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Everything posted by Kuulpb.5412

  1. The amount of misinformation and uninformed accusations in this post are astounding.Engineer does not have automatic elixir s. It was nerfed/removed.Scrapper survivability was gutted. (Everyone is whining about rapid regen/barrier but kinetic stabilizers was better than barrier) Regardless, both nerfed.The barrier on damage done gets instantly removed from retaliation. Every type of scrapper also now does less damage than before, which was already mediocre. Every scrapper now also has to invest into even more vitality than before which further reduces our damage (you cannot play at 10k HP) Scrapper is the LEAST survivable class now not counting necromancer. Then my apologies, I had rushed ahead, However I still feel scrapper's "barrier on hit" is much better than necromancers heal on hit ( which now got removed from shroud as of the patch) , as barrier goes past max health, which, granted retaliation etc ruins the usability of something like it, but it can let you use, for example - scholar runes, for longer since your max health is never damaged due to the barrier.
  2. I just want to get everyone’s opinion on something - Reaper 5% healing in shroud is “too much survivability” but Scrapper 15% barrier per hit (which i find fun) isn’t? Like - for engineer you dont need to be in range 300-360(i forget which), you “heal” for more and engineer already has stuff like automatic elixir S.
  3. I just want to get everyone’s opinion on something - Reaper 5% healing in shroud is “too much survivability” but Scrapper 15% barrier per hit (which i find fun) isn’t? Like - for engineer you dont need to be in range 300-360(i forget which), you “heal” for more and engineer already has stuff like automatic elixir S.
  4. I may be wrong as i play necromancer and we’re all arguing amongst ourselves about the changes - but didn’t F5 and F4 get merged? So yes there’s no “distortion” but at the same time it effectively changes how continuum split works from a “second health bar for x seconds or until depleted” to “cannot be damaged and cool downs get reset”. I am aware that distortion on continuum is not as beneficial as separate as you don't need to distort AND shift together, i do feel the change is... strange, however as an outsider I see the change as a way to make continuum used as a damage effect instead of a cooldown effect, while focusing more on cooldowns (not sure how to word it), like now you have to time when to shift timelines to get the biggest benefit from both invulnerability and cooldown reduction. Chronomancer was (and most likely still is) extremely strong in PvE, such as raids, I cannot speak for pvp or wvw however. If i am missing any information please tell me.
  5. You forget that there are other DPS classes with higher damage and sustain. So the changes are going in the wrong direction. In most areas you already take Scourge instead of Reaper. Should Anet really take away the last of Reaper's identity without any compensation? I don't want to be forced to play Scourge everywhere. No I'm not ... that doesn't matter; if you look at the history of changes in this game, it's NEVER mattered. The changes are inline with the theme of the class. Furthermore, Soul Eater healing in shroud was not reaper's 'identity' and if you are taking Scourge over Reaper in most areas, you need to play Reaper better. Finally, no one is going to force you to play Scourge, even meta-loving people. Anything else? Just popped in to ask - wouldn’t the only way to heal in shroud aside from some useless DM grandmaster be the Reaper’s Unique thing? Slow and Unkillable, but limited to melee range for best damage/survivability. Sure ... but MANY things could be Reaper's 'unique' thing and healing in shroud isn't necessarily the only way to accomplish slow and unkillable either. I mean, there isn't much value in talking about some idea that could be that clearly Anet thinks shouldn't be. True, but that’s two things reaper had unique about them they removed, Chill damage (still my favourite trait) and heal in shroud, i believe one reaper grandmaster heals when you Apply a boon if you are in shroud, and seeing as there are only two “boons” in shroud which