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Zoltar MacRoth.7146

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Posts posted by Zoltar MacRoth.7146

  1. A small request: I recently got the Charr Rock guitar I've been waiting for courtesy of the novelty box (thank you!) but there's two things that would make it even better:

    1. Reduce the cool-downs on the notes. I can play Seven Nation Army on it but it currently sounds like somebody taking their first guitar lesson. The temp needs to be quicker.

    2. A second or two after you've stopped playing, the toon goes from the playing pose back to the combat-ready(?) or relaxed or whatever it is pose, where he's holding the guitar in one hand at his side. It looks strange. Would it be possible to either i) always have the guitar in play pose, or ii) once you've played any notes keep it in play pose, or iii) maybe toggle between play/rest mode with the combat toggle key? (If the last one is already possible, I apologise. I just thought of it and haven't tried it yet.)

  2. @Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

    @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:
    1. Would be nice if the beetle didn't have to smash through the volatile magic crystals to collect them and thereby dismount you. Once you get the mastery to collect the crystal, it would be neat to just drive over them and keep going. Or make that another mastery tier above the existing one - always happy to have new masteries.

    It already does, but you have to be moving at purple speed or higher. Watch the exhaust trail of the saddle. It changes colour from blue through to purple through to a sort of yellow-brown-orange (YBO) colour as you pick up speed. Once it reaches purple, if you can keep it there, you'll pick up VM crystals by driving through them. (In fact, originally that was the only way to pick them up because it wouldn't do it from the "1" attack-dismount skill.)

    (In general, getting past purple to the the YBO colour only happens during and for a while after the "jump key" boost or on long downhill stretches, of which there aren't many.)

    I wasn't aware that was possible. Thank you!

  3. Firstly, thank you, Anet. I'm slowly returning to playing again after a hiatus and I'm really enjoying the game again, especially all the recent additions (roller beetle, Festival of the Four Winds, Novelties tab). Great work!I don't have many suggestions, and probably none that someone hasn't mentioned before, but here's my list of nice-to-haves:

    1. It would be nice if anvils fixed armor just be running through them. It's their only purpose. There's no need for a confirmation dialog.

    2. When browsing the bank teller, it would be nice if the left side (my inventory) didn't scroll back to the top when switching between bank and material storage.

    3. When mining a node, if my harvesting tool runs out and I have another of the exact same type in inventory, could my toon instantly equip it and finish the animation please.

    4. When mining a rich node, keep mining through all three animations without needing user to keep clicking interact. The user can break out of mining if they need to.

    5. Would be nice to have an option to see more than the top 5 watched achievements in that panel on the right of the screen, maybe 10 or 15.

    6. It would also be nice if the daily achievements in the watched list were a different color from the long-term achievements, and appear at the top of the list.

    7. The roller-beetle improvements were appreciated but I still find myself using other mounts in preference because the beetle's initial endurance build up takes so long before it's useful. Not sure what to suggest there. It looks great and it's fun to zoom around at high speed. It's just ...very situational. Maybe if the beetle was fractionally faster at its normal (unboosted) speed?

    8. Would be nice if the beetle didn't have to smash through the volatile magic crystals to collect them and thereby dismount you. Once you get the mastery to collect the crystal, it would be neat to just drive over them and keep going. Or make that another mastery tier above the existing one - always happy to have new masteries.

    9. It would be helpful to have some indicator in the hero panel when you've gone over 100% condition duration. I'm trying to figure this out in GW2 Build Editor and it's clunky. Maybe you could show the actual number rather than capping it to 100% (even though its capped internally) or maybe show 100% but in red or with some icon to indicate it's over that?

    10. It would nice to have some options in the achievements tab to toggle the visibility of certain categories to help with searching/listing; e.g.:

      • Competitive achievements
      • Open world achievements
      • Story achievements
      • Completed/incomplete achievements
      • Hidden achievements (there is a wiki page, but it would be easier to manage if shown in the achievement tab to see which remain to be done)
    11. Could use the ability to see more than 3 achievements in the hero panel list of achievements-closest-to-being-finished, and to sort it by what's closest to being finished overall, not closest to finishing a tier.

