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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. Gsword completely replaces Sword/Sword

    Mace is meh, axe is meh. Optimal for condi but not good.

    Staff is a 1 trick pony or healbot weapon, and you shouldn't really play healer rev because it gives up ALL damage to heal.

    Hammer was nerfed due to a dead abandoned game mode, which is really dumb.

    Shortbow is an amazing ranged power OR condi weapon, Greatsword is an amazing melee power weapon.

    It's time to update Rev core weapons. I'm sure other classes(especially ele!) have this same exact issue with their awful core weapon selection.

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  2. They take over quadruple the amount of time to spawn than it takes to kill them. They die in 5 seconds and pose zero challenge. You then have to channel again to close the rift, so the entire opening/closing interaction takes 5x as long as the actual fight with the enemy(that isn't even fun to begin with).

    There's a reason you have events scale in this game since day1. Why did you decide to make "tier 1" content that doesn't scale?

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  3. I'm sure the fast farming site will make up some number about how good it is and the entire player base will blindly believe it again.

    However, 3 rares and 2 t6 mats is not rewarding. That's worse than farming queensdale.

    EDIT: Not even fast farming could save these awful metas. Look at their gold!


    Skywatch - 2g 18s

    Amnytas - 2g 97s

    Edit2: As predicted, fast farming made up obscene numbers to pretend this content is worth doing. Why do they do this? I have no clue, but it's blatantly obvious at this point. It's also sad everyone is blindly believing them, just like I said.

    Go look at the items you get in your bags next time you do this meta, it's < 2g.

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  4. 8 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

    wtf! I really don’t want to know what kind of role play you are doing. 

    The roleplay your character fulfills, not roleplaying itself.

    You create a character that has x sized breasts, and it fits her looks and personality for her "roleplay", but then you buy a skin and it ruins her looks and thus her personality.

    Only the new two armor skins(brawlers and leather strap) do this, other ones scale to your breast size.

    Your character having different body shape depending on the armor they are wearing is immersion breaking and ruins the game for a lot of people.

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  5. The latest 2 released armor skins, leather strap and brawlers, do not scale their breast size with your characters. They have a "one size fits all". This is completely game ruining for a lot of players.

    We pick the breast size for our characters on the character creator because this is the size we want to see our character in at all times in all armor. These two new skins are the only ones to not obey this rule.

    Our characters breast sizes are important, and a big part of our customization and roleplay for our characters we create. This hurts immersion immensely when armor changes our characters looks we worked so hard on to make perfect(to our minds).

    Please consider fixing this game ruining bug for these two armor skins(that look amazing, btw! keep making cute armor like this!) and in the future don't let this bug continue to happen.


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  6. These are strikes, not fractals. They don't belong in the daily rotation clogging it up and giving the same rewards as the other 15 fractals while being 3x longer and 10x harder.

    Place them somewhere else with their own dailies or in strikes. They make fractals worse by being a possible daily.

    Also stop adding fractals and create a new form of content with a new progression system and rewards. Fractals were completed and perfect - every new fractal you've added since deepstone has only made the content worse due to a huge difficulty spike and length increase.

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  7. On 8/15/2023 at 4:05 PM, Demeth.5816 said:

    Am I the only one finding this undertuned? 

    My biggest hope for this system is that it finally directs players to the massive amount of content the game has or incentives to switch their game style like heal etc. 

    People flocking to Orr because we have to do X Events in there or finish some meta events, this kind of thing. 

    But healing 50k is note pretty quickly, it's about 3 person's full health bar. For a weekly. 

    Any thoughts? 

    This is how BP's work. They do not add content and are a massive waste of resources, only warranted by having paid level skips and a paid pass. This has neither, so Anet just wasted resources on nothing.

    • Confused 4
  8. On 8/18/2023 at 9:26 AM, Dondarrion.2748 said:

    For me personally it's not worth it because it lacks a Black Lion Outfit Voucher, and even more important a Black Lion Armor Voucher.

    Anet has all these unlocks that give you random stuff and statuettes for other gem store items that come and go; but this supply drop would've been far more appealing if I got a voucher that would make certain I got hold of a specific piece I'm after.

    A selectable cape and the rest being junk... we all know the keys will just give you revive orbs and transmutation charges and TP to a friend junk...

    This is how I feel as well. I really want the maid outfit.

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  9. On 8/17/2023 at 5:29 AM, Yogurt Goblin.5934 said:

    Is there any chance this could get updated before its implimented? It would of been fine if multiple classes only had 3 new weapon skills, but for it just to be one seems weird.

    It's made up for due to the fact that GSword and Shortbow are incredible weapons for herald and vindicator.

    Most classes gain nothing from elite weapon unlocking, Rev is an exception.

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  10. Just now, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    Power sword weaver is a top tier DPS and I see it played quite often in raids, strikes, and fractals.

    Power willbender takes 1/10th the effort and does the same dps, 9/10 condi druids and power/hybrid soulbeasts will outdamage a weaver (less on average, because you'll mess up while their rotations are extremely easy).. Power Soulbeast basically has a vanilla WOW frost mage rotation, too.

    It's not worth the effort to do the same damage only when you play a harder rotation perfectly.

  11. On 8/17/2023 at 2:51 PM, Exzen.2976 said:

    Honestly all the ele nerfs were needed in my opinion. Ele is still pretty great in all game modes. 

    No ele spec is worth playing in PvE. All of it's builds have easier and more effective alternatives on another class.

  12. 2 hours ago, Ombras.2853 said:

    I will speak of it and its replayability if and when Anet finally realizes how terrible rewards are for the new content.

    EoD Strikes (all of them) and CM need a HUGE buff rewards wise.

    Not a buff, a HUGE buff.

    It’s simply ridiculous, as it is right now.


    It's like they want to spend resources/money on content that doesn't get played. It makes absolutely no sense.


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