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Korendil.5934's Achievements

  1. 15 vs 15, larger skirmish style would be so much fun. Here's hoping! Map looks great too.
  2. For me, personally, if GW3 got announced then it would kill my immediate hype and attachment for GW2. I'd stop playing, not engage with upcoming content, and pull out. And I'd advise my friend I play with to do the same. Why? Well, the focus of development isn't GW2 anymore. It's going to be dribs and drabs until the guillotine finally falls - why invest time into GW2 when the end is clearly in sight? And this will be across the board, the playerbase will drop and it'll have a compounding effect as zones, WvW and PvP gets even more empty. If they accounce GW3, they're essentially saying GW2 is dead and your time investment means nothing.
  3. You are next level rager in game. It's embarrassing. If you get so angry that you self admit to being toxic, then maybe just quit the game. It's beyond me how you haven't been banned yet.
  4. I think you should try Dragon Hunter (Guardian) - easy to do well, easy to do effective damage and zoning. Will probably be fun for you.
  5. You're forgetting how squishy WB is when they are caught. They flop hard. If you remove a charge from Flowing Resolve, you can't nerf the damage because then how else can it trade? Potentially Relic of Speed is causing issues which makes them able to escape more effectively, so a nerf to that will in turn nerf their survivability. But if that's the case, why are Thief able to roam and escape with impunity - and that's considered fine by the community - but if WB escapes, it's considered sacrilege?
  6. This wouldn't work. The game isn't balanced around 1v1, and all it would do is highlight that imbalance. The whine would be unprecedented, and the forums will buckle from all the salt.
  7. Two issues: Relic of Ice is broken. Genuinely broken. Doesn't need nerfing, it needs fixing. Celestial stats need tuning Otherwise, Willbender is squishy and will die. Celestial is just broken, but that's not class specific.
  8. I bet there's been many examples of returners like yourself - or people completely new to PvP - who have attempted to play, just to die in 2 seconds to a DH with no real example of counter play or fairness, and just think to themselves "not for me." and just nope out of sPvP forever. And then GW2 devs are baffled and buff Guardian in response.
  9. All fun and games but enough is enough, when is the God Class going to get tuned. At this point it should be called DH Wars 2. Why roll another profession? There must be some counterplay to this. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to discuss. How do you counter DH traps? And in the meantime, how can its damage be justfied?
  10. Guardian's feel like GW2's Hero Class. It definitely at this point feels a bit bias; it has the devs backing more so than any other class. Even Necro.
  11. Buff Greatsword, remove adrenaline decay and then warrior can warrior again. Right now it feels like such an antiquated role compare to the others that zap around with the Goku instant transmissions.
  12. If these 'many builds' need to deviate from their desired spec to run cleanse - which may or may not cleanse the right condi - let alone in the <1 second burst window of which you're going to get drilled; it's not really a power build, is it? Your spec is made to counter something, and at the direct cost of your ability to spec into something that does more damage. Condi specs do not suffer from this, they can spec into what they want with relative impunity.
  13. If they added a cripple effect on 100b then I'd consider that a huge positive step in the right direction. Or just slightly buff its damage in an attempt to make it more competitive against alternatives, such as auto-attacking. 🙄
  14. I think I'm frustrated at a one-sided condi meta where it's a case of "if you can't beat them, join them" - and the damage profile, regardless of how you swing it, is bursty despite it being damage over time. It's not right. It's alienating the player base as power builds are not viable.
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