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Sepher Yetzirah.4615

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Everything posted by Sepher Yetzirah.4615

  1. Firstly, I am not "trying to complain", I'm sharing my experience with both classes, which in my case is that Core Warrior is stronger than Elementalist with less effort. Elementalists have 25 skills and utilities, against the Warrior's 15. An Elementalist also to move more, It makes perfect sense to compare core Ele and Warrior even if in the context general classes, comparable builds. Metabattle, for example. For even if one has attained your Royal Highness's right to share their view in this forum, "core builds" are still 2/3 of Your Royal Highness's Elite Builds. Now, if Your Royal Heighness tells me that Elite Warrior and Elementalist builds are more levelled, most happy for You and all of the Aristocracy of players that have had to endure the harder path of Elementalists to get all the points, at least in my most miserable experience. Sometimes a pain from the bottom is as pain in ****.
  2. I honestly don't understand how anyone can feel that the Elementalist class is anywhere near balanced. I used to love playing with my Ele, indeed it was not only my main for a very long time, but pretty much the only class I played, until I recently bought an expansion and began investing more on a second and third characters. Admittedly, I haven't played any of the elite specs but, at core level at least, my second-born Warrior feels much stronger, demanding far less effort, even against a DPS totem that doesn't move or fight back. Someone may argue, and I wouldn't argue back, that I'm just not as proficient with my Ele as I am with my Warrior, this despite being far more experienced in the former. Most certainly, a Warrior is far less complex to learn and play, having only two sets of weapon skills, against the Ele's four x two sets, in a single gear template. Perhaps, if I were a better Ele player, I might be able to consistently deal the same amount of damage, if not more, and die as (less) often as when I play my Warrior. Still, I might argue back and ask that, if that is indeed the case, shouldn't higher playing skills come with higher rewards? Right now, at best, it feels like achieving the supposed Ele balance requires far more playing skill and, if this is true, it is - quite simply - not fair. And fairness implies balance.* *p.s. - Not that I would ever suggest that life is fair, so maybe the game just reflects that and that's what it comes down to: to be an equally or more powerful Ele, you need to be a much better player, turning the Elementalist into an elitist class.
  3. I did and, credit where it's due and while not the sole reason, I do feel obliged on behalf of my Warrior to say that your steadfastness and eulogies to the class in this forum, to the detriment of all others, were very inspiring. Unfortunately, my first-born Elementalist isn't so happy with you, having more recently been demoted to a secondary bank. Not that I would expect you to think that he deserves any better. Who ever said life is fair?
  4. From the little I read about it, this is the impression I have, about what's in the forge.
  5. Definitely. As you can imagine, my Warrior would be most happy with that as well. While the main reasons behind the choice are mostly utilitarian and down to "a brick in the (rotation) wall", it does feel somewhat weak for its weight and crashing sound, to Lady Éowyn's relief I guess.
  6. Now that you mention, and I think of it, the Rune of Strength +5% Damage under Might effect may very well be on my Warrior's shortlist, as he also uses a Sigil of Strength on one of his weapons and never runs out of Might during combat. Thank you.
  7. I realise you are especially referring to Mace as a main hand but, FWIW, Mace as an off-hand (for Might + Vulnerability + Knockdown) with another arguably worst weapon - the infamous Sword (for Mobility + Immobilise + Remove Immobile) - is, so far, my core Warrior's favourite first-use set, followed by the more meta-standard Axe/Axe for Fury, Quickness, more Vulnerability and, of course, Damage, So far, the Greatsword hasn't really seduced him, feeling a bit too slow for his restless character. The above said, he may arguably be one of the worst Warriors in Tyria. Still, very fun to play with. p.s. At some point I also realised that Sword/Mace is the Lord of the Nazgûl, Witch-king of Angmar's weapon set of choice and, whatever the DPS test Totem may say, he is freaking bad***... And this said, it didn't take much for Lady Éowyn to shrivel him into nothing... with a single Sword blow and after crushing her shield into smithereens.