    12. I long for a 'Sell Sigils/Runes' button beside the 'Sell Junk' button in Vendors to easily dispose of all the ongoing minor/major runes/sigils that continue to plague us.

    13. I kind of wish there was a 'Eat Luck' option in the settings I could turn on which would automatically consume any received luck until it reaches 300% and then the option could switch itself off.

    Thanks again for a great game,Z.

  4. @Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

    Thief Necro Hybrid, Some sort of Soul Thief? My guess is the mechanic is changed to let the thief rip someone's soul out of their body and hit the soul instead of their physical form.

    That... would be so COOOL!I'm imagining a punch that literally knocks somebody's soul out of their body, depicted as a glowy white/yellow spirit body being thrown out. Even better if the punched player then has control of their soul rather than their body and has to get back into their body within a set time or ...their soul gets suck into the underworld!Meanwhile the attacking thief can pummel their body without opposition. It would be kind of like being in a daze, only you have control and how quickly the daze ends depends on how quickly you can get back to your body.

    Oh oh oh... what if the player could also jump their soul into an nearby NPC/animal instead of their own body and attach their attacher that way!

    Yeah, it's a little far out, but it's interesting to think about.

  5. @nighthawke.3075 said:i find it funny PoF comes out, nothing but praise for mounts, cheer's of "take allz of muh moneyz for mount skins!!!1!" Anet puts out skins, screams of "boycott mount skins". Man make up your minds either they are good enough to be worth the money or not.

    It seems players are expressing the view that they are not. Which seems to be your view too. So, it really is funny, in an ironic way.

  6. @Kingkiller.9645 said:

    @Donari.5237 said:I'd love this too. I worry, however, that the TP would take forever to load if it had to compare each and every item on offer to each player's account each time the TP is opened.

    It really wouldn't.You're not automatically loading the TP without these things.It's a refined search.It's the same situation as "does this item have precision or not".

    Also, I would imagine that all this data is stored in a relational database and adding an extra left outer join to the player-unlocks table in the query which retrieves the TP items shouldn't noticeably affect performance - hypothetically. Or an inner join if you want to filter the results by whether the player has the item unlocked. Databases and data-mining are a big part of my work so I know how I would do this, but, of course, I don't know how their system works and this is just speculation. And a little bit of hope, because this is a feature I want too.

  7. @CrimsonChaos.4392 said:Also as far as I know you can't preview any of the mounts skins, (got to look for the pictures online, unless someone knows how to find them ingame?). I'm sure people would be much eager to spend if they actually got to preview them in the gem store and see what they could get. Unless this mount skin system changes I won't be spending any gems on any mount skins.

    You can preview them in your Hero Panel, in the wardrobe section I think, near gliders. There's a tab for mounts.

  8. @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

    @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

    @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Sorry for the delay. Things went a little weird and I thought I had a disappearing thread here. All should be fine now.

    As far as whether we need more feedback: As long as players want to offer their thoughts, we want to read them. I have already submitted a detailed report on the feedback, including many areas of concern, individual and aggregate suggestions, and much more. I've also had conversations on the topic, as well. So this is "in the system" so to speak, but anyone else who wants to share their thoughts is more than welcome to do so!

    Given how much this has blown up and in the interest of transparency, perhaps you would consider posting your report here for all those concerned to see? It might go a way to let those concerned know what has been submitted to Anet for review. Also I looked at your posts and can't find the one from earlier where you said you sent an Anet wide message including feedback. What happened to that post? Thanks.

    This is just my 2c, but I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not sure transparency is even warranted. A speedy and reasonable solution would be preferred, but there are many reasons not to disclose the inner workings of the company, especially for our own benefit. For one, it would open a can of worms as players dissected every word and wasted Gaile's time with questions, time better spent on her pushing our feedback back to anet. I know it's a hard situation but we have to give her some faith here and see what happens. Sometimes it's better not to look behind the curtain.

    As big as this has gotten I disagree. In my 4 plus years of playing GW2 this is the biggest issue I have seen regarding the game and how it goes forward (I wasn't around for the ascended thing). I feel now is the time for transparency more than ever given all the bad press after a very successful PoF launch. Customers that feel strongly about this issue should be shown what is being reported back to Anet decision makers. I don't really have a horse in this race as I am not a mount fan to start with. However, customers that do care about this issue may want to see what is being reported back to those that make the decisions.

