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Everything posted by Darbii.5134

  1. I respect that people want more of the actual toys, though admittedly, I'm exhausted of POPs. I'm more of a soft-material kind of person, so I love shirts, plushies, though I do love LEGO, and stuff of that nature. There’s only 3 pops, though I assume you mean in a general sense since there’s a bazillion of them lol. And I feel you, I got a GW2 shirt a few years back and I still love it and eventually when I’ll get more. But more than anything I’d want legos as I’m a huge LEGO fan already Oh yes, I meant in general. I have several because people have bought them for me. I don't really care for them. However, I'd collect the Harry Potter ones because I'm a rabid HP fiend, but instead I chose to collect the Lego version instead. I just bought a gift for my husband off the merchandise page, and bought myself one of the Aurene pins (I collect pins). I definitely want to pick up a shirt or 10, lol.
  2. I respect that people want more of the actual toys, though admittedly, I'm exhausted of POPs. I'm more of a soft-material kind of person, so I love shirts, plushies, though I do love LEGO, and stuff of that nature.
  3. I mean, given the state of things in the world, I'd not be surprised if they didn't give us much in the way of new things, but one can be hopeful? The Halloween event, regardless, is a blast. I've always loved doing the maze a million times over. Not sure I follow on what is 'disgusting' about the Wintersday events? Can you elaborate?
  4. As a child of the 90's, I recall back to when we had plushie backpacks. They were very popular when I was in the 5th grade or so, and they've made their return several times since. I think it would be absolutely awesome to rekindle that nostalgia with a plushie Aurene backpack! I'm sure many others would be interested in this as well. Additionally, I'd love to see some of the in-game hats as merchandise in real life too! Winter is coming!
  5. @Ototo.3214 I agree about making it easier to join games more easily as a group. My husband and I play together and I remember in the past getting separated into separate groups. Not so much fun in the end. I think we can join as a group in the Halloween maze, so I can't see why they couldn't do that for Wintersday?
  6. Hey all. Just was getting around to thinking about what a cruddy year it's been, with the pandemic raging on, people not being able to see their family and friends, and just overall the fact that it still feels like the date is March 172. In light of that, I thought I'd post about the Shadow of the Mad King & Wintersday 2020 events in Guild Wars 2. I can say that personally these two holidays are my utmost favorites, both in real life and in-game. I love the activities that they bring to the table as well as the exciting atmosphere. My hope for this year is that ANet goes all out for both holidays since a great many of us will be stuck at home. In light of everything that has been cruddy this year, it would be awesome to see the old events mixed with new events and activities. With that in mind, I figured I'd make a thread and see if any of you guys have any ideas for possible events or activities that you would want to see in the game. :smiley:
  7. I would love to see the old LA return, but I don't think it will. The version we have now is no where near as charming as the original. I'd love to see it destroyed and rebuilt one more time, but I don't think that'll happen either.
  8. Things I would LOVE to see in-game: Fishing, Archaeology & other alternative play options.Personal housing that allows for customization (you know, beyond your 'Home Zone'). I'd like to see the ability to place items that we can collect out in the world from mobs/quests.New hairstyles & faces.Hair Accessory Color Change, OUTSIDE of the Makeover kits (customizable just like Outfits/Armor.More in-game obtainable casual town clothes.These are probably my biggest ticket items. Outside of actual things that I want in the game, pertaining more to the client & stability: Built in DX12 support.Server stability.A fix for Error 42.
  9. This has been a non-stop problem as of late. The Trading Post is entirely unusable, but it's even happening while running around the maps too. I went AFK for a few minutes, AKA wasn't even at my desk, came back and there was the error just sitting there on my screen. I've seen so many people complaining about this and complaining that ANet says it's on the user's end, not their end, but I'm not so sure that's the case considering the vast number of people with this error occurring constantly. I think ANet should spend more time focusing on what is causing the error than telling people that it's on their end and offering little to no support regarding it. I have tried so many things at this point, opening TCP ports in my router, disabling firewalls, adding exceptions all over the place, trying proxies. Nothing seems to get this to stop. If it will help, I'm using Comcast. Getting 250-300 down at all times. This is the only game I have ever had errors like this occurring. Please ANet, so many of us are experiencing this. It can't just be a coincidence. I'm not on a public network. I'm at home. It's not like I'm in a dorm on campus or something...
  10. Dungeons were one of my favorite parts of the game. Fractals and whatnot are fun here and there, but dungeons were really great content that required extreme teamwork. I really miss being able to do these on a regular, and I think it's a shame that they've basically been abandoned. Please bring these back and create new ones. Otherwise, please allow the dungeons to scale for solo to small groups instead of mandating a standard 5 person party, because some of us would love to do them, but can't because parties no longer form for these.
  11. Text, hud icons, mini map icons, all of it is blur-tastic. I'd love to see a dev or someone chime in about this. It's very off-putting.
  12. Regarding hair accessories-- Can we please have the ability to change the hair accessory color just like we can with the outfits, equipment, etc? This has always been a contentious point for me because I'd love to be able to make my hair accessories match my outfits instead of always having to make them gray to match everything... I know others feel the same way. Changing hair color and such makes sense through those makeover kits, but the inability to change the accessory independently is disappointing.
  13. I've been getting these repeatedly, non-stop. If it only happened once in a while, I'd not say anything, but it's happening repeatedly while playing, especially when using the Trade Post.
  14. Yesterday, when everyone was in an uproar on the forums and /r/GuildWars2 I had pretty much no notion of what was going on, but when I got home and finally saw the new item on the cash shop, I realized what the deal was. I am, of course, perfectly fine with ANet posting skins on the store for sale; it was something that was bound to happen and I always said it'd be lucrative for them to do so, as it was one of my talking points in try to get mounts into the game in the first place. However, ANet you've missed the boat on this one. Just because we're okay with you adding the skins to the shop, doesn't mean that we don't want to pick out the ones that we're interested in. Many of those skins are not something I personally would ever use, and I'm sure many others feel the same. You've put in this wonderful variety of skins; let us pick and choose the ones that we want to spend our money on. Get rid of this RNG box. It's been proven time and again that people are willing to throw money at you, gobs and gobs of it, but not for a box that we have no idea what's inside. What if we wind up with two of the same skin? Then what? Please ANet, hear our pleas. Retract this, compensate those who chose to purchase these en-masse (such as, let them choose which they'd actually like, and turn in those they don't), and make it so we can purchase these a la carte. I guarantee a lot less flack for you, and a lot of players who are all the happier for it. Edit: Also, please let us earn skins in game too. Don't just throw it all up on the cash shop and be done with it. We want to strive for and earn the things that we get in these games. Even if they're not as fancy as the ones on the market, at least afford us the option to work towards something.
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