are short duration stability and might on auto attack if you take spite. This sort of shows that there is an “idea” to heal in shroud, but the severe lack of boon application outside of spite while in shroud makes it very bad to take unless you just want to build shroud quickly, so reaper has only one “good” grandmaster in my opinion, as it is no longer Condi focused so bleed on chill and a Slow chill at that, a minor heal in specific circumstances, or a flat shroud DPS boost. Personally i feel until they revamp/rework the two grandmasters to fit the reaper’s physical/hinderance theme instead of a no longer relevant condition theme (although you can be a bleed and burn reaper / fire and ice, it is not as condition “heavy” as scourge, and even then scourge only gets one more common condition of torment)
  6. 400 a second. A heal is usually 20-30s cd. 30 x 400 = 12,000 i think? So the possibility is ok, however 400 is a lot more than 10% per hit (or 5% i think the trait is) as normal hits average 2-3k i think. And take longer than 1 second to hit, if we take the 3k dmg, = 150 healing a second per foe. If this assuming you hit 2 foes per strike (approx 150-200 a second factoring in attack speed idk the exact maths by heart) is what anet believes it “too much survivability” I sadly think double that is to them also too much, HOWEVER if we factored in gravediggers 30k or so thats 1500 maybe which is nice but again 2 or so seconds, blah blah , overall nice “idea” however current is actually weaker on average so if you buff it (and by proxy make it healing power effected) that would make anet even more likely to say necros live too long. (You’d tjink on the Vitality 2x health bar caster they would WANT you to survive, since you do lower damage than other casters)
  7. You forget that there are other DPS classes with higher damage and sustain. So the changes are going in the wrong direction. In most areas you already take Scourge instead of Reaper. Should Anet really take away the last of Reaper's identity without any compensation? I don't want to be forced to play Scourge everywhere. No I'm not ... that doesn't matter; if you look at the history of changes in this game, it's NEVER mattered. The changes are inline with the theme of the class. Furthermore, Soul Eater healing in shroud was not reaper's 'identity' and if you are taking Scourge over Reaper in most areas, you need to play Reaper better. Finally, no one is going to force you to play Scourge, even meta-loving people. Anything else?Just popped in to ask - wouldn’t the only way to heal in shroud aside from some useless DM grandmaster be the Reaper’s Unique thing? Slow and Unkillable, but limited to melee range for best damage/survivability.
  8. As a Non-engineer player, I can say I enjoy the Barrier on hit + Increased barrier trait synergy, However that is the only synergy I like so far.
  9. that would just promote necro's not using their shroud skills which wouldn't be ideal I don't think so. It would make necro out of shroud a bit tankier, and would allow to use shroud for offens. Also it would be a trait. You don't have to take such a trait no, the trait punishes you for using shroud because you require full shroud to gain it's benefits which means you loose it's benefits the second you use shroud and it takes longer to get it back the longer use shroud You'd still have to go in shroud as it's the best dmg ability necro has! It doesn't punish you, you choose going from being defensive to being offensive.You can't kill good players without shroud, if you can kill them at all.Also it would make necro a bit more complex and fun to play. >It gets more interesting for decision-making Yes it wouldn't be a super duper op trait. But in my opinion, it would be a good trait, that could also make necros to be tanks in pve- endgame no, it wouldn't, either because the defensive bonus is so bad nobody would take it because you'd lose it when you use shroud which is often so what's the point or it would be so good that ppl won't use their shroud skills so they won't loose the benefits of this trait. There's no middle-ground where ppl would take this trait and use their shroudNo-one would use a trait that consumes 50% of a pool that takes ages to fill up for 0 effect