    More communication from anet is always welcome, I agree. But what good does it do us to see "what is reported back to Anet decision makers"? What does that achieve? It'll be a judgement on Gaile as to how well she reports, but nothing more than that. It won't tell us what the decision makers think, or what they're going to do, if anything. It's distracting from the real issue. If that's your transparency, then all you're doing is impeding the very process of reporting back to the decision makers. It's self sabotage. It's shooting the messenger.

    I don't think we need to know the gory details of the report. Have some faith in Gaile that she's capable of summarising what we've said here. Demand instead that the anet decision makers give more feedback, via Gaile. It doesn't have to be much, just "we're looking at it", "we're talking it seriously", "we're implementing a solution", and maybe some idea of what the solution might be so we can offer them feedback.

  9. @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

    @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Sorry for the delay. Things went a little weird and I thought I had a disappearing thread here. All should be fine now.

    As far as whether we need more feedback: As long as players want to offer their thoughts, we want to read them. I have already submitted a detailed report on the feedback, including many areas of concern, individual and aggregate suggestions, and much more. I've also had conversations on the topic, as well. So this is "in the system" so to speak, but anyone else who wants to share their thoughts is more than welcome to do so!

    Given how much this has blown up and in the interest of transparency, perhaps you would consider posting your report here for all those concerned to see? It might go a way to let those concerned know what has been submitted to Anet for review. Also I looked at your posts and can't find the one from earlier where you said you sent an Anet wide message including feedback. What happened to that post? Thanks.

    This is just my 2c, but I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not sure transparency is even warranted. A speedy and reasonable solution would be preferred, but there are many reasons not to disclose the inner workings of the company, especially for our own benefit. For one, it would open a can of worms as players dissected every word and wasted Gaile's time with questions, time better spent on her pushing our feedback back to anet. I know it's a hard situation but we have to give her some faith here and see what happens. Sometimes it's better not to look behind the curtain.

  10. @nexidecimus.5973 said:Arenanet, I just have one question. What could have possibly possessed the entire company to go along with this and have not a single individual say "Maybe this is a bad idea. it might kitten some people off." ?

    That's ...not how companies work. The people in charge can make decisions without needing input from employees, and often (I'm not suggesting this is the case here) employees won't voice a dissenting opinion for fear of losing their jobs.

  11. @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Sorry for the delay. Things went a little weird and I thought I had a disappearing thread here. All should be fine now.

    As far as whether we need more feedback: As long as players want to offer their thoughts, we want to read them. I have already submitted a detailed report on the feedback, including many areas of concern, individual and aggregate suggestions, and much more. I've also had conversations on the topic, as well. So this is "in the system" so to speak, but anyone else who wants to share their thoughts is more than welcome to do so!

    Thank you, Gaile. It goes without saying that this feedback is appreciated. It can't be easy reading through these 38 pages, in terms of volume let alone content. Fingers crossed for a speedy resolution.

  12. @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:There are a lot of conversations about the mount adoption option that was released today. Many of the comments in the individual threads repeat ones made by the same person in another thread. We very much want to hear your feedback, but have found that a single feedback thread offers the best opportunity for you to share your thoughts and for us to review it in the context of a wider set of feedback.

    So here's a thread into which you're invited to post your thoughts on the subject of the Black Lion Stables Mount Skins.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    Wow... 36 pages of thoughts in just over 24 hours. That's got to be a record, from what I've seen in my time on the forums.

    Might be time for a little feedback to the feedback.

  13. I was going to vote hammer, but ultimately I don't care so much about the weapon as about the mechanic of the spec. I'd like a spec that allows you to control and command darkness itself, using it as a shield or forming weapons out of it. Being able to turn into a living shadow to evade. Create puddles of darkness that when stepped on can trap or teleport enemies all over the place. Cool stuff like that. What weapon would most suit that? I don't know.Or, if not darkness, then blood will do. Being able to control blood: pushing enemies away with waves of blood, raining blood with conditions on your enemies, cover enemies with blood to suffocate/stun them, etc. Good potential for gruesome graphics. A sword could work with that. The Blood Sword .

