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Everything posted by cdsmith.1072

  1. Personally, I despise the floating rocks BS. Friend of mine asked how the expansion was. I told him about the floating rocks and he immediately said, "F that!" so I'm not the only one. Then I told him about the changes to dailies. The language turned explicit after that. Neither he nor his wife are going to buy the expansion now. Both have been around since GW1.
  2. I selected Other. The other both being the idiotic floating rock bullsssssht maps and the changes to dailies. I've played Guild Wars since the pre-release of GW1 and this just may be the end of GW for me.
  3. I agree, HoT had its problems part of them being the idiotic floating rock bullpucky, same as the expansion. Still game changes were not nearly as game destroying in HoT. This expansion turned perfectly working mechanisms into complete carp.
  4. Same here. HUGE waste of money buying the expansion and this is the first time I have ever said that about Guild Wars content for both 1 and 2!
  5. They've ruined the game so I completely regret buying this expansion. First time I have ever said that about a Guild Wars Expansion (1 or 2)
  6. I'd really like to see a portable bar or bartender linked to your guild bar level. There are some great XP boosts but people often forget to stop by the guild hall. Either a gem store item or even a guild upgrade. Maybe even something like using the build queue like when making guild siege.
  7. Even though I'm right in the thick of battle for a tower or a keep I never get anything but bronze participation. I guess if you're not Min/Max that's just how it's going to be.
  8. What a complete waste of resources. The generator gets in the way of even seeing the holograph no matter where you put it. PLEASE redesign this travesty of this decoration. Make the generator TINY so that the holograph is the main focus.
  9. Thanks! that worked great. FYI You have to select the flavor of the rune before the Accept button lights up.
  10. Made my last Legendary Rune tonight and cannot place it in my armor. I pulled off another piece of armor and the Legendary Rune popped out. Now I can't get either of them to slot in the armor. Regular runes work fine.
  11. Getting the same issue. Complete lock up at the end of the fight. 3 times in a row at this point
  12. I had to do Silence 3 times before it progressed correctly.
  13. Imagine a Nightmare Before Wintersday Lab. Steve with a candy cane chainsaw and a Santa hat! Credit goes to a guildmate for this idea...
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