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  1. I had this problem as well. I opened a ticket with customer support and they triggered the in-game mail for me without hassle or long delays. Excelent service!!!
  2. This is a common bug that in my experience seems to be more prevalent during betas. I complained about it at the end of the last beta along with many others and I believe they even had it in their list of things that needed to be addressed when the they did the what we learned about the beta post. However it appears it has not been addressed and now that we are running a permanent beta it seems to now be just another feature.
  3. I was able to get to the login screen just now so it may be fixed. That was farther than I could before. I did not try to login as I am at work. 😁
  4. Well I am glad I am not the only one. I really hope that this gets resolved soon.
  5. Now that SAB is over I went to check the GW2 events calendar on the forums to see what is next and there is litterly nothing listed after April 30th for the lest of the year. 🤔
  6. I still hope that they will eventually add T2 legendary weapons into the mix.
  7. Hence my comment at the end that my statement is based upon my observations and others will be different.
  8. Based upon my limited observations and map chat this past week it appear to me that WvW defence is dead. The eternally bugged defence credit combined with the latest changes seems to have killed it. People are generally no longer responding to defence events beyond checking to see if that is where the enemy boon ball is. The only major exception I have noticed is MAG and their strange infatuation with SMC where they will defend to the last man standing. However only 3 MAG responded to their T3 garrison getting attacked at roughly the same time. Back capping now appears to be the new norm. Again all of this is based upon MY observations of the change that has recently occurred. I am sure others on other servers and time zones have seen different effects.
  9. Please add a Grand Encyclopedia of Portal Scrolls or something similar that potentially holds all the Portal Scrolls in the game. It could even be a legendary or something. Heck at this point I would even buy it off the gem store. It would also fit with the SoTO wizardy expansion theme. Between all the city, LW3, LW4, Icebrood, EoD, SoTO, etc the amount of inventory space dedicated to portaling items is getting excessive.
  10. In order to accomplish WvW balancing goals and to ensure maximum player interaction I purpose the following changes to the game mode. 1. Remove all battlegrounds and replace them with one large open field with three WPs. Now there is no advantage to what color you are this week and who gets the dreaded desert BL. 2. Remove all siege, lords, guards, castles, walls, etc. With nothing to defend then defence will become pointless as seems to be the unstated goal. 3. Upon entering WvW all characters will be transformed into a generic Firebrand with a predefined generic build chosen by someone that played Firebrand once. Additionally all armor will be converted to celestial. This should solve constant issues with requests to nerf everything. 4. Players who stray to far from the majority of their teams players will loose 10% of their health per sec until they return to the group. The boon ball must be maintained and roaming is discouraged. All a joke people but this is what comes to mind when reading large sections of the WvW forums combined with ANET's questionable changes.
  11. Eternally bugged defence participation was already hard to get. Let's buff the attackers and make it harder! I was under the impression that walls, castles, etc were designed so that a smaller number of defenders had the advantage over a larger attacking group. This is just going to reward overwhelming boonballs on a kill train.
  12. I completed this this morning without studying it closely. My bad! When I finished and opened the weapon chest I found that I already had all the skins in the chest. I mistakenly assumed it would be a rare skin or other fancy reward like some of the other returns. My bad again!
  13. How dare people not stack on the boon ball. All players on every map should always be part of the boon ball. 😉
  14. The check mark banner in the picture is part of a recently introduced bug feature. I and others reported it weeks ago. There have been several patches since then so fixing this new feature is probably being handled by the WvW alliance team. It was introduced at roughly the same time as Lords learning to heal.
  15. I to use a Razer tartarus and love it. I have hand issues as well and it solved all of them. The only thing I use the keyboard for now is chat.
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