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Posts posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. On 3/22/2022 at 7:25 AM, Mithrilos.8036 said:

    yes Caladbolg is linked to us now and we even got the title.

    I could totally imagine a new quest to finish healing the pale tree with the help of Caladbolg ( her essence etc etc )

    which would lead to new forms of caladbolg so we could get all weapon forms available.


    why not give us armor pieces at the end of it all idk.... but there is really something that could be done, especially after EoD.


    Also I agree about the flashy part about Legendarie. the acctual looking of the sword please me enough already, but I'd love having a full armor set for my Sylvari to look "official" instead of wearing random human piece U_U.


    So in the end I don't know if changing Caladbolg into the Legendary tier in the future is the good thing to do. Ascended is still as strong as Legendary in the end. But this weapon is very unique for the multiple reason I said earlier. Do no forget her Anet 😛

    I still believe this part of the story isn't done and should be completed. hell we could even get vision of ourselves like we had in the final part of the revitalising Caladbolg, so the weapon could "talk" to us or something idk. Its a living weapon.

    Caladbolg is canonically a Legendary weapon given to us. Its pretty epic.

    I really like the sylvari racial armor. My problem is sharing my few sets of armor between all of my characters. If you use racial armor skins, only that race can wear it. So, now, I have 2 or 3 of the same classes for when I feel like playing sylvari for a while, and human/norn for when I don't (I don't like a lot of the heavy, "standard" boots on sylvari).

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  2. On 3/18/2022 at 11:39 PM, Kalocin.5982 said:

    It's a simple thing, the more this game expands the harder it will be for anyone to start without spending a ton. I already can't get my friends to play because they don't want spend over $100 to get the full story. While it may not matter to you, for many people they want to do it all properly and not buy it later or grind gold for it. End of Dragons came out right next to Elden Ring, compare the costs and tell me how to convince my buddies to buy EoD instead. 


    The point of this thread though is that eventually this will get worse to the point of unsustainable. Nobody would pay full price for any other MMO expansions and patches alongside the current one when every other MMO is offering a full pass with a single purchase. I understand GW2 has no monthly fee, however, from my experience most people I know stopped playing MMOs monthly and it's a better experience. Take FFXIV, use the free trial to 60 and then buy the expansion and the game with the free month. You'll probably do it all in a month, it's a lot like a single player game purchase. Now multiply that by 3 and see how many would bother.


    Take yourself outside being a GW2 player for once, look at the Steam launch they want to do. If I was on Steam and saw how much I had to pay next to a heavily discounted game or the current top played game, why bother here? It's insulting to assume that the average person needs to research and love this game to understand the value. They just want to play the game and know their time and money is worth it. Speaking of which I think I need to buy Eldin Ring and suffer like the rest of my friends instead of grinding for 250 kale

    They regularly give the episodes out for free. Let your friends know when that happens.

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  3. 2 hours ago, SteveMND.1754 said:

    I'm curious as to how you can "predict" what is essentially -- as best I can tell -- a RNG on when the marker changes directions? If there was a way to determine when it was about to change direction or speed (such as a color change, a subtle wiggle, or some other indicator) then yeah, that would be one thing.  But right now, the only 'trick' to that so far I've been able to determine is to keep the moving marker towards the forwards end of your bracket so you have a little more time to react to a direction change when it occurs.  Which of course doesn't help all that much if your fish gets one of those bursts of speed that is simply faster than the set speed your bracket can move.  If you have any other tips and tricks, I'd love to hear them.

    Like I said, if it hasn't changed direction for half of the bar, and it's been acting crazy, maybe be prepared for a reverse. Some of the fish seem much, much easier, some are slower, and some aren't. There is also the trick I said about not going all the way to the end of the bar, and letting it come back into range. I'm not saying you need to you need to be nostradamus, but being able to use judgements to outsmart the program should happen after you've fished up a few.

    • Confused 3
  4. 3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    To be clear, I wasn't complaining that this got fixed for vindicator.  I didn't post this thread in this forum.  The mods decided to move it here apparently without reading the content of it, which is a complaint about something else they haven't bothered to fix for years.  That's why I said they should report themselves for trolling! 😉 

    No, I didn't think anything seemed negative. Just stating I'm happy for the fix, but I feel for those still dealing.

  5. As a vindi player, this actually makes me happy. I'm very sorry to any other class affected by this, though. I know how annoying I've found it for the short time I've dealt with it. I guess it did get me to try out my will bender, though.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Arklite.4013 said:

    Where are you getting your fury uptime from?

    For that build, I'm running alliance, and stay in that most of the time. Red has perma fury with burst (4 second duration with a 3 second CD), like Lucian said. I've gotten very used to checking on it, so I make sure to have it up before every jump for sure, but obviously strive for 100% (which usually doesn't happen, because why care at the end of a fight, lol). 


    My biggest issue with the build is it seems like the trait that gives might when applying fury isn't working. I've watched it in and out of combat, and it doesn't seem to give me might, at least not with the alliance ability. So nice they can fix the bugs that help us, but totally ignore the ones that hurt the class, like abilities swapping position, or the alliance defaulting to blue 90% of the time. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 3/10/2022 at 1:59 PM, Telgum.6071 said:

    I don't like having just one dodge but for now I'm sticking to it.

