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Zoltar MacRoth.7146

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Posts posted by Zoltar MacRoth.7146

  1. Having bought all the vendors in the Eye of the North (including 50g for a pointless bank vendor when bank access is available at every crafting station) it was a little disappointing that the Xunlai chests ...don't actually do anything interesting. It'd be nice if they were additional personal storage, even if just an extra 10 slots and only accessible within EOFN. Or make them some kind of weird toy where you can put in something and randomly get back something of a similar value once a day.Or leave one of them as bank access and make the other guild bank access.

    Or if not one of the chests, how about some other way to acquire a guild bank vendor for EOTN?


    The fricken invisible walls. To this day, there are places in new maps where you're going somewhere that looks completely open then you faceplant into an invisible wall. It's the epitomy of lazy design. I've been saying for years: if you don't want us to go somewhere, make it obvious with the visual mesh. I understand there are exceptions, like trying to fly off the edges of the map, but there are plenty of places that could be visually impenetrable to match their collision mesh.

    How many times have you tried to reach the top of a cliff that looks reachable, only to get slapped by an invisible wall when you get to the top? For Grenth's sake, Anet. Just make the cliff higher. Skyscales and springers do have their vertical limits. Factor in the maximum height of the skyscale, with wall jumping and bond of vigour thrown in and make the cliff higher than that. You're not mapping a real world here. You get to design the mountains the way you want.

    So, yeah. Invisible walls. Lazy design, Anet.

  3. @"Zephyr.5382" said:Underwater! ducks for cover ...but in the way I've suggested before, like how the Gungans from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace had their cities underwater, enclosed in domes. So, you know...minimal swimming, for those who hate it.


    Yes, an underwater city with a Victorian feel, crazy inhabitants and champs in steampunk diving suits. :)

  4. @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

    @Obtena.7952 said:I can't disagree that the templates as is, are not as well done as ARC, but it's not unreasonable to think that the result is based on working within the framework of the game, both how it's managed and the actual code. Those two things that ARC DIDN'T have to contend with ... and that impact was obvious. Sure, tell Anet why but don't pretend that the constraints don't exist.

    unreasonable to assume that ANet faced more constraints within their own system than DeltaConnected did. Surely, if a third party could create a simple system that worked with the game, the creators of the game could have created a simpler, maybe even better system. It's ludicrous to believe that the game's developer could not have done as well as an outside party did.

    Impecabbly said, IndigoSundown.

    As somebody who's worked in IT for decades, I'm annoyed by this argument that the developer is more limited by their own system than someone working outside it, and no - you don't need to be familiar with Anet's code to understand this. I've seen this from both sides of the fence. I've been tasked with trying to get the most of other developer's APIs, and I've built APIs. The people inside always have it easier - unless management intentionally make it difficult.Here's the thing: at the very least, Anet could have used their own API to provide the same functionality as ARC and still monetised it. Profit!Heck, they could have bought ARC, rebadged it and monetised it, like Microsoft do all the time.There are so many more options before you even get to rewriting the thing!

    So, yeah. That's my 2c.

  5. @LucianDK.8615 said:The new system did exactly what I expected and what I wanted. For my necromancer here I can swap between different reaper skill loadouts, as well a different itemset with a staff on swap. So I consider it a success.

    It's great that you're happy - but from what you describe your expectations are so much lower than everybody else that the new system couldn't help but fall over the line for you. If all you've tried of it is the one small part you wanted, and that part happens to work for you, that's really meaningless as a review. What do you think of the whole thing? Do you have multiple toons? Have you tried setting up layouts for more than one toon? Have you had to buy more slots? What do you think of the cost? Have you tried different specialisations on different slots? Have you tried using legendaries with this system? There are 20 pages in the official thread that testify to people who have tried these things and found them wanting. What are your thoughts?

    And, yes, this should be in the official thread.

  6. So, I've received six emails for something called "TIDAL HiFi" which is apparently a new promotion from/in cooperation with ANet.Most of the emails are in English, though some are in what might be Spanish. And they're all addressed to one of my lesser used toons, LOL. I don't think my ranger is interested, Anet.

    There's an unsubscribe link but it only offers to unsubscribe you from all ANet newsletters and I don't want to do that. I like your newsletters ...but it would be nice to be able to opt out of promotions. If there is a way to do that already, I'd be grateful if anyone could point me to it.

    This isn't an issue or anything. I just delete these emails. Just wanted to mention it here to make Anet aware of it - they were probably not intending to send so many emails, and in different languages. And also to see if anyone else had experienced this.