  14. There's no solution needed because what you perceive as a problem is just normal capitalism and market forces. In fact, if you look around you'll see it's such an effective methodology it's in widespread use. Look on your app/play store - there are countless games which can be played for free but offer additional perks.

    You can speculate whether F2P players are discouraged by seeing paid players riding mounts but neither you nor I have the data to determine if there's any basis to this. Anet has the data, and the motivation to get it right and they don't seem to think it's a problem.

  15. PoF is commendable for a number of reasons such as beautiful visuals, the polished integration of collections, achievements, the elite specs and lore into a package that works together. The clever implementation of mounts and the joy of movement they bring cannot be understated. And even the story, which is not a part of the game I generally enjoy, had me rooting for various characters and moved me at certain moments.

    I want to specifically focus on a few things that were particularly memorable to me, and give anet my gratitude:

    1. The Awakened are interesting as characters - whereas the risen were really just zombies with dopey catch-phrases, the awakened are not just villains. Some are, but others are ....humanised. There's no better word for it. We get to meet them as people, because they are people. And even though they've gone through this life-altering change, aspects of their old lives do carry through, bringing unexpected depth. And above the personal details, they're also an underclass, treated as servants or workers in places like Vabbi's mines. There's a whole level of social commentary there that needs to be recognised.

    2. Flowers for Jingo - continuing from point 1, this small achievement got to me. It starts out simple enough: a mother concerned for her son. But where it ends really moved me. I won't say any more.

    3. The races and supply runs are really fun - they're really the same thing: a race with check-points, the difference being 'races' lead you whereas supply runs challenge you to find your own path. The choice is gratifying. Strangely, after only a few weeks the mounts already seem slow and I yearn to tear around those tracks even faster. XDThese adventures work well because the interface, and goal, is simple. Instead of fighting the controls, you're immersed in the adventure. Well done. I take part in these whenever I pass them.

    4. In Desert Highlands, on a snowy cliff north of the big temple that overlooks Brightwater, there are these two giants who like to fight each other. Even when there's a player nearby, they prefer to fight each other. They stomp their feet, face off and duke it out. It may be a bug, but whatever it is it's a satisfying piece of realism. Instead of feeling like everything in the map is out to get the player, these two don't care about you. They have beef. You're just the bystander.

    5. Collection items/trophies can now be double-clicked to give karma - such a simple but effective QoL. Those items no longer have to clutter up our banks. By allowing us to consume them, you're telling us that they are no longer required for anything (at least I hope you are). And the karma is appreciated.

    However, as with all things, there is some bad with the good: badly placed invisible walls.

    This has been an issue in Core, in HOT and now in PoF where it pops up unexpectadly to mar an otherwise smooth experience. And it's an issue that doesn't make sense. It suggests some kind of miscommunication between the steps of visual design and collision mesh design, at best. At worst, it suggests laziness.Time and again, I'd find a cliff that seems (visually) designed to be climbed with a springer, only to run into an invisible walls where there should be empty space. Unlike Core and HOT, it can't be claimed that these maps weren't designed for mounts. If a cliff or a ledge or even a small rise in the ground is meant to be impassable, it should look impassable. The collision mesh should match the visuals, otherwise it detracts from the immersion that the expac works so hard to bring.

    That's my two coppers.

  16. @Haishao.6851 said:

    @Aurelian Omenkind.2470 said:It occurs to me that the raptor’s speed jump readily also lets a player skip content with well timed boosts. Perhaps they should also be removed. And the Springer allows players to jump to great heights where HoT players can glide for great distances avoiding content. They should probably be removed. And the skimmer allows us to skip underwater battles entirely. They’ve gotta go too.

    We won’t even talk about the jackal.

    Don't forget swiftness, block, blink, stealth, rush, leap, dodge

    And don't forget .... just running outside a mob's aggro range! See that bunch of mini-raptors ahead? Just swerve a couple of metres to the right and they won't notice you. It's killing the game, I tell you. They should completely remove any ability to change direction. Once a player has decided to run in a direction, they should be forced to run in that direction until they hit a mob.

    In fact, once a player has aggroed a mob, they should be rooted on the spot until the fight is resolved one way or the other. That'll teach people to skip content.

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