    But I have the feeling of greatsword skills not hitting when they should.

    Just for fun, I'm playing around with GS/GS with energy runes, and the vigor trait. You can keep up fury with 100% crit, and dodge quite a bit, with very little downtime on the dodges. It's not optimal, but the dodge crit hits pretty hard, and you're flying around like Cecil in FF2, so I have fun.

  8. 10 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

    I'm enjoying it for open world.  Only complaint is I haven't mastered healing myself with it well, going from a celestial ren build to vindicator makes me feel much more vulnerable to damage 😳

    You wanna use the red heal while there are a few people around, or as a last resort, and blue while you're playing defense, which will also open up condi cleanse/regeneration spam in the downtime if needed. Also, until you get it down to your liking, you can go 3 in the final trait for a heal and barrier on the jump. Don't use your blue elite solo either. 


    The CDs are short for everything, really. My only real advice is keep up fury in combat, and regen on D.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    I think "play your way" was a bad choice of words. Doesn't that elude to the fact that you can get to max level with multiple ways, more that one not even needing weapons? I never assumed they started off with the idea that every class would excel at every role, which seemed to be the purpose of especs.

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  10. On 3/11/2022 at 9:21 AM, Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:

    Thanks for creating it Anet!


    I especially love the dodge mechanics.

    I'm loving it. I'm able to get 100% crit rate with fury, which is always available when needed. Running GS/GS with double energy runes is tons of fun.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    Cool for you?

    The person you were responding to said they bought a lot.

    The amount of gems bought had nothing to do with what I originally asked, which was are they done (deleting account), or are they just taking a break. The fact someone responded about gems to my post got an equally off topic response. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, Arklite.4013 said:

    This may already be common knowledge, but for those who aren't aware, superior sigil of stamina completely refills your stamina when you kill a foe. So, as Vindicator in the open world, you basically get to play leap frog with the enemies. It's actually good on top of being fun, but I wanted to make sure everyone was able to experience this.

    I've been playing GS/GS with energy runes, and I'm loving it. Buff yourself with fury, jump, hit F2 when you land, buff with fury if needed, or use another ability, jump, switch weapon, ability, jump, switch weapon, buff or damage, jump, F2 etc. Its not the best DPS for benchmarks, but it hits hard, and I'm not in combat half of the time, while I'm attacking. 

    • Confused 1
  13. On 3/9/2022 at 11:04 PM, Cameryn.5310 said:

    I've been playing since before HoT came out and I've loved this game, I have one of every class at max level, I got all of them through PoF and enjoyed the bounty trains and open world stuff, love world bosses. I tuned into every live stream from Guild Chat, I was there watching Rubi host the devs and designers.  I was watching when Connor killed the cat (noooo!!!!)  I'm your target demographic, someone who plays a lot and buys a LOT of stuff from your shop.

    But I have now reached my limit... the DE meta has completely broken my spirit.

    I just spent almost two hours on an organized map, with three different squads doing all three lanes, got everything tied up and reached the platform... did everything we could including lots of CC... and failed.  Again. 

    Another DE meta failure.  Another waste of my time.  Another event with nothing to show for it.  Another failed chance at getting the start of my turtle mount.  Fail.  Over and over again.

    I'm sure there will be people here who tell me to "get gud".  I'm sure there will be toxic players coming here to say it's not hard and they've beaten it 8,437 times.  But that's not my experience.  That's not my guildies' experience.  That's not the experience of the people on the map who were literally just saying that the past two patches have FAILED to address it.

    ArenaNet, the Dragon's End meta is not working.  All you have to do is play the game in that zone to find out why.  Maps have become battlegrounds between groups trying to organize meta chains and failing to get all their people in because the maps are full, and large swathes of players who don't want to do the meta and refuse to leave the maps because they have every right to play there, which of course they have every right to do... but that makes it even worse.  So people are now being blamed for not being elite players, meta groups are kicking people because they don't bring "alac or quick," and toxicity is VASTLY on the rise because of this conflict... and it seems nobody at ArenaNet is listening.  There's always toxicity in games, but I've never seen it this bad in GW2.  You created what should have been a fun event but is completely undermined by the fact that most of your players aren't raiders, then you put it into the open world and didn't plan ahead for the map issues and toxic behavior, and it's become such a waste of energy that all the people with their turtles will probably give it up in a few weeks.

    Please... Rubi, somebody, tell your developers you're crushing the spirits of your players, the longer this goes on.  Stop listening solely to the people who are coming here saying it's easy and they've beaten it with five minutes to spare or whatever it is they tell themselves at night to keep warm.  Much of the rest of your player base is fed up, and it's only been two weeks since launch.  I'm so crushed by this that I don't even want to play anymore.

