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Everything posted by Shaaba.5672

  1. Normally, I'd agree with this sentiment for the most part. However, I feel that festivals are different. If they want to make challenging content with better loot, then make a Freezie type raid. Open world festival events should be fun and people not getting credit is not fun. I've played on my second account that doesn't have mounts and it's stressful trying to reach a hologram before the mob descends and destroys it.Regular events - sure, make the threshold for credit higher, Festivals? No. It's a fun, low effort activity. If you want harder content, look for it in pre-made groups. For instance, I think the arena event would have been a perfect place for making the waves more challenging and scaling up the loot or rewarding a recolored hologram wing or helm.
  2. Also want to mention that killing the veteran at the end is what actually completed the step for me, not teaching at the lectern or simply killing the other mobs throughout the event - misleading clue (and with the large groups right now, it melts fast)
  3. This event still seems to be bugged. It just wont progress. I've been there with just myself and at times with over 10 people. I've counted the larvae and we've wen't long periods without losing one. I noticed that there was a thread on this in the past, but wanted to say it's still not working properly.
  4. I think WPs video was well reasoned and rational. The parts that really hit home are that this is just another step in the predatory/sleezy however you want to term it gem store practices. Is it the worst? No. That doesn't make it good or laudable. It's disappointing and tiring to be on this slope though and I can't see it getting any better. The anger and outrage over the mount skins is not just about the mounts, but is an outlet for other failings the game has regarding the gem store and meaningful loot (or lack of) in game. I said it in a reddit thread, but I just hate how GW always seems to be on a cycle of Good Will - Bad Move - Baby Steps to build back the good will and reputation - Good Will - rise and repeat. I was vocal about the exclusive skins in BLC boxes and now I'm being vocal about this. It feels like yelling at a brick wall, however. One thing WP did say is that boycotting the gem store is not the entire answer. Also buying things that belong on the store that you agree with is also voting with your wallet. it's not always going to be the same line for everyone, but not buying keys and adoption licenses and dye boxes is half of it. Buying individual skins or convenience items, or anything that isn't RNG is the other half.
  5. I've come to realize that the game's aesthetic is not designed for me. I thought it was when it first launched. I absolutely love map design, loading screens, character design, etc. I love the art design of the game. Personal armor/accessories ... not so much. I still love the game, but really, really do not love sparkle bots riding sparkle ponies in my face 24/7. I've come to accept it, but I do not like it. I am that person who wants the plain raptor reskin. I really want the crystal nomad outfit, but without the crystals. They've targeted one demographic to design for, and I drew the short end of the stick. My suggestion - design for a broader base of players.
  6. That's entirely the point though? I don't want all 30 skins, I just want 5. One for each mount that would give me more dye channels. I want the plain versions of each of them - the celestial griffon would be wasted on me as I don't like it a bit. Same with the husky jackal. I just want dye channels. Why would I need those skins if I'm never gong to use them? Because that's the only way to get them as of right now, that's why. And that's entirely the problem.
  7. Then you're not really paying attention. The specific problem most people have with the BLC is exactly the RNG factor of skins that are otherwise unobtainable. Same as the mount adoption scheme.
  8. Saw this story in PCGames. Hope it gets picked up by more sites.
  9. I'll aslo add another PR disaster to that list - changing the TP interface, specifically the gold to gem exchange rate. At that point the lowest amount of gems you could exchange for was 400. People were furious and vocal about this change. I believe the only thing that made them reverse their decision on that particular change was the PR from gaming magazines reporting on it. I'd like to think it was concern for the customers and listening to their feedback, but sadly it was pretty immediately reversed when it began to be reported on. So the Jim Sterling video was great. What I think we need to do is contact other gaming journalism sites to spread the word about how unhappy we are.
  10. This is ... just no please. I would love to buy some of the normal mount reskins (no cosmic or fire theme) and would pay for them but putting them behind a roulette wheel to maybe get what I want is bad. I would be upset if I got the cosmic griffon, unlike others who are hoping for that exact mount. I also don't like the idea of really just wanting a raptor I can recolor and getting 3 springers in a row. Seriously hate this.
  11. I see ow the OP is talking about a playable race. I just thought it was meant as a focus of the story, not playable. I voted for dwarves because I like them, and I could see them or their lore playing a role in a Norn-focused story, which I would like to see in the future.
  12. Maps are beautiful and the stories contained in dialog and events is great. They feel empty though and events don't seem to be getting done unless it's for a specific collection, etc. Mounts are great fun and well thought out and integrated. I do worry about their implementation for the long run. I've been in a few situations where people are mounting up to get from spawn point to spawn point in a fairly contained space within an event. It seems to speed the game up and make it more hectic. There is this weird dichotomy of leisurely map exploration and hectic event tagging - if you can even find people to do random events. Better initial impression for me than HoT. Less reliance on metas is good, less frustrating travel mechanics being gated off when thrown into the map for the first time is good. I would like a better balance of meta and non-meta maps or areas of the maps. Each seems too heavily weighted on opposite ends.
  13. That's exactly what I did. My limit was 2G at first and then I keep adding to it when I think of it. A mini here, a dye there. The only unlocks I am not looking forward to are the mini humans (beasts are ok), mail carriers and finishers. Don't want any of that, but at least it would be one more thing ticked off the list. Not that wardrobe unlocks drop much, but when they do it's exciting.
  14. Grim Bess My first character and I still love her. While watching the PoF trailers, I noticed the deadeye had the same outfit! (I think I wear it better, of course.) It might be a sign that this spec was meant for her. I've always imagined her as a brute force thief rather than the stealthy ninja type.
  15. I've looked at the crystal nomad outfit so many times and then talked myself out of it because I know the shoulder crystals would drive me crazy. So, yes. I would like the option to toggle that off as well.
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