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Everything posted by Nightcore.5621

  1. Yes the effect from 3 legendarys are so stupid looking
  2. Maby this Guy should just wait for guild wars 3 to Come out or play an other game
  3. Give them a Hide/Unhide so we can choose which we want to Show. I like the effect from 2 of them but not the 3 effects when u have all 3 on. give us this option please :)
  4. Can we have a option to hide these so u cant see when you have them on? Is a joke ?
  5. Also yes but the xp bar is also stupid to look at
  6. Can we have the option also to remove the xp / mastery bar .. please
  7. I have IT on medium skin but to buy IT on heavy skin IT says i Need to own the skin but i already om the skin just not in heavy .. what to do to unlock IT ?
  8. Raids are so 2005. Strike missions is what the Young people wants now :)
  9. Is not even that i have to wait 2 years for a update is more the lack of communication the Silence that they say Nothing about it the 2 years
  10. The game ends at 80 for me, I normally just start another alt and park the 80 somewhere. The only time I really use the 80 is to work on achieves or new LS episodes. I used to play like that myself but with how hard Ascended armor and weapons became i gave up.. I still make the odd character but then i think of how much i need to spend on them to make them viable to play i go back to my older characters.. GW2 is not the GW2 i played at release i agree.. Its pretty much a nightmare now for altaholics.I got so Many acended gear drop from raids i start delete Them, try raids IT rains acended gear there
  11. Hype ? For what ? A map u Play for some haours and than never come back to it again lol
  12. Yeah sure it will, a game that looks like it was ripped from their mobile version will magically bury this game. of course it will pats head I mean this game right now is following the mobile trend, the exact same kind of monetization as of build templates. We are on a maintenance mode like trend with living world being all we have too look forward too. Diablo 4 has been said to charge for cosmetics, and is following the footsteps of the A-rpg genre but bringing everything guild wars 2 has into its building blocks. Mobile games were based around this genre because they could build it to fit the mobile market, but Diablo 4 has been stated to be mmo-lite and will offer full expansions ontop of cosmetics. (They even have mounts, which will function at least similarly to guild wars 2 with a unique dismount from what we were shown.) It also has pvp and will have some focus on that area, ontop of being a sandbox mmo-a-rpg just like Lost ark. Guild wars 2 has a niche fan-base where no one outside of those who have been here or have been brought here by their friends would know of its existence. Do you know how many people I talk too about this game, who are always stunned its still going? Or they don't know that we exist? Guild wars 2 has like NO market presence and has no shadow, its legitamentally under the umbrella of every other game in its genre. Games in maintenance mode don't get balance updates or story updates, they remain and maintain what already exists, therefore your point is already invalid. D4 is essentially a mobile rip-off. GW2's fan base is anything but niche but grats on not knowing nor understanding the meaning of the word "niche". As for "no" market presence - you have evidence to back up this false claim? No? You don't? Didn't think so. As for "monetization of build templates" - you get a bunch for free. free. Do you require 15 billion templates? This sounds more like a you problem than anything else. You can shill all you want but up until this point we were working with a skeleton crew as all the money went to other games. As for no market pressence? Do we have TV trailers? Do we have youtube trailers that ACTUALLY show up without having looked for it? Do we have anything other than a few banners on obscure websites which most people openly ignore? I don't think so, so therefor we have little to no market pressence and most people in this genre who aren't in this game have no reason once so ever to check it out or even know about it. Whats the hook? There isn't one. Diablo 4 is an Action Rpg mobile was based around them, not the other way around. Diablo also revolutionized Rpg's and opened the door for games such as guild wars and even WoW to make their way in. Its like the Doom of fantasy games as it broke the mold of a lot of the sterotypes centered around fantasy games, to drive this home Mike O and the majority of the original crew who made guild wars 1 came from blizzard. A good chunk from blizzard north after they shut them down, and stole Diablo and made D3 which was a cluster. Diablo 4 is essentially the Western Lost Ark as lost ark hasn't and probably never will come over to the west, its an MMO-Rpg with the action Rpg UI and gameplay which sure is a bit limiting but at least its sticking close to its roots. D4 also will have expansions, no paid content outside of Cosmetics so its running on almost the same model that GW2 ran on up until recently. They've even stated they won't sell power so your points are invalid and you're simply uneducated on what a mobile game really is, because its not the same. If D4 is essentially a mobile game then so is GW2 as they both run fundamentally on the same pay model and the same essential model all rpgs that are technically mmo's have ran on for a long time. The only reason the camera angle looks like a mobile game is because Action-RPGS were used in mobile due to them being easier to make with the camera being so far out. but if you took the time to notice D4's camera is pulled in Really close compared to any other Action RPG, you're in the face of it and the attention to detail even though this isn't even an alpha build is astonishing. So With diablo being a bigger name that guild wars, with it basically taking everything guild wars has feature wise and rolling it into the game and using it along with its IP and dark gothic fantasy I do believe it will be solid competition for guild wars 2. A prime example is Albeion online which has a ton of players, its also like an action rpg in appearance but it has a ton of depth. Guild wars 2 needs more than an episode every two months, the occasional raid and strike mission... We need more stuff such as E-specs and Expansion level content which as of yet they don't seem to be delivering. Balance shouldn't take an almost Decade to accomplish, not unless they didn't care up until now to try. I have little faith in this company or the team~ They've lied too much and broken too many promises. Remember WvW Alliances? Yea so do I. Won't happen and IF it does I almost cynically believe they will ask for a entry fee of a moderate 30$ to get in.. And It will break the mode just like templates did, just like any feature they decide to make that goes untested. I want this game to succeed, I just don't believe in the people we are stuck with can manage it. IF not for being so invested in tyria and the lore of the world, as well the fact Ill finally get to see jormag I'd of dipped out a long time ago. Because this doesn't feel like a game thats doing well, it feels like a game thats strapped for players and resources because of poor business decisions.So true
  13. Yeah sure it will, a game that looks like it was ripped from their mobile version will magically bury this game. of course it will pats head I mean this game right now is following the mobile trend, the exact same kind of monetization as of build templates. We are on a maintenance mode like trend with living world being all we have too look forward too. Diablo 4 has been said to charge for cosmetics, and is following the footsteps of the A-rpg genre but bringing everything guild wars 2 has into its building blocks. Mobile games were based around this genre because they could build it to fit the mobile market, but Diablo 4 has been stated to be mmo-lite and will offer full expansions ontop of cosmetics. (They even have mounts, which will function at least similarly to guild wars 2 with a unique dismount from what we were shown.) It also has pvp and will have some focus on that area, ontop of being a sandbox mmo-a-rpg just like Lost ark. Guild wars 2 has a niche fan-base where no one outside of those who have been here or have been brought here by their friends would know of its existence. Do you know how many people I talk too about this game, who are always stunned its still going? Or they don't know that we exist? Guild wars 2 has like NO market presence and has no shadow, its legitamentally under the umbrella of every other game in its genre. Eveything you said so true my own Words you said
  14. Blizzard well be addin CC break bar to World Bosses in diablo4 same as we have. Did they stole the idea from this game ?
  15. The price is to high and is not event account bound. Eveything is just bad Whit this build template. New bag Slots or character Slots are Better deal for that price. Make IT account bound Slots and than we can talk..
  16. Yeah i agree Ask for refund, this is unacceptable. Its is false advertising
  17. i have tryed more than 50 times .. and is not working i type cheer when the others begind to cheer nothings happens .. is it a bug=?
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