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Posts posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. On 10/4/2023 at 3:43 AM, Riba.3271 said:

    It is more about joining a guild where all people are all-in together. It is great that GW2 doesn't enforce grind regarding gear and levels, but they could at least keep people invested. After all MMORPGs are about communities and guilds are at center of it all.

    Also to be clear, my suggestion entails that you can still choose to join a guild or not rep the main guild, you just cannot swap the choice to another guild that easily. You must admit that guilds or clans in other games of the genre, do hold more value to their members. And that value of new members has dropped drastically to guilds since there are very few public recruit messages anymore.

    So in short you fail to encompass all interests by your guild members, and they have to side gig to do something out your primary circle. Sounds like poor leadership to me. 

    Its better for most guilds to specialize in certain areas, unless you some how manage to retain multi hundred head counts. Then you can divide up specialty to each guild, and share resources across it to upgrade guildhalls.

    If you do more, people will participate more, and you have some grounds for demand they at least rep during activities, to direct resources to the guild. 

    • Confused 1
  2. 13 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

    I think I see your problem…

    you are failing to grasp that even though SotO did add more content to the game, the amount of content it added is less than that of any past expansion or living world season. We paid a measly $5 less than a full expansion to get less than a third of the content of a Living World season.

    I get expansions for the Especs and new build potential.  Historically, content burns out in 3-8 weeks, regardless of how much of it there is.  There is objectively more value  in new ways to play, which compounds over time, compared to story arcs and events most people only do ONCE, and then complain about lack of content after.  


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  3. 9 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    As developer you can track a lot of things and let's be real some runes were never used since their sixth bonus was useless. Also ppl took runes for that sixth bonus and not stats so splitting sixth bonus from runes is good decision.

    You want something impossible. You will never have everyone "happy". I suppose that some removed bonuses from runes will be added as new relics either as same effect or slightly different.

      Based on numbers Anet has they can see what runes are used. That was one of inputs for their decisions.

    I’ve noted threads complaining about relics because they had runes and now have to get relics. The bar is so high for people half the time, I don’t get how that half functions in a video game where a fundamental feature is change. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

    Since MANY players dont like SAB (I do) it will never work as paid content for anet so that will not happen, also making paid expansion from festival that is in the game for 11 years is weird. 

    Dunno why you say it will never be finished if finally after 8-9 years we got new part of the map.

    Those folks need to grow a humor then.  I get the distinct impression those are the very people who claim the game is devoid of “real” content, while also ignoring 7 out of the 8 activity archetypes this game runs on.  

    I’m also starting to wonder if this linked to genre illiteracy.  Seeing as they think SAB is too bright and colorful in a high fantasy game with an oil paint color pallet, glowing scifi tech, and friggin MAGIC.

    I remember people complaining about Orr being too depressing; and me having to explain basic theming concepts.  

    • Confused 4
  5. 5 minutes ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

    Technically the new map region is the horn of Maguuma, just like HoT was the heart of Maguuma.

    so another jungle map?  redundant and unwanted.  In line with its name sake, the new guildhall would have be some place secretive and obscure.  So obscure it should take years to find the first one, and have to walk there because it has no way points.


    And when   you move in, the wizard who owns the place comes back from vacation to find squatters.  The invaders get evicted, and the hunt for a new guild hall begins.   

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  6. 5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    OP is sharing an opinion. Other players are sharing opinions. How FOMO is perceived is likely tied to how close the offered objectives for dailies and weeklies are to a players natural game play and how forced a player feels in having to completed said dailies/weeklies.

    What the new system will not do is make disgruntled or burned out veteran players find new enjoyment. Well maybe it might, given it incentivizes engagement with the game versus just login habits which did nothing in regards to actually changing or shaking a player out of their obviously not enjoyable routine.

    At some point though, some players might be to far gone that they really should consider taking a break instead of limping on, logging into a game they do not enjoy. Recharge the batteries instead of keeping them on near empty. I don't see how the old login system was in any way helpful in this later case though, besides keeping the addiction up.

    uhg.  bad enough I have to log in.  now I have to do stuff?  what kind of game makes you do stuff?!!!   its bad design and predatory I tell you. 

    How am I supposed to have time to enjoy a game thats forcing me to play it?

    • Haha 7
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  7. late but weaponsmith is universally cheap due ease of supply in both wood and metal.   Worst is leather, which is used in ALL 3 armor crafting, due to lack stable supplies.  


    expensive mats tend to dip seasonally with festivals; so paying attention to price changes year round will help you stock up when things are cheapest, and use later in projects.  


    when you get into legendary crafting, you’ll need all at some point due to each “gift of” being spread out across various disciplines.   

  8. On 9/23/2023 at 8:56 PM, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

    If you know the "secret" how to teach players anything by using in game assets even when they don't want to learn something that are useful (and avoid to give away free reward like gaining some XP), then you are free to suggest ArenaNet how to improve on this matter.


    Have a rival dodger come out and attack them at random times, yelling “dodge, dodge, dodge”.     aAnd you can’t hurt your rival because they are good at dodging. And if they fail any of the 10 dodges they have to do in a row, they get one shot and sent back to the starter city in a special corralled of are that serves as dodging camp.  And to leave they have to pass all the dodging tests.  

