull anything even approaching useful off with even this. An be basically weak as a kitten when it's not up, so tbh I doubt this will even affect anything the way everything else's balance is rn.
  8. & Yeah? You know Unyielding Dragon costs 100 flow to cast if you charge it right, which is also the only Universe in which it actually even does anything close to possible damage right? Explain to me how you generate a full 100 flow in PvP in 8 seconds without dedication literally all of your utility skills to it. Go ahead. I'll wait.
  9. Exactly this ^. Just make it reset your next burst skill but have that burst do 1-tier less or do %30 less damage or cost 10adrenaline or 20 more flow to re-charge something. It's literally already in the game from old Daring Dragon.
  10. For Reference: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/09/judge-issues-legal-permaban-500k-judgment-against-serial-destiny-2-cheater/ I'm not talking realistically here, I'm talking flying-pig levels of dreaming. I personally love GW2 PvP. And, honestly, I'd really like to see some life be-injected back into it through: Meaningful Rewards for the masses, as well as top-X, as well as taking what's become "common-place" cheating practices aka. Macros, Drama (always going to exist to some level,) Win-Trading, and blatant Hacking more seriously. I know ANet has the tech to do this too, as they've dealt with it in the past. So IF it were to magically become a priority for them, What would you like to see dealt with first and Why? For Example: I think that a lot of the main problem the game mode essentially being deprecated at this point comes from ANet's attitude of "We just don't care." So people, obviously do whatever they want. As far as behaviors' go tho, I personally think the Win-Trading thing is the most egregious, as I tend to run into it the most in Gold-Plat a LOT. And while I don't think it should result in the most severe of punishments (perma-ban, hands cut off, etc.) I do think there's room to do something about this. But from a damaging community mentality standpoint: It's the couple blatant teleport and boon hacks I've run into, even during ATs. Those have to go. I'd also like to see ANet stick to perma-bans that they issue for things like Selling ATs, and don't really understand why they unceremoniously reversed these. Especially since it seems like they had to do each one individually, which probably cost $. To me at least this, along with little fixes for Botting etc. would go a long way to showing the community that Arena Net cares about the game mode (if they were going to; I know they don't actually right now,) and would thus encourage new players to try it out and stick with it. Instead of reinforcing the mentality of "The only way to win is to cheat but be subtle about it. And that's the way we want it." It also might do wonders for boosting the mentality of the PvP Community at-large imo. What are your thoughts? Are there easy solutions for these things? What levels of policing' are OK/do you think would enhance the community the most? P.S. : Also, not having a match start if someone hasn't loaded in. Other games have this. The fact that we still don't is ridiculous.
  11. So, I'm actually of the quite unpopular opinion that Warrior didn't get as boned by the Weaponmaster Training people seem to think. Yes it completely destroyed the lore perspective & I really think they should add back-hand burst skills especially if they're going to keep all the new shared off-hands as redundant in melee-dps design-space as they are. Regardless of what you think about WM Training tho [Slicing Malestrom] (aka the Berserker F1) f*cking sucks, and is objectively worse than the regular F1 in every way. + It's not unlockable. The base one is. + It travels less far than the base F1. + It does less damage, even with the power boost from Berserk mode. + It's after-cast is horrendous & nearly doubles the listed 1/2s cast time. + It removes as few (2) or fewer (2 < 3, or 4) boons than the base F1. With basically no additional benefit. + The only "benefit" it has is: It hits 5 targets for no reason*, (there is a reason. It's just incredibly stupid considering they just copied the thief skill,) considering that every other SB dagger attack hits 1 or 2. + Does nothing else additional, despite being a Primal Burst skill. edit: It's also not even a Leap Finisher nor a Whirl Finisher like the OG Death Blossom. Whoever put Leap on the Wiki was on crack. ----- My favorite pare about all of this (and this is sarcasm for you stumps btw) is that ANet always asks for "All this feedback" regarding their betas. And every single time takes all of the Warrior feedback & throws it into a fire. Meanwhile Ranger gets sh*t like this and this, because the new guy they hired plays / likes ranger. No one, absolutely no one, on their balance team gives even the remotest sh*t about making Warrior fun. Yes it's good. But whenever it's "good" it's always "good" for idiotic reasons. See: How broken Relic of Akeem is with Zerker mace F1 because the daze happens AFTER the confusion application, or how incredibly busted traits like [Unshakable Mountain] carry Bladesworn's literally non-functional kit of Gunsaber skills that all glitch out in different ways, go different ranges, and Dragon Triggers that just fail. ++ How they keep adding 2-handed Band-Aids like Gunsaber (and now staff) to avoid addressing holes in Warrior's kit. Like it's ~20 unusable traits, most of the weapon skills, or how it DESPRATELY needs NOT ANOTHER 2H WEAPON, BUT A MAIN HAND MID-RANGE WEAPON. ANet, or just Colin if you're listening, considering you once-upon-a-time liked Warrior, lord knows I've bought enough gems to almost single-handedly fund this, but PLEASE, for the love of God, hire someone who understands how Warrior systems are supposed to work together & who gives a sh*t about making the class FUN again. This is completely embarrassing.