    P.S. I just saw Josh's official posts tonight.  They kind of prove to me that ArenaNet seems to be well aware of the issues and doesn't care, because this isn't just about the siege turtle egg, and it isn't about being a "challenge".  Tequatl isn't 90-120 minutes of time investment; the Octovine isn't failed by a few people not CCing or having the right alacrity or quickness buffs or not grabbing the CC from the United Legions table; and other open world content never demands that we all have 10% completion and maxxed out buffs.  Please stop learning the wrong lessons from our feedback.

    Does that mean you're deleting your account and never coming back, or that you're just doing the normal thing, and taking a break, because you own the game, and it has not subscription? 

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  14. On 2/28/2022 at 5:05 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

    I’m struggling to understand where the complexity is. The green bar moves slower than your red catchment bar so you barely have to do anything. Just keep it over it long enough until the fish is caught


    my only minor gripe is so far I can’t keybind fishing but maybe I’m missing that in the menu?

    It's the nuance of trying to predict the direction change, not following it all the way to either end, and understanding that sometimes the bar moves faster, and sometimes it moves slower, all on the same fish. People just need to learn the tricks, and failure rates will go down. I feel like people are just trying to follow the thing blindly, without trying to predict the next move, and not taking action to head it off.


    If you (general) have moved more than half of the distance to the other side without changing, maybe think about letting it move past you while you wait for it to shift back. Also, leveling up the mastery helps.

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  15. On 3/5/2022 at 3:31 AM, DarkStar.7834 said:

    Hey gang,


    Coming back to the game for EOD. I was hoping for some help on picking what class I'd like to play. I used to play Renegade and it was really good for solo. The self healing was great. I want a light armor class this time around that can solo the harder content in the game. Are any of the EOD specs game-changers for either of the light armor classes? I played Scourge for a little bit, and that seemed like a strong contender. The only good build I could manage was a scourge minion master and that didn't really feel too fun. Elementalist is pretty cool but feels rough in solo. Same with Mesmer. I was hoping to find something that can solo as well as Renegade out of the 3 light classes. Any help would be immensely appreciated. Thank you.

    For light armor, I absolutely love reaper, and coming around on mesmer (nothing specific, still my first).


    That said, so far, I'm having a great time on vindicator. It's fun running OW with GS/GS with double energy runes, flying around smashing stuff. The rotation is fun keeping up fury with a short CD ability, able to weave it in to guarantee 100% uptime on 100% crit chance.


    Honestly, a lot of these new builds look interesting, and I'm definitely going to try them out. I just mentioned vindi because I also came from renegade (melee torment), and I enjoy it.

  16. 5 hours ago, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

    EOD is completely unfriendly to alt characters. After years of encouraging people to have as many as they want, with many people having 20 or more alts, both fishing and Jade bots are completely alt-unfriendly.

    Fishing requires you pile items on every character to access it, and jade bots just out and out don't work on alts without a huge investment due to the cores being per-character.

    Even when core prices come down from the current heights caused by the earlier issues with research notes, equipping 20+ characters will add up to a huge time and money investment. No other mastery IN THE ENTIRE GAME has ever worked this way, with good reason. If you had to unlock the skyscale per character, players would have left the game. The jade cores need to be account wide, and the fishing supplies need to go in the materials storage for any alt to use.

    Side note, I sold my core for 30g on day 1, and bought it back for 5g on day 4. 

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  17. On 2/28/2022 at 2:19 PM, Slowpokeking.8720 said:

    We used to have such thing, but why is it gone? It's annoying when you repeat the story.

    That's why I loved the old story/conversation cuts. On my second, tenth, 100th time through, I just don't need to hear it again. Now I just use the time to do something else, like make dinner, or take a nap.

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  18. 2 hours ago, Angelissa.8409 said:

    I'm dropping my revenant for EoD. It's not related to the sustain nerfs (although they do hurt), or the new alacrity limit, or anything else. 

    I'm simply fed up with the number of bugs that the Revenant has had for years.

    • Skills and legends constantly disappearing after entering a new map/dismounting/entering water
    • Specializations/Build & Equipment Templates (which is a paid service after the freebies you get, by the way) resetting randomly


    To my knowledge, there has been zero acknowledgement from Anet over these issues and the forums are full of posts like these. I still hang on to my rev despite the bugs because I simply loved my Charr Revenant.

    However the breaking point for me was simply the new mount/dismount Alliance Tactics swap bug. This was reported as early as December 1st in one of the betas, but of course the expansion launched with this bug. For those that do not know, with the new elite spec's Legendary Alliance Stance you can swap between Luxon and Kurzick (red and blue; red being offensive and blue being defensive). When mount and dismount again, it swaps back to the the blue one, which means you have to swap the stances to start with the red, putting a 10 second cooldown on the stance swap from the get go.

    If Anet's treatment of existing skill bar issues (or lack thereof) is an indicator, this will simply be yet another bug on top of the already-existing bugs that has been plaguing Revenant for literal years. Such a shame. Here's to hoping that someone sees this, but I don't have high hopes.

    What a bad taste to have for the launch of an otherwise good expansion.

    Remove 7 y/o "bug." Abilities (and now the alliance legend) swapping when you dismount: class feature.

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