  8. I haven't figured that out yet, but as a mainly Scholar Runes user on all my Lvl 80 characters (my Ele also has a fun burn-it-all-down gear set with Balthazar Runes), I can definitely tell you it wouldn't be the Scholar Runes +5% damage while health is above 90% effect. When I consulted my reckless Warrior, he wasn't so happy about it, while my Elementalist responded with a "You're kidding, right?" I'll be watching this space for alternatives.
  9. I'm also getting a lot of lag in this last week. It does seem to be a problem on Arenanet's end, since my internet speed tests are fine. I'm on a EU server as well.
  10. You may want to check if it is your card account that is blocking the purchase. Some banks/cards can automatically block online purchases with new retailers, as fraud prevention. I had this issue myself (exact same error message) and only realised what the problem was after checking my card app. The purchase appeared as blocked and I had to manually approve it.
  11. I have one little suggestion: Please remove that very annoying window that keeps popping up in the lower-left corner every couple of minutes to warn players that the Mastery training is ready. Make the icon glow/shine or, at least, make it so that the window doesn't appear so often after being dismissed. It's VERY annoying and also covers the chat window.
  12. I wasn't aware these even existed... Defense traitline.... Leather straps... My young warrior has so much to learn... Had you not condemned your Elementalist to live in the closet and you might have considered a very kinky Norgu's mask that would much better fit your leather attire. p.s. I just realised that a warrior cannot use it though, being a light armor piece. I've always wondered what went through the brilliant mind that decided to gear a spellcaster with blinkers and a muzzle, but this thread does support one of my suspicions. The only other alternative that crossed my mind is that the blinkers might keep my Ele from running away from danger, with the muzzle stopping him from crying and cursing Arenanet for its 12k health pool. Unfortunately, not only it doesn't work, but it makes him run like a (blind) headless chicken, while making awkward muffled sounds (the curses).
  13. I'm yet to try axes on my new ranger (he has ordered a couple of axes with my Warrior Master Weaponsmith, but he's been busy running rampant in the Silverwastes), but - like suggested above - I have tried off-hand warhorn (with a less desired sword) and I do like it, for the extra might, fury and swiftness.
  14. The whole thrust-and-leave-a-sword in your enemy's body while using the main hand's to keep on fighting does look "masterly" in Hollywood though. If only we had two off-hands, we might carry the entire Tyria with our bare hands.
  15. I'm yet to use the defense traitline. My somewhat young and sometimes suicidal warrior seems to be unaware that it evens exists, never mind that it is that good.
  16. That's a bummer, but - hey - you still have foreplay. Times 4.
  17. Well, that might depend on much you've built your Engi and Mesmer(s) to your liking, but assuming they start on an equal foot, not to mention the rest, my guess is that Mesmer wins by strength of numbers. 😁
  18. And as if two weren't enough, you got a mesmer, 4 in 1. Building a Harem, are we?
  19. Could be worse. At least he has some armor on.
  20. Lan Deathrider worked as a most inferior, low scum dishonourable thief?! My warrior is feeling like an orfan now...
  21. Turning your question around, I say: Warrior. My main (first) character is (was?) an Elementalist, but I've recently become more and more inclined to play my second - warrior -, after levelling it to 80. My third is a necromancer. After recently getting the HoT and PoF expansions, I am yet to decide in which I will first invest time to get my first elite. My Core Warrior packs 12k/s at the totem with my own boons alone, a personal record, while offering far more survivability than my Elementalist. On the field, the Elementalist sometimes delivers more... if he doesn't get one-shot killed in the process. My Necromancer pales in comparison to the other two, in terms of damage dealing, but admittedly it's the one I have less experience in. Still, it's probably the most difficult to kill of the three. I do love it, especially since I've built it as a thick-carapaced biological bomb. I do have fun with all three, but I'll be dammed if there is anything more fun than thrashing mobs with whirling axes, after smashing them to the ground with my maces.
  22. Weaponmaster?! I still can't do anything useful with an off-hand sword.
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