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Mithral.8516's Achievements

  1. Like I said, the commander tag does not have value to you because you are not interested in using it. And you've gone from saying it's too pricey to saying the price of a tag is just leftover change to you. You're doing a really good job of arguing against yourself. And I don't think anyone needs me to point out how ridiculous your comparison of 300 gold to 10k-25k gold is. Yes any of those could be gained with time and effort. The difference between the time to get 300g and the time to get the 25k gold for all of the items you listed is clearly pretty different. Take a breath buddy, me enjoying the commander tag and finding use in it doesn't make you wrong for not wanting to use it.
  2. Why do you not just use Rising Momentum? Herald is probably one of the worst classes to use this relic on. I don't think either of the other traits on this column are particularly worth losing out on a better relic in most builds.
  3. @Cirth.1543 You've just proven my point. As soon as you decided you wanted that 300g, you spent a little bit of time each day and had more than enough gold for it after less than two weeks. And you've proven another point, which is that it has varying value, based on a person's playstyle. This is true of nearly every item in the game. For players who have no interest in managing squads, of course it's not useful. For a player who wants to use lfg and manage big squads, of course it's worth the cost. It seems like the tag is just not really relevant to the sort of playstyles you enjoy, but that doesn't mean it's overpriced or has no value.
  4. 300g is not that expensive. Period. The tag is worth either doing a little farming or a little saving up. There are flaws with the commander tag system, but I don't think cost-to-acquire is one of them.
  5. I totally see what you mean. I do actually appreciate that, though. I think they're great representations of how the corresponding regions might engage with technology. Except maybe Holosmith... hard to imagine any form of engi coming from there.
  6. It would be 100% more effective to just have an F skill that lets you move the mech at will instead of wasting a utility slot with that signet.
  7. Let's be honest about elixir X, it's for players that are new to engineer and/or levelling. It was tons of fun when I was new to engi and overwhelmed trying to decide between all the kits. I haven't touched it since then. I don't think it will ever be viable for endgame content.
  8. That's.... that's the whole point of elite specs. Engaging with the profession mechanic in a different way. For some, like virtuoso or mechanist, it's about changing the profession mechanic radically. This is a good thing, providing more variety of playstyles and flavor.
  9. This... is the most mind-boggling comment I've ever seen on the GW2 forums. It takes like half an hour to get all the Hero points necessary for a new elite spec, just get on another toon and go get the HPs. And if alts are what you have a problem with, I'm left truly stumped why you even like this game.
  10. Absolutely based. If we had a good photo mode community content creation would go brrrrr so quickly. Everyone says fashion is the real end game, but we can barely even show it off!
  11. IIRC devs did mention decorations will be released with festivals, back during their homestead preview stream before JW release.
  12. Yeah, sorry, I have to agree, the title was misleading! Of course I understood what you meant after responding, but especially in the wake of changes to Ranger stealth on spear, I did click on this expecting to talk about thieves and rangers lol. No harm no foul, but you def caught me by surprise 🙂
  13. I don't think many players would actually want this. Maybe RPers? I think anyone who is this invested in socializing is probably using discord, and likely already has pronouns marked on their discord. For anyone wanting this in-game, they can easily put a pronoun in their character name. I certainly have no interest in switching out a fun title showing off some accomplishment to make my character look more like my E-mail signature. (p.s. I say this as a trans person)
  14. Almost definitely not. This would be a huge undertaking, and clearly console markets are not their priority. It takes a little work, but you could pretty easily set up your game to where you can play with any controller. Either through Steam or through any controller application, you could easily set keybinds to your Xbox or PlayStation controller. Heck, you could play with N64 controllers if that's your fancy.
  15. Slightly off topic, but if you want a great option for more ergonomic mouse and keyboard options, check out Azeron. My partner has nerve damage and works at the computers so they can't use a mouse & keyboard for long when gaming. The Azeron Cyborg and Cyro have been game changers for their comfort!
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