  7. I'm always curious when someone asks a question like this. What answer are you hoping for? And what are you going to do when you get your answer? What if somebody tells you "Yes". What's next? Are you going to give all your loot away (cause I can help with that) and leave? What if it's "No". Will you be reassured, or keep looking for a "Yes". How does this affect your future actions....? Enquiring minds want to know.

  8. @Zaklex.6308 said:

    @Zoltar MacRoth.7146 said:That's why I play without sound. No sound at all. It's glorious. No more obnoxious unicorn bows! Begone pesky kids playing explorers!! Take that chatty bank teller and your flower fetish!!! Silence... blessed silence. Now I can play in peace and listen to Cinema Sins in the background.

    You are unaware, it seems, that you can regulate all those sounds separately and adjust (even mute) them the way you want? ;)

    Not only unaware, but can't take the 10 seconds to adjust the different sliders for the different sounds, they put sliders in for just that reason, some like to hear in-game sounds, some don't and some are in-between, it's all covered with sliders.

    Ouch. I don't know what to say. I thought I was being a little obvious in the tone and suggesting an over-the-top solution like total silence to the problem of noise pollution and throwing in Cinema Sins.... but apparently it wasn't obvious enough that it was meant to be a joke. That'll teach me, I guess.

    The irony is I was actually going to add more about how I also play with the monitor turned off to avoid all the visual noise, but I thought that was taking the joke too far. Now I'm wondering if I should have left that in.

  9. @AgentMoore.9453 said:

    @Ashantara.8731 said:You are unaware, it seems, that you can regulate all those sounds separately and adjust (even mute) them the way you want? ;)

    Ah yes, the game as it's meant to be played: endlessly fiddling with individual broad-stroke sliders to combat noise pollution.

    You are unaware, it seems, that some noises
    be regulated individually because other noises in the same grouping are important to gameplay and the overall playing experience. That some people are choosing to completely silence the game because of this is a shame, and I welcome any middle ground solutions or feedback regarding disruptive sound elements like the level-up tome, player attacks, (and a number of miniatures/Ranger pets). There is a similar case to be made for visual noise (auras, custom mount skins, vivid dyes) as well, but that's a whole other bunch of bananas.

    Well said, AgentMoore.More granularity is exactly what this needs, and not by cluttering the Options screen with more sliders. A better option would be to allow us to target NPCs and have some option on them to mute them. That way, we could mute specific NPCs. It won't fix all the noise pollution, but it would be a start. And I understand it's probably too technically difficult, but I think I'll suggest it in that QOL thread anyway. It's getting off topic here.

  10. I have to say I knew she was dead from the get-go. Maybe it's being brought up on horror movies but when somebody you know calls you and talks to you in a slow, spooky voice you know it's not them. Even the PC knew it wasn't them. It's just some monster wearing their skin or something. She was dead before the episode started, so I never expected to see her die in front of me. As to whether her death was wasted or not heroic enough, I don't know. Eir's death wasn't heroic imho. It was pathetically executed, so maybe it's better for Almora that we didn't see her death. I'm not sure Anet could pull it off respectfully.

  11. Might as well put this here - unless there's an official thread on the dynamic UI?

    Having tried it out, it's ....a start, but not particularly useful at the moment. It's just not granular enough. And you've made some weird choices like #1 below.My 2c:

    1. You called the mini-map setting ....."compass". Seriously? "Compass"? Why not "Compass/minimap" at least? There's room for it. Just "Compass" is just ...weird.

    2. You've lumped cheevos and story objectives into the same "Objectives" category. These should have been separate.

    3. There should be some option to control how many cheevos are displayed by default.

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  12. I generally enjoyed this episode though the masteries were a little pointless.

    My one thought here is, I wonder if anet have thought ahead how to keep this saga interesting. Unlike the other seasons where each map is totally different, this saga is likely to have map after map after map set in snowy locales. That's bound to get tedious sooner or later. What are you going to do for contrast? Will there be snow-free areas in each map, some kind of tropical locales mysteriously protected from the cold? Or will the story cut away to more temperate regions now and then, and how will you fit that in plausibly? And how will you ratchet up the tension in each map if the first one already has a massive snow storm? Will each map have ...more storms? More ice on the screen? More regions that freeze you to death quickly, until the last map entirely becomes a death zone where you have to spend all your time looking for heat like that Lost Planet game series? What are you going to do, Anet? I'm intrigued.

  13. I don't know about huge success - I haven't seen anybody else with a cape yet, but I bought the emblazoned one with gems converted from gold and I couldn't be happier. Finally some of my toons feel complete. Hopefully more capes will be forthcoming and hopefully at least some will be ingame..

    Now if only Anet would release a "capes of the world" cheevo.....

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