  10. If a skill is completely worthless to even press every 6 seconds, why bother pressing it.
  11. There is 2 reasons:The first reason is that at that moment the necromancer had longer chill and it gave to much condi burst to some condi build. This led to a lot of "nerf necro condi cancer" threads in the PvP subforum.The second reason is the way chill work as a condition. Chill is a condition that stack in duration to a maximum of 5 stacks. This mean that technically only 1 chill affect the target at a time and the owner of this "chill" can be reset at any moment creating mechanism "conflict" instead of "synergy" in group fights. In short the trait fonctionnality was effectively a burden to the efficiency of the build as soon as you were playing with other players using the same trait. To prevent these 2 point ANet butchered necromancer's chill duration and replaced the chill damage by a proc of bleed. Replacing the chill damage by a bleed proc wasn't a bad thing at all, especially since this game is a mmorpg where you are supposed to take on challenges with other players not be a solo hero. then why not make it so necromancers applied a unique debuff that did damage when they applied chill and lasted as long as chill applies does, stacking, so if you applied a 5s chill and someone else applied a 5s chill, the chill would be 10s but you would only have 5s of that debuff, but if you did 3 instances of 5s of chill both would be 15s, as multiple necromancers can use signet of vampirism on the same target etc. Because proc'ing bleed was easier to introduce as a hotfix than a "new condition" that would have to work alongside mechanism such as cleanse, condition conversion and resistance. Perhaps, However It could have been the one time where something counters resistance, like boon conversion is already really sparse, so Ignoring resistance for one specific grandmaster might have been good. From what I remember, the balance came back when anet didn't really split between modes. Deathly Chill was very powerful in pvp but utterly useless in pve or situations that involved more than 1 reaper with the trait, since it didn't stack with itself. Their fix was intended to buff the trait in pve (where it was weak) and nerf it in pvp (where it was strong). As someone that only pve'd back then, I saw it as a buff. But I guess you were on the other side of that field. Surprisingly, No, I am a PvE exclusive player (hate pvp and wvw and avoid it unless one of my friends desperately wants me to), I LOVES It in PvE as I could have a carrion necro who was tanky and did good damage, obviously not absurd damage, but I absolutwly LOVED chill doing damage, as I felt like an actual reaper, then they removed it, and with it all my hope that GW2 would ever fix necromancer. Getting it constantly overridden was an absolute pain though. I guess they could have made it stack with itself instead, but that would have made it worse in pvp (where it was apparently broken as hell).As a counter argument, chill counts as a movement hindering condition, there are a load of traits that remove these and as reapers could not apply chill non stop for 1 minute (i believe you can get high duration but not from one tick every half second) you could remove it. Though I may be misremembering.
  12. I obviously do, no necros in dungeons was sad for me, but i always had a necromancer as i always hoped itd be like gw1 necro or rit... but nope Edit: being better than when it came out is a good start, but lacking high damage, Survivability and Mobility is just sad. You can argue death shroud is 2x health, but any cc means you get nuked as the only stun breaks are either very specific builds or just not worth it to use, like why use well of power as a stun break now that soectral walk removes condis and gives life force? Why use Plague signet when dagger 4 does the same thing but for less condis.
  13. I made a necromancer vampire spec a while ago, You could check that and see if it’s similar to your idea as I am really hoping something like that happens. (Might have called it Vampire hunter at the time)
  14. Not enough range for a caster with barely any cc survival, so though i would love a sword ritualist, i have to stick to my vampire longbow (or vampire hunter dual pistols with crossbow skins)
  15. A lot of nerfs over the years have kept necromancer one of the worst professions dps and survival wise which shouldnt be the case, but it is.
