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Mouja.8130's Achievements

  1. @Linken.6345 But that is still connected. Yes Guild Missions are kind of abandoned and we surely with to get more content but we also know it is no priority. But taking the existing Puzzles out of the rotation (if it was intentional) is really making things worse. The first 2 weeks I was simply sad. The 3rd and 4th I was angry and by now I just hope we get them back as it is so much fun competing in them. I once did a Duo Langmar Estate run with @seeeeew.3642 here just to prove that with enough dedication one does not need as many people as intended to. But with no Puzzles available at the moment even shenanigans like that are missing as we can only enter the puzzles for the guild mission or when the mmap instance has it not cleared which is suuuuuuper rare. So yeah. even if not what you looked for, still related 🙂
  2. Hey fellow Tyrians and Anet team, I noticed that we didn't get any more Guild Mission Puzzles for over 6 weeks, almost 2 months now. @Anet is that actually intended or pure coincidence and can we get them back? I am running Guild Missions with multiple guilds per week and Puzzles are about the greatest joy we have when doing them but since we don't get them anymore we are all really sad. And I am sure I am not alone in missing the Puzzles. Please help us to enjoy the content we love in the game so much even more again. Love Mouja
  3. So. Will this be like a bonus event where we get extra achievs for existing content or are you releasing new lw1 reworks that will come as an event? Where/When is Lunar New Year happening? I can't find it on the calendar and I am stashing close to 1 Bank Tab full of extra Luck I don't need. I want to get rid of it please?
  4. Please fix. EU has full servers that are language bound to other languages that use ~´`^ öäü so PLEASE fix whatever resulted in you blocking the unicode.
  5. entering Fractal Lobby ends in an endless loadingscreen.
  6. Same for me. counts 0/1 even though I just did the strike and can't collect the AA and it is greyed out.
  7. I still think it is ridiculous to not have it viewable in open world on all characters but only on those that already saw it there. Either remove it for all, or leave it for all! (I want to be able to see it on whichever char I am please!)
  8. Hi, I recently finished my Personal Story on my 8th character and then, as I already finished LW1 story on it before, I wanted to watch the recap video at Magister Ela Makkay. But I couldn't Anyone has any idea why I couldn't watch the video at Ela Makkay in new LA? I checked again replaying the last episode of LW1 and watched it in there but that is not what I wanted. Also I tried to watch it on a complete new character and also couldn't. The characters that had watched the video in the past still had the whole selection possibility you have in the story instance but characters that didn't do it yet not. I want to be able to watch that cinematic on all my characters, not to get that mini reward one got for it but for having a feeling of experiencing it without the need to replay lw1 on every character. (Also I have a spreadsheet for my characters and a column for the "video watched" which is now completely useless ^^)
  9. I was lucky some weeks ago and got an Echo of Dragonvoid infusion from the statuettes vendor's Bounty Chests. Shortly after I decided to keep it and now have it. Ever since I have one thing I want to be fixed with it and that is that as soon as I have the void infusion on and go into combat, my legendary armor (raid armor) won't transform back to the non combat version. Please Anet fix this. I want to be able to show off my bikini wear with void infusion too. https://imgur.com/a/dR4UE21
  10. Same issue. recorded it for support but support ticket is copy paste answer.
  11. It appears there is a bug, only for me, that I do not receive rewards for killing the Dragon's Maw. Up to this point I managed to kill it 3 times already, the first time I did not receive any rewards while the last 2 times I did receive the map participation (a bit of karma and some scrap) but no event reward (event chest) that would, with other stuff, also give me my last piece for the turtle saddle. All the GM answering my support ticket could say is to keep trying. So all I can do today is to continue camping the event, not participating anywhere else and report every single time I don't get a reward. EDIT: try number 4 gave it to me. the only difference to the other tries was that I died at the end.
  12. earlier today it still worked for me, now I halso crash whenever opening the gemstore / TP. EDIT: when going to TP direcly by merchant it works.
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