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  1. mesmer longbow, condi or power dmg let it have summoning archers, archer squad could look cool OR hammer and some skills have giant pink hammer animations but not a support weapon. rifle already has that and my musket infantry fantasy is gone or mainhand pistol as well why not ? if guardian can have it why not mesmer, it feels weird that u have mastery over weapon in offhand but ... not in mainhand ? but guardian gets dual wield instantly ( nothing against guardians ofc)
  2. yeah i noticed that, with someone giving alacrity amount of ambush attacks i got, i realized midway that i had no energy sigil on sword or dagger, wait is condi build also working with shattering now instead of infinite horizon ? (I meant damagewise). what are some good relics ? thief doesn't work to my knowledge, maybe eye of isgarren ? or is it not worth it ? I've been searching constantly if someone did some build videos to see top damage/build but so far nothing.
  3. aww and I like sword ambush so much in pve, yeah the clone spam shattering is crazy on sword, i was intangible to bosses pretty much, minus one or two occasions, I just used my chrono gear. Easly most fun i had recently, but i felt damage wasn't there
  4. I hope they are, because it was so much fun leap attacking with sword mainhand (same goes for gs and dagger as well ). The constant evasion was just too much fun, it really made game feel fresh after perma virtuoso/chrono repeat. Its just ambush attack and evading boss attack at the same time feels so SO satisfying, I don't know if there is any spec feels like this,
  5. I'll just post it here (PVE), I played power mirage in convergence with gs and sword/focus(didn't have another sword) and it was so much fun i was almost on perma evasion and boss attacks didn't even get me downed besides one time, didn't have this much fun in long time, now arcdps isn't working but i hope power mirage is actually worth it in instanced content. god knows how painful it is for me to play axe mirage, but i don't know what relic could be good on p mirage maybe fireworks ?
  6. PVE : power mirage should be interesting, or Hope it will be actually viable in instanced content
  7. I am going to ask here, With upcoming changes in next patch does anyone think gs or sword power mirage becomes relevant in pve? excluding open world ofc. what do those number changes mean ?
  8. well good things is after my experience we (public group) haven't failed sorrow since that 2 fails back to back (yeah maybe we were bad). Sorrow isn't bad or anything, but it is bit weird that demon knight is much relief than sorrow. Demon knight does just some damage to zojja but Sorrow on othe other hand we constantly monitor zojja. Doesn't help that Sorrow does the air jumping attack, now THAT gets me everytime it is just.. I don't know irksome? happens too often too many times.
  9. I am gonna post it here, is something wrong with Sorrow ? it is 2nd time I failed it since convergence started (one today, one yesterday) it deals insane damage to zojja, so much so that even with all of us bringing over orbs didn't help, specially below 45% it just evaporates zojja and orbs are hardly?? dropped, i don't know, or is it that we were collectively bad twice in instance ? p.s I know orbs drop every 10% hp drop but what i am saying is that Sorrow kills zojja too fast in span of another 10% hp drop and yes we broke def bar everytime.
  10. 30 days map meta per armor weight so for whatever reason if you fancy other weight armor and try to go for it, it is another month of not missing daily meta, and after doing skywatch and amnytas for 36 days (6 for astral armor) I have never touched those maps besides weekly rift hunting chests, they are quite burner, or maybe my approach was wrong ? but I was just doing daily meta and log out of game and even then it burned me out. I know I wasn't in rush or anything but well besides those metas for legendary armor there was nothing much to do.
  11. i hope they won't stretch it out, Initially i didn't plan to get it because of essences, now after convergences i started doing it and so far I have crafted gifts for helmet and boots and almost finished shoulders gifts (so almost 3/6)but, because of limited info that I know i just really really hope delivering legendary won't be stretched more, it is already becoming semi work very slowly and I have stepped back a bit. it's just there is carrot and the stick but drive to achieve has a limit for how long one can chase, get me ? at least in my opinion.
  12. yeah so far there is no precursor but since all of arcanum collections have, rift hunter, astral ward, oneiros armor and ? then it is either another armor which unlocks for all tiers or it is precursor to pick weight type, OR they could do something completely new. Hope it is worth it visually
  13. oh thanks a lot, it always made me question but never really asked it until yesterday, so for the sake of chance at getting more, it is better to identify them and then salvage, good to know.
  14. So I was salvaging gear for luck and I got a question, if I do not identify gear and just auto salvage it would I still get same value as for example if I got random identified yellow along ? example: 2 green gear, 1 gives green gear, 1 yellow gear and I get green luck and yellow luck, now if I didn't identify 2 green gear and just salvage would i get same ?
  15. you might be right wizards vault end date indicates the next cycle, oh man I really REALLY hope light armor looks good because almost always I play mesmer only and maybe elementalist in future out of curiousity, but that obsidian heavy looks super cool and If I were to play heavy it would be either guardian or revenant as rev looks to have some cool skills. On the other hand I found raid light armor so ugly compared to heavy armor it is like day and night difference that's why I am hoping obsidian light looks good because I have 2/6 pvp leggy and it is as ugly as wvw one unless we count mistforged but even then.
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