  12. Mine was this: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1592690890?t=00h41m34s Altho tbh, I don't care if it's in the PvP meta. I just want my fun trait back. It was never meta. But it was meta in my heart. At least for Roaming.
  13. @NeverLoseGuy.3894 It was the old (########) string, then it was the OLD OLD tooltip, and now it's actually updated. At least they fixed it. But if that's not an indicator that Warrior (+Bladesworn) changes get 2 seconds of development / testing time / enthusiasm idk what is. I really wish ANet would hire someone who's actually excited to design, balance, and play Warrior. Hell, hire Hugh back for all I care. Just literally someone.
  14. it literally just needs a 4s icd instead of 5. -- To match up with Discipline burst cd reduction like EVERYONE HAS BEEN SAYING. But apparently that's too complicated for the new balance team to understand.
  15. LOL. If you think ANet hates' ranger go try to play Warrior in any game mode outside PvE. I literally dare you.
  16. a) You know a stat is overpowered when a class is getting just as much benefit from running the "hybrid" (cele) stat. b) You know a "power" class sucks when it has to completely invest in damage modifiers and you can build 100% power on it and do just about the same damage. I like how people are arguing that basic hits like Guardian or Ranger sword-2 skills should do more damage because DT "technically has a 1-second cooldown" or DT is better because you can technically trait it with a fking Grandmaster to stun (only for a max of 2.5s mind) if the stars align and you manage to actually build/channel/notgetstunned/hit someone with it. Lord, I wish these people wore shirts in real life. It'd make it so much easier to just know who's opinions I could just ignore. Just play Rev or Guardian. They're "just magical Warriors" at this point, and are actually getting supported imo.
  17. To this ^ I think they fixed it. But I also agree there are 100% better places for support alacrity. (Imo. ID should pulse prot and Regen but have 7 bullets. I was also getting ludicrous 41k+ numbers on it as soon as the patch dropped. I assume each of the 'bullets' had double scaling. But they realized, as you said, that this was not actually necessary and just kept the fast charging part. ANet I took like doing 10s of alacrity with 0 effort. But there are better ways to do this long-term, as numerous people have said. Ways that don't sacrifice fun WvW builds for no reason at that.
  18. If Bladesworn has to have alacrity it belongs on [Lush Forest] or pulsing AoE on [Immortal Dragon] along with pulsing Protection or Regen while charging so Bls can be a true support. Not ruining people's WvW and PvP fun just because the UI design for 5 bullets was already done. Side note: If you made ID do this ^ & limited it to 6-7 bullets then it would do exactly the DPS it does now, you could put old Daring Dragon back & everyone could have what they want. I understand this change was a easy way to give alacrity to Bls short-term, but please don't let it be long-term. ๐Ÿ˜„
  19. Exactly what the title says ^. Completely independent of balance or the discussion of how not fun sitting in one place to charge an attack that's telegraphed to the moon & back, that also does no dmg (in PvP and WvW at least.) Boost & Reach just like, fail!?!? ~49% of the time. Even on flat ground. How [Boost] fails: It will just barely shunt* your character forward. And by some miracle if you've managed to charge another DT in the same spot it will likely fail again. So I'm guessing terran? But it's flat so ??? How [Reach] fails: Any elevation up or down seems to desynch the displayed attacks hotbox with where the box actually goes. The attack looks like it follows the ground & hits the target, but my guess is the actual box gets shunted or goes off into space & doesn't come down. I can't be the only person experiencing this on a regular basis. It's been a year, how has this not been fixed?? Also please do away with the idiotic behavior of pressing a movement skill to cancel DT stance. And just make it tapping F2 again after a micro CD to prevent double-taps like every other skill in the game. Taking my left hand off the keyboard, while a clever attempt to get me to drink more water (cal) is not engaging gameplay. K thx bye. ๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ
  20. Re: Bladesworn changes A) Thank you for the ranged attack. B) For what it's worth I would MUCH RATHER you fix all of the bugs with this class >> PRIMARILY THE NERFED FLOW GENERATION / [Daring Dragon] bug introduced with the Oct. 8th "fix" << for being able to no longer nudge your dragon trigger to put it on a reduced cd. *(Which just changing Dragon Trigger stance to rooting /unrooting you like the old deadeye kneel would have done anyway, as it always should have been, imo.) ...So that the class can be ACTUALLY PLAYABLE, before any existing skill tune-ups. But again thank you, I'll take what I can get lol
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