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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. A lot of cool, fun and good changes. None to ele, as usual, not even sure why the class is in  the game but whatever.

    A shame none  of this matters since they don't add meaningful content to do, or things to work towards. The last farm map we got was Drizzlewood and it's a 4 year old map at this point.

    That's two WoW expacs, or 16 PoE leagues.

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  2. On 2/3/2024 at 4:06 PM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    DPS Checks are a player invented thing. ANet has no DPS meters in game. Third party developers made a DPS meter and some players who installed them are being an kitten over them.

    Join a friendly group or raiding guild and you don't have to worry about getting offended over DPS meter readings.


    Yes, some read bosses have timers and deadly events when the entire group is putting out low DPS. But this is far less of an issue now there has been quite some power creep since the release of the raids and now many players know the raid mechanics very well.

    Stay away from CMs, join a friendly guild or group and you will be fine.

    theres literally bosses with dps checks

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  3. On 1/23/2024 at 2:00 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

    This is exactly what they should be doing more of. There was a request for raids too

    No they shouldn't. Raids / CM's are done by such a small minority and should remain that way.

    I knew they'd continue to pick the worst option for a battle pass(ruin the game option) and try to get players to do content they hate doing.

    Blizzard tried doing this for a decade and finally learned that you don't force players to do things they don't want to do, or they quit the game.

    Anet is in for a rude awakening.

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  4. On 1/23/2024 at 11:09 AM, Yaki.9563 said:

    My problem with SoTO is that everything revolves around legendary armor and otherwise is not worth doing. If I had legendary armor already I wouldn't be doing any of it other than boredom as it's less fun and less profitable than at least 10 other metas already in the game. I'm not expecting it to powercreep the g/h but it should at least be in the ballpark or provide some other repeatable reason to run the content. Maybe that is coming, who knows, but the lack of that makes it feel very LWish rather than expansionish.

    The expansion just has nothing.

    They made us wait through EoD and then rushed out a living story to release this expansion of nothing to do.

    Gyala Delve is better than this entire expac, and it was free with EoD.

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  5. 20 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    I would say at this point, if the game isn't appealing to people because too easy, they just need to find game more appropriate for their capabilities. Also, Anet already experimented with massive shifts in difficulty at HoT release. That didn't end well for anyone.

    "We'd rather you didn't play our game", yeah I get this sentiment from the devs all the time.

    HoT was the most profitable, popular and well liked time of GW2. Weird conclusion to come to with those presented facts.

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  6. 4 hours ago, WinterBeats.1092 said:

    They're not visually showcasing any of these systems to the MMO community though, are they? Yoshi P has his Live Letters. Zenimax just had their new ESO chapter presentation. What did Anet do to market Soto? Where is the Dev presence?   

    The biggest barrier to keep new players interested outside of leveling is that there is zero guidance or tutorials about the dozens of in-depth game systems. The new play guide literally, says "Use the Mystic Forge" without explaining how it works, what it does, what it EVEN IS.

    The director has been MIA since a month after EoD.

    They make PR  announcements and random devs talk in streamers chat. No other dev interaction.

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  7. On 1/11/2024 at 5:08 AM, zeyeti.8347 said:

    If you feel like you are in the current position were the game is being way to easy for you , you can make your own challenge , make a lvl79 raid character , play core without any healer , remove piece of stuff , run with only two traitline , try funky builds , do lowman endgame content...

    If you have to do this in a MMO, the developers have failed.

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  8. 5 hours ago, WinterBeats.1092 said:

    GW2 CAN grab the casual FFXIV player though, the ones that run world boss Hunt trains, make Relic weapons for each job including crafters, achievement hunters, Eureaka and Bozja enthusiast, Mount/Glamour/minion collectors, FFXIV players would love the Map meta grind. Anet doesn't market their game to FFXIV casuals, they need to. 

    Yes they do..they've been desperately trying to be FFXIV since EoD.

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  9. 12 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

    Might as well stop instanced pve development when going that route. Cause its next on the list with low player activity, if not even between those 2.

    They keep releasing instanced PvE content to string along people like MightyTeapot. Same reason WvW alliances are mentioned every year, but to string along  the WvW players.

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  10. 6 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    I run a small youtube channel where I play games and you would not believe the number of people that tell me to go play FF XIV. Problem is, I don't want to pay for it. That's one of the things I like about Guild Wars that other games don't do: You buy Guild Wars, you're done. You play Final Fantasy,  you pay every month whether you play it for 160 hours, 10 hours, or zero hours, and I'm just not here for that.

    Now hold on. You jerked your knee so hard I felt it from here. "You don't have to pay, there's a free tier that's almost as good as the paid tier". I know. I've been told that so many times a catholic monk once mistook it for a litany. The fact is that FF XIV is NOT the only game to do that. GW2 does that, now, but before GW2 I was playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, before it had a free tier. I actually did pay for that because come on, it's Star Wars, and I love Star Wars (or at least I did). However, I had to quit and when I came back I went free and OH BOY is free a whole new world. You can't chat, you can't have mounts, you can't trade, you can't bank, you can't even expand your inventory. Your walking/running speed is cut to 66%, your XP gains are cut by 50%, and all this really does is make the game more or less absolutely unplayable on a free account. Wanna guess how long I stayed back? Less time than it took me to uninstall it afterwards.

    The point is that I've done the free thing before, and guess what? There are people out there who will actually DEFEND SWTOR's free account system, saying it's a great way to get people into the game and get them started. No, it's not. It's bad. The game is bad. The company running the game is bad. And anyone that defends the game or the company is bad. So when people tell me to just go play FF XIV for free, it's fine, gun shy doesn't even BEGIN to describe how quickly I recoil from that. So that's my first aversion to FF XIV. Then you go on to tell me that they actually ALLOW BOTS in the game. GW2 has bots. GW2 has had bots for a long time. They infest this game like lice and crabs, like roaches and bedbugs. Having bots in your game is NOT something to boast about. Now it is true that Guild Wars 1 had bots of a kind. It had henchmen and later on heroes you could add to your party but anyone that was there will tell you that was a last ditch effort on your part as henchmen were a poor substitute for even the worst players. They were one step up from just having someone be afk back at the shrine. No, bots are not a bragging point.

    So you're saying GW2 isn't good enough to pay for?

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  11. On 1/15/2024 at 4:54 AM, Vayne.8563 said:

    Saying WvW is completely forgotten during a 3 week beta for a change that's likely to be fully implemented later this year is a bit of an overstatement. And yes, power creep is a real probably this game suffers. The thing is, parts of the game are still difficult for a percentage of the playerbase. This comes from not enough up ramps to how to play in the game, even now.

    They didn't fix a single bug in the beta. The same bugs that have been there since day1 of the "restructure beta" are still there. It's been, what, 3 years now with 0% progress?

    Do you even understand the things you adamantly defend 24/7?

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