    They’ll have no choice but to either learn,  or be haunted forever by the fact a game beat them so badly, they quit out of shame and frustration.  With trauma so bad, they’ll rage quit the moment they encounter dodges in any other game.   

    And occasionally they get sent a email reminder that  they forgot to finish dodge camp, and now is a great time to finish and try out the new expansion.  


    And if you still try to avoid it, Scarlet comes to your house to ask if you’re Ok.   And so begins your villain arc to get revenge against all the dodges.  

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  9. On 9/21/2023 at 7:47 PM, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

    Thats your opinion. I took a 7 year break from wow so i have 3 expansions of skins i could get. And the best thing is. If i buy last xpack and lvl to 70 i am strong enough to solo most of those 3 expansions. Sure guildwars 2 has some nice skins. Like reqium if i spelled it right. And there is no math needed because everyone have different tastes of skins they like. 

    sure rng can be bad. I farmed black temple back then for shaman tier 6 reskin for hunter. Took me 17 runs (17 weeks) while on warrior i got it but was useless. 

    (Challange) now name a guildwars 2 meta where can drop a nice looking skin. Already got the back pack from echoval wilds. Or whats named. 3nd zone of EoD. 

    Invisible shoes in Dragon’s Reach. Triple bonus because its also the ultimate RNG drop in the game.   And new game ++, since its made for mesmers. 

  10. 22 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

    My biggest problem is THE LOOT. There is no loot. The only loot = super rare. So basically there is no loot. No matter what meta you do. Its wasting time. No skins nothing. Fishing is useless, no mini’s, no mount skins. In WoW you can fish up mounts. But this game is pure greed. They only want our money. ONE mount skin is already too much asked. They dont design mounts to put on fishing loot table. They only add mounts behind rng that you have to pay for. Bl chest keys. Gold or cash. This greed is crazy. Their earnings are high. But their team dont even think about design a skin for a loot table. The only loot are infusions that never drop. Its only a gold sink. And yes precursors but thats also a low droprate. The most come from the mystic forge. 

    And 99% of the loot in WOW is trash loot. The last 1% is split up on a table where you have 0.0005% chance of getting the item you want.  GW cuts out the middle man of mob farming, and shifts it to all the end game activities you’ll do anyway, regardless of how much you complain about doing it.  Theres tons of UID gear in POF that proves this point where people would rather sell it in bulk than bother checking on the off chance of a rare piece of value. 

    This game showers you in rewards, but a lack of learned skills like object permanence causes SOME people to not be able to do the math. 

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  11. I think the whole thought process is wrong.  Should take inspiration from zombie games, or just looking at the more recent 40k games like Vermin/Dark tide and Space marine. 

    The difference in engagement range matters, and different enemies exploit that.  Its the most easily translated of the concepts, since GW1 and HOT used it, to decent effect.  Smart enemy move sets is all it would take to control it.  



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  12. On 9/2/2023 at 2:23 AM, Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267 said:

    If you have to rely on Homogenizing your game to achieve balanced, than you failed as a balance team. Plain and simple.

    I have never seen a game where Homogenized balanced have a long term positive impact in a game. For the sake of "Diversity" You're not actually making diversity. All Homogenized balance does is make each class feel the same, and make certain classes less appealing than others. If the thematic of classes is the only thing that should be unique, we're in trouble.

    Anet is walking the same path Zenimax walked when they were balancing Elder scrolls online. And Zenimax pissed off a LOT of folks when they homogenized their game.

    Counter Strike?   perfectly balanced. we all despise the AWP the same way. 

  13. Roll mesmer and level it to 80. once at lvl 80 you unlock “appreciation for how every other class is more straight forward”.  

    no matter what class you play after, it’ll feel easy to understand.  also, starting over to relearn basic mechanics is preferable to jumping on a lvl 80, where its assumed you already know how it works, and the game throws the big boy mobs at you

    • Like 1
  14. On 9/14/2023 at 6:07 AM, Sansar.1302 said:

    I belive that exactly this is the reason it where good for the game, it where not somthing all classes or combinations could do making it more scarce than it is now.

    I agree.  It demanded competence in the games overall mechanics,  and not just hyperfixation on one builds rotation.   It also made different class combos capable of differing strategies.  Like subing a thief for mesmer, but getting tons of group stealth for skipping instead of portal. Or engie thief smoke fields to keep blinds up instead of prot stacking with guardian.  


    My big lament is that they never refined or expanded the field finisher combos. Having more emphasis on exploiting/controlling that could had been a huge stand out feature for this game. 

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  15. On 9/14/2023 at 6:45 PM, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

    Ah, so 32 slot bags are able to run CRYSIS? Praise! At least something can!

    On a more serious note, it'd be nice if they added the runes of holding to the Vault. 😂


    I got it, and appreciate it.   Now we need a rune of ray tracing, magitech pcb, an ice brood water block, a crystal dragon shard oscillator, and a masterwork backpack strap to get the cosmetic 32 slot bag with particle effects.  

    • Thanks 1
  16. Second searing, where crystal mortars rain from the sky, and you catch them and shoot them back at the space rock thats sending them.   then at the climax, you go on an Armageddon style event to deliver bombs to blow up the space rock.  But someone has to stay behind to trigger it while everyone else escapes.   Music by  Metal Legion. 

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