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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. 21 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    Gw2 is in luck that all content is relevant and they can count on the old content.

    If Soto was the current content in a vertical game this game would be dead in a week. Because there is for about 2 to 3 days of content in here and it's not of the best quality. And there is nothing that has any longevity; Soto instanced content is a joke, pvp and wvw are pretty much forgotten. And no wvw world restructuring is not content, they are trying to put this together for years, they scrapped alliances, so we are left with bare minimum that is still in beta and not even basics are working after years. And there is always a risk it might just straight kill wvw if they ever manage to get it together because it is a system that requires player/guild organisation to work to it's advantage. And I see wvw guilds dying at an alarming rate.

    Sure there is legendary armour. But that's not even released, many of us already have it and it doesn't really matter if there is no new content to use it in.

    This is why most vets are quitting. SotO gave us 3 days of content.

    I don't consider old content relevant anymore due to power creep. Old metas are waay too easy and thus boring now.

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  2. On 12/22/2023 at 12:59 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Lets invest millions of dollars to created the extact same game just a bit prettier for people who have the money to buy good PC parts.

    A absolute GENIUS businessplan.

    NO risk involved. NO alienating your core audience.  🙃

    Sega did this with PSO2: NGS. Games been in maint mode for years now.

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  3. On 12/22/2023 at 8:00 PM, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    cant believe they abandoned cantha living world for this.  The only thing I was looking forward to was the legendary pve armor, and they made it insanely grindy, its not even worth doing, might as well do raids or WVW.  THe only thing I like is skyscale combat mount mastery.

    The grind isn't the issue, the content you have to grind is somehow less interactive than WvW pip afk farming.

    Everyone I knew who returned excited for SoTO and it's new model quickly quit after game-destroying bugs(Fractal CM's being bugged for weeks...) and the clear lack of anything meaningful to work towards for anyone who played GW2 ever before.

    The game is in a mode beyond maintenance, and has been since PoF release, but the dedicated fans are slow to admit to it.

    I've never played a game where the developers actively act like they'd rather you didn't play their game, and they legit resent having to work on it. I get that here all the time.

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  4. On 11/27/2023 at 8:26 AM, nellone.5836 said:

    Don't know exactly what is causing this, maybe all the "free gold" got from the wizard's vault, but the gems are getting absurd conversion prices, i was thinking it was pretty crazy when yesterday i saw 41golds for 100 gems, but today is going over 54!
    Is it maybe the case to force the price at a fixed rate, like Anet already did in the past?
    I hope for the best....

    New legendary armor is unsellable mats for some unknown reason so the value of gold is decreasing for gems > gold.

    This means gold > gems increases.

    Has very little to do with the vault, and is all about the bad rewards structure of SotO.

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  5. On 11/18/2023 at 4:02 AM, Tanuki.4603 said:

    Dear ArenaNet.

    Stop making kitten content just to tick a box every year. Either make good, polished and fun content (fractals/strikes/dungeons/whatever, even drms) or don't make anything at all. Don't listen to people telling you they want MORE content, as you clearly can't satisfy the quantity and quality standards in any way.

    At the moment 80% of strikes are complete bloat that nobody actually likes. There are 0 (ZERO) strike-focused guilds.

    Strikes are bad content with terrible rewards from a bad game where the company is literally scrambling for revenue increases by firing  workers because the games update model(that Anet is so desperately trying to copy) is failing and bleeding players and generating less profit every year. (Destiny 2)

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  6. It's now been an entire week without any real updates from the developers. All we've seen is bug fixes that a single developer could do by looking through a bug tracker.

    Fractal CM's still bug out.

    Balance is a disaster(49k dps spec is not normal).

    Nothing in the new expac is rewarding at all. Doubly so if you don't need legendary armor - you can't even sell essences or the reward chest from the new metas!

    How are people ok with this? This is what a game in maintenance mode looks like, not a brand new released expansion.

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  7. On 8/28/2023 at 10:07 PM, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

    I have been attacking the same Stonemist Castle since 2012. Prepare yourself for the worst outcome.

    It's crazy how Anet is a triple A company owned by a company that is worth barely less than Activision-Blizzard but acts like they have 1 dude in  garage barely keeping the game afloat 24/7.

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  8. 9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Maybe OP should just read (re-read?) this for most of the concerns he has:

    I did read it, and according it, I assume 49k DPS scourge is here to stay until october, as my OP says.

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  9. Even Blizzard routinely talks on twitter, forums, and has streams talking about the game.

    What gives?

    Should we assume rifts will be zero fun and never be improved? Should we assume SotO strikes will never get rewards to even make them worth repeating? Should we assume 49k DPS scourge is here to stay until october?

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  10. 6 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

    The rifts are needed for the open world legendary armor. They are boring and they are dull, but this is what the open world players wanted. They didn’t want a fun meta like the DE meta, they cried about it for months. So now we got the rifts because of them 

    No one wanted trash content like this. Dragons end is a bad meta because you get zero reward if you fail(and your contribution is 1/50th of the contribution).

    Dragon's End is my 2nd favorite meta in the game and the best boss OW boss in any game ever IMO, Gyala delve being my favorite meta(outside of turtle stuff).

    These new metas are extremely boring, your build, gear, comp, rotation, playing ability doesn't even matter. They are core tyria difficulty. If I wanted to play a mobile auto battler, I'd go do it.

    The strikes are also easy, so it's just this content design team failing at understanding what classes in GW2 are capable of not only DPS wise, but the core gameplay loop. People want to play their builds and do their rotation, not fly around collecting orbs every 2 minutes. Completely out of touch developers.

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