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Everything posted by mauried.5608

  1. Ive been playing this game since it started and Ive asked repeatedly on this forum can someone actually define in an objective way what challenging content is .Ive never got an answer.GW2 is a game , its not a school classroom where you MUST learn things.Games are designed to provide entertainment for EVERYONE, not just for players who are obsessed with challenging content.Easy content is still fun.
  2. I gave away all the living stories years ago, simply because they arnt fun.Just a mindless keyboard mashing exercise that goes on and on and eventually Ill probably win , but its just a fight of attrition where you slowly wear down some super monster after multiple retries from checkpoints and consuming multiple repair canisters.There seems to be a mindset in this game that all the activities MUST be challenging, whatever that means , but challenging to me means its not fun.
  3. How is the elevation being measured as there is no requirement for all the maps to have the water level at the same level.The only elevation standard would be sea level which only allows elevation comparisons to be made if those maps have a coastline.For inland maps there is no way to measure elevation as there is no datum for ground level.
  4. Look at this from a logic perspective.Mounts are much bigger than players, so they are visible to monsters from much further away.Its only reasonable that the aggro range is going to be much further.A compromise solution would be to reduce the aggro range if players are on foot .
  5. Adding mounts to the game makes the world smaller as players can now travel everywhere much more quickly.Something has to be done to counteract this , otherwise players will simply run thru all the content much more quickly and then complain thats theres nothing left to do, and that more new content must be added.Whether increasing aggro range is an ideal method for doing this I dont know , but I cant think of many other options.
  6. Not a valid comparison.The Mesmer doing the porting has to get to the end themselves, before they can port anyone.Not the same as just flying there on your mount.
  7. Only 2800 hours and 3 ascended loot boxes and 2 precursors all from the AB meta, nothing from anywhere else.
  8. And the above is the issue.The question should be changed to Do you enjoy Map completion for the reward you get?ie would you do map completion if you didnt get a GOE?
  9. Where are people getting the information from regarding the numbers of inactive accounts and the number of inactive names.?Only ANet would know this, so please provide links which provide this information, otherwise its just wild guesswork.
  10. Theres no reason in the game for names to be pronouncible, because no one in the game actually talks, except the NPCs, and they dont refer to you by your characters name.So names like xxyyzzqa are just as good as John Smith.People seem obsessed with having real world names in a fantasy world.
  11. 19 chars is plenty.How many possible names do you think can be made from 19 characters where any character can be any letter from a - z with spaces included?
  12. WOW is a sub based game .Its not unreasonable that if people arnt paying to play the game then they can lose some of their characters attributes like the name.GW2 is NOT sub based game and Anet have NEVER indicated that lack of play will lose you your characters names.
  13. The policy would seem to imply that gaining an advantage by not using a 3rd party program would be OK , ie using hardware to obtain the advantage.
  14. If you think about it there is a lot of 3rd party software that will enhance the games playability but is completely allowed.eg I buy myself a much higher end video card for my computer, load some 3rd party software, in this the driver for my new card and I get double the FPS in the game.I now have much better playability AND I now have a greater advantage that a person playing the game on an old clapped out laptop.
  15. No MMos do this and the reason is the same .They hope that players who have left the game will eventually come back, and think of the outrage when you do and your name is gone.Also, such a policy would have to be declared when the game was released so people would be assured that they wont be penalised for taking a break.
  16. What does it matter?Are you going to stop playing the game NOW, because it might die at some future undefined date ?
  17. The brightness of your monitor is determined by the brightness control of the monitor.The computer or game cant make the monitor brighter than what the brightnesss control allows, so simply turn it down if its too bright.This will also help with the flashing.
  18. Ive often wondered about common phrase of a player gaining an advantage over someone else, and that should be banned somehow.A player with a super upmarket computer with a hi speed internet link with no latency, has a super advantage over a player with an old laptop connected via a low speedADSL link on the other side of the world, but this isnt considered as something thats bannable.
  19. These types of bugs can be extremely hard to fix , unless Anet can reliably reproduce the bug themselves, and given the number of variables that exist when players from all over the world log in to Anets servers, which don't exist in house its a extremely tuff problem to solve.Checkpoints in instances is also very hard to implement, as the instance doesn't actually exist in the world and vanishes as soon as theres no one in it, which is what happens when a DC occurs.
  20. Has anyone considered that Anet may be unable to fix this problem or indeed many of the major bugs that have existed in the game for long periods of time, simply because the programmers who originally created the content are no longer with Anet, and now, no one knows how to fix the problems?
  21. I left WOW for that very reason.I was a healer and the DPS meters not only measured player damage, they also measured how much healing the healer did.I frequently got booted for not healing enough, even though no one died and we got thru the content, but not fast enuf apparently, as the suicide tanks used to simply rush into battle with the bosses, assuming they were invincible because of the healer in the group would keep them alive no matter what.The problem with WOW, and this game is that all battles have to be done as fast as possible, even though most have no time limit and the rewards are the same no matter how long it takes.
  22. VPNs only help if your ISP doesnt use an optimum route to the US, and some dont as they can buy cable capacity cheaper if they go via Singapore which adds more hops to the route.Latency is a function of the total distance and the number of routers between you and the target destination.But nevertheless, you wont get much improvement.
  23. Im in Australia, and my ping times are around 250 - 350 most of the time , you wont get much better.
  24. VPN wont help much from NZ as its the distance thats the killer.You might get a 10% improvement but not much else.The only exception would be if your ISP is using a non optimum route for their US connections , but from your posted ping times thats not the case.
  25. Got 3 from the big chests under tarir after the AB meta, took a long time though, and at least 200 AB runs .
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