  16. Poll accidentally duplicated.
  17. There is 2 reasons:The first reason is that at that moment the necromancer had longer chill and it gave to much condi burst to some condi build. This led to a lot of "nerf necro condi cancer" threads in the PvP subforum.The second reason is the way chill work as a condition. Chill is a condition that stack in duration to a maximum of 5 stacks. This mean that technically only 1 chill affect the target at a time and the owner of this "chill" can be reset at any moment creating mechanism "conflict" instead of "synergy" in group fights. In short the trait fonctionnality was effectively a burden to the efficiency of the build as soon as you were playing with other players using the same trait. To prevent these 2 point ANet butchered necromancer's chill duration and replaced the chill damage by a proc of bleed. Replacing the chill damage by a bleed proc wasn't a bad thing at all, especially since this game is a mmorpg where you are supposed to take on challenges with other players not be a solo hero. then why not make it so necromancers applied a unique debuff that did damage when they applied chill and lasted as long as chill applies does, stacking, so if you applied a 5s chill and someone else applied a 5s chill, the chill would be 10s but you would only have 5s of that debuff, but if you did 3 instances of 5s of chill both would be 15s, as multiple necromancers can use signet of vampirism on the same target etc. Because proc'ing bleed was easier to introduce as a hotfix than a "new condition" that would have to work alongside mechanism such as cleanse, condition conversion and resistance. Perhaps, However It could have been the one time where something counters resistance, like boon conversion is already really sparse, so Ignoring resistance for one specific grandmaster might have been good. From what I remember, the balance came back when anet didn't really split between modes. Deathly Chill was very powerful in pvp but utterly useless in pve or situations that involved more than 1 reaper with the trait, since it didn't stack with itself. Their fix was intended to buff the trait in pve (where it was weak) and nerf it in pvp (where it was strong). As someone that only pve'd back then, I saw it as a buff. But I guess you were on the other side of that field.Surprisingly, No, I am a PvE exclusive player (hate pvp and wvw and avoid it unless one of my friends desperately wants me to), I LOVES It in PvE as I could have a carrion necro who was tanky and did good damage, obviously not absurd damage, but I absolutwly LOVED chill doing damage, as I felt like an actual reaper, then they removed it, and with it all my hope that GW2 would ever fix necromancer.
  18. There is 2 reasons:The first reason is that at that moment the necromancer had longer chill and it gave to much condi burst to some condi build. This led to a lot of "nerf necro condi cancer" threads in the PvP subforum.The second reason is the way chill work as a condition. Chill is a condition that stack in duration to a maximum of 5 stacks. This mean that technically only 1 chill affect the target at a time and the owner of this "chill" can be reset at any moment creating mechanism "conflict" instead of "synergy" in group fights. In short the trait fonctionnality was effectively a burden to the efficiency of the build as soon as you were playing with other players using the same trait. To prevent these 2 point ANet butchered necromancer's chill duration and replaced the chill damage by a proc of bleed. Replacing the chill damage by a bleed proc wasn't a bad thing at all, especially since this game is a mmorpg where you are supposed to take on challenges with other players not be a solo hero. then why not make it so necromancers applied a unique debuff that did damage when they applied chill and lasted as long as chill applies does, stacking, so if you applied a 5s chill and someone else applied a 5s chill, the chill would be 10s but you would only have 5s of that debuff, but if you did 3 instances of 5s of chill both would be 15s, as multiple necromancers can use signet of vampirism on the same target etc. Because proc'ing bleed was easier to introduce as a hotfix than a "new condition" that would have to work alongside mechanism such as cleanse, condition conversion and resistance.Perhaps, However It could have been the one time where something counters resistance, like boon conversion is already really sparse, so Ignoring resistance for one specific grandmaster might have been good.
  19. There is 2 reasons:The first reason is that at that moment the necromancer had longer chill and it gave to much condi burst to some condi build. This led to a lot of "nerf necro condi cancer" threads in the PvP subforum.The second reason is the way chill work as a condition. Chill is a condition that stack in duration to a maximum of 5 stacks. This mean that technically only 1 chill affect the target at a time and the owner of this "chill" can be reset at any moment creating mechanism "conflict" instead of "synergy" in group fights. In short the trait fonctionnality was effectively a burden to the efficiency of the build as soon as you were playing with other players using the same trait. To prevent these 2 point ANet butchered necromancer's chill duration and replaced the chill damage by a proc of bleed. Replacing the chill damage by a bleed proc wasn't a bad thing at all, especially since this game is a mmorpg where you are supposed to take on challenges with other players not be a solo hero. then why not make it so necromancers applied a unique debuff that did damage when they applied chill and lasted as long as chill applies does, stacking, so if you applied a 5s chill and someone else applied a 5s chill, the chill would be 10s but you would only have 5s of that debuff, but if you did 3 instances of 5s of chill both would be 15s, as multiple necromancers can use signet of vampirism on the same target etc.
