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Everything posted by Lightsbane.9012

  1. oh i didn't read that part of FFE. that would explain it. also who the heck thought quickness deadeye was a good idea...steal time just doesn't seem a reliable enough source. maybe give quickness on cantrip use?
  2. why does deadeye have only one stolen skill now? steal time? what happened to the others?
  3. i'm hoping it's a support weapon. maybe the burst will be a heal.
  4. staff specter will be fun i think. especially for my grieving thief. i'm glad they're not tying weapons to elite specs anymore. i can also imagine a staff support specter. no heals really but boon spam and mobility.
  5. wish granted kind of. still not enough to make specter a main healer though. why was alacrity taken away?
  6. maybe make the thing a proper shot gun. buff the damage on autoattack but nerf the range by a bit.
  7. or just make the thing pierce. assuming you're talking about measured shot?
  8. maybe a way for necro to grant stability, an elixir that gives stab might be the way to go. weird that they didn't go that route.
  9. it would also be nice if more weapons were able to target allies, like being able to shadow step to allies with d/p 3 and sword 2. just think it'd be fun.
  10. i guess. it'd just be cool using traits like banshee's wail. from what i see it doesn't make much sense since there's little to no group healing on the class.
  11. i've wanted to play a necro for a while and there's even a trait line for it to be possible. sadly necro has no support weapons at all, and only one group heal skill, which is very sub par. harbinger brought group boons into play for necro, only lacking the most important one that necro desperately needs: stability. why even have the support focused traits in blood magic if there's no way to really use them? i really like necromancer and would really enjoy some group support options on the class.
  12. if you're looking for a defensive build, i recommend sword and dagger for weapons, acro/trickery/critical strikes for trait lines. more dodges=more defense. there's also a trait that gives you vigor on using a heal skill in the acrobatics trait line as well.
  13. the problem with staying in the well in wvw is that it will probably get you killed. buffing the healing on the well itself might be a good idea though.
  14. okay....more things i want for specter. i'd be happy for a slight buff to measured shot and have shadow savior clear some conditions.
  15. maybe someday there will be something that strips boons as fast as you can apply them. wow that's optimistic of me.
  16. that's a guardian skill. something like that would be nice for specter.
  17. yep, group heals or it's never going to be competitive. i mean it's fun to play, which is why i won't put it down, but i don't know where they got the idea that thief is in a good spot. lets see what they do come patch day.
  18. sword needs a lot of love. yeah. the s/p flurry should hit a bit faster. and i've never used upper hand to be honest, as the bottom trait for acro grandmaster is just too good to not use.
  19. that won't happen, xelink. thief heals seem to be like their damage, single target.
  20. That's sort of my point Boz, single target healing doesnt really work in any of the content in this game. Pve requires group healing, wvw requires group healing, i don't know anything about pvp so can't say what goes on there. maybe if they buffed shadow savior and traversing dusk by at least 100% specter could be a bit more competitive. anet obviously wants specter to be a healer but just doesn't give us the kit to do it. also endless night should heal as well. the boons it applies are decent but just make the regen into a flat heal.
  21. you're definitely right, it's a clutch spec. problem with that is, the bigger the group the harder it is to be clutch. thats why i'm hoping measured shot becomes an aoe, and the cleansing well pulses quicker or just cleanses outright. i'd LIKE to use that well instead of the precision signet.
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