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Everything posted by Nightcore.5621

  1. just cuz u like wvw does not mean anyone else like that gamemode. i think is fair suggestion for a transmution pass eveytime i want to change my skins i dont want to do wvw for a haour first. Then sell me a Gift Of Exploration pass I can get for badges of honor. Then we can talk. But again, I never said you HAD to do WvW. I said it’s an option to get the items for free. And there are options to buy them from the gem store as well. Plus, you get them free each month from just logging in.And than u can play u dead game mode All by u self :)
  2. We All know how to get transmution Stones but u know what.. In a game that is 90%about fashion it makes No sense to go All that truble to change u look eveytime. If People want to Pay for a unlimted transmution stone i cant see why not
  3. just cuz u like wvw does not mean anyone else like that gamemode. i think is fair suggestion for a transmution pass eveytime i want to change my skins i dont want to do wvw for a haour first.
  4. Is really not that flashy if u compare to People usin infusion stackin and I dont do that cuz that look stupid as hell
  5. No, the cape is a "back item" and all back pieces disappear when you have a shield and not in combat. It's becasue the shield is on your back so it would clip. They then decided that the priority goes to the weapon instead of the backpack. No. My 2 other capes are shown when i have shield on My back also.
  6. The only problem Will be some abuse it and have like 10 of these infusion on... We already have enoguth stupid looking infusion stackin
  7. when u have shield on the cape cant is not on
  8. https://ibb.co/9wjPSqLhttps://ibb.co/jrWC8Fkhttps://ibb.co/7vfNHS6https://ibb.co/H2261MThttps://ibb.co/tBXRDGT I am really happy for the new cape <3Just a shame the cape dont show when u have shield ? maby a bug ?
  9. As someone who mains a condi teef in WvW (and played similar build in PvP) it does have its weaknesses, however aside from healbrand or support tempest, most people dont know how to handle condi teef. Even smart rangers can beat em if they stay ranged, spellbreakers can shake off condis as can weavers. Heck even condi revs can do it if they play smart.I never see them in pvp but yeah wvw is another story
  10. These titles says No bots on My team No afk in spawn and alot of win trade, thats what they represent. Nothing else.
  11. I really cant see why not? We already have Max level boosters, waypoints, teleport stone and other stupid things in gemstone. I remember anet say PLAY THE WAY YOU WANT TO Play and if People want to play this way why not? People already skip Hard jps usin teleport Stones or masteries point to get there faster. Maby People get @ Hurt cuz they want u to go through same hell they did. I really cant see why not.
  12. I dont understant why this build even exist. yes it kills anything. Unstoppable, incredible hulk build .. Anet should really fix it.Normal day playin Condi Thief. ---> https://ibb.co/YtLj7Tb 9/10 wins says it all.. the build to strong nothing else to say about that.
  13. The game cant even run smooth on a 4000$ computer and u want it to run on a mobile? Come on...
  14. Yeah haha. Is Never to late but is not good so i would say dont do it.
  15. Is so frustrating when you doin Adventures and a Event pops up midle of it and kills you and not only that u also have to wait til the events is over before u can start it again. I love doin these Adventures they are funny and add something fresh to the game. Anyway i hope anet fix this
  16. if we want FAIR and don't worry about price - one way only - acc bound Wvw is also the only gamemode that reward you nothing :/
  17. The price maby higher but u also get faster gold now than u did in old days so its pretty much the same
  18. Buy 20 gw2 accounts when they on 50%sale. Now u have 100s of mystic coins for free evey 30 Day doin nothing. Thats 440 evey 30 Day just to login in
  19. The best game if u like PvE but if u like pvp this game is not so good for that
  20. Yes haha. I have played this game almost eveyday from first Day this game was out. The game has the Best and most smooth combat if u compare it to other mmos. U Pay almost nothing for this game and there so much to so. The game is not dead People be sayin that for almost All games. U money is good spend in this game trust me.
  21. The > @Mack.3045 said: For the love of god just NO. The last thing we need is killer clowns running around in GW2 , I couldn't think of anything worse to kill the immersion ! The immersion of this game is already dead. We got so many stupid things that i cant see why we cant have a clown outfit
  22. Just Google gw2 fake kp and use the link copy paste i did that for raids now i have 2 sets of legendary armor and the legendary ring from raids fake it til u make it
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