  20. They only killed healing per attack while in shroud, but you can still get it outside of shroud. Keep in mind that while in shroud, reapers can deal massive amounts of damage, making them pretty darn durable with no tradeoff to damage. I think it's a healthy change. I would like to reply by stating, ( yes this is a snowcrows thing), Out of Shroud reaper does more damage than In shroud reaper past 50% health, so shroud is only useful in raids before 50%, If we then look at pvp, Reaper shroud is a melee focused shroud with No fast way to approach enemies as the leap is very slow in comparison to core shroud, In the patch notes this time, Soul Eater is being nerfed slightly by fixing a bug, or "bug", However the fact necromancers cannot be healed in shroud outside of Two specific traits and they do not heal a lot, If you get ccd in shroud ( which is very easy to be) and it gets burst down, you lost your healing, and Unlike raid bosses Players can evade attacks so your DPS will be bad aswell since your best DPS is melee range with No chasing.Well after the nerf i don't think anyone would want to bother with reaper in raid, the healer has to heal everyone and probably wouldn't want to wait the reaper to get out of shroud to heal everyone, so why bother with extra effort when you can get a berserker that does the same and can be healed with everyone else. I don't get why the "second life bar" is taken like is so great and even better than block. Exactly, If they don't let you get healed while in shroud, at least let you heal yourself in shroud.
  21. I mean people liked chill damage but look how busted that was. If this trait was introduced with the function its going to have from Tuesday onward originally people would have heralded it as the best thing and its still an incredibly powerful trait. But again I'm not sure what people expected. Especially with Anet trying to, and slowly but surely, decreasing the gaps between elite specs and the base classes. Considering how few other changes we got its safe to assume Anet still hold their view that necros are well represented and fairly balanced. Chill damage was my favourite trait, I still don't get why they removed it when Necromancers have had some of the WORST Damage per Second of all professions.
  22. That and the "secondary health bar" degrades own it's own and with damage. The people that think it is decent sustain are peeps that dont play necro and arenet lol This. Pfft. Decent sustain. I want to see where they think we have decent sustain in PVP. I'm waiting. Well they obviously somehow think death shroud give decent sustain in pvp lmaoAh yes, the Niche of sustain in MELEE RANGE, with all of these RANGED ENEMIES who can teleport.
  23. To be honest i would agree that this would have been an arguably better way to handle that changeKeep the healing while in shroud and remove it while out of it. and at that point you could possibly remove the range limiter all together10% damage at all times5% damage to healing while in shroud only which is going to be within 300 range or less anyways. The problem with that is that it's then almost the same trait as blighters boon. I personally do not think [+Damage and + heal when you do damage in shroud] is the same as [Heal/Gain life Force when you apply a boon]
  24. They only killed healing per attack while in shroud, but you can still get it outside of shroud. Keep in mind that while in shroud, reapers can deal massive amounts of damage, making them pretty darn durable with no tradeoff to damage. I think it's a healthy change. I would like to reply by stating, ( yes this is a snowcrows thing), Out of Shroud reaper does more damage than In shroud reaper past 50% health, so shroud is only useful in raids before 50%, If we then look at pvp, Reaper shroud is a melee focused shroud with No fast way to approach enemies as the leap is very slow in comparison to core shroud, In the patch notes this time, Soul Eater is being nerfed slightly by fixing a bug, or "bug", However the fact necromancers cannot be healed in shroud outside of Two specific traits and they do not heal a lot, If you get ccd in shroud ( which is very easy to be) and it gets burst down, you lost your healing, and Unlike raid bosses Players can evade attacks so your DPS will be bad aswell since your best DPS is melee range with No chasing.
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