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Zoltar MacRoth.7146

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Posts posted by Zoltar MacRoth.7146

  1. If I could have one thing for xmas, please, PLEASE place your invisible walls wisely in future episodes. I've been saying this for years, but if you don't want us to go somewhere, make it visually apparent. Don't just slap an invisible wall there and call it a day. Sure, at the edges of maps there's little choice, but inside the map one cliff will be accessible and another nearby that looks the same won't. It's confusing and frustrating, and there's no need for it. You know the limitations of the mounts. You can figure out how to visually depict something you don't want accessed so the visual mesh matches the collision mesh. I'm not asking you to fix past maps (unless you want to), but at least consider future ones. Please, for the sake of my remaining hair, use your invisible walls for good and niceness not evil and badness.

  2. You know what makes Superman relatable? Kryptonite. Without it, he'd be perfect and unlikable. The creators of Superman soon realised that he need a flaw or weakness in order to be a good character. And here we are. Superman is over 50 and still going strong!

    In the same vein, the mounts must have their weaknesses. A quintessential part of flying the skyscale is that tension of where to touch down briefly next to regain endurance? I was crossing a body of water recently on the skyscale and hopping from rock to rock, some distance apart, to stay above water. If the skyscale had simply flow across all that, it would have been boring, like a perfect Superman with no kryptonite. (Yes, I have a skimmer - but it wouldn't have been a challenge then, would it?)

    In response to your mount suggestions:

    Griffin: The diving is what makes griffon awesome. Have you never seen a dog-fight movie where the protagonist hurtles towards the ground only to pull up at the last moment?

    Springer: The springer has one thing the skyscale doesn't - FAST vertical ascension. In "The Charge" chapter of the "Bug in the System" episode, there's a cheevo where you have to rescue a test subject from a poisonous corridor. Having tried this many times on skyscale and bunny, I can tell you that the skyscale cannot climb fast enough to get out of the pit. The bunny can. It's situational, yes, but when you need to go up fast, there's only one choice.

  3. @Mamma il Dio.2074 said:

    • Springer Mount left behind!snip

    You're right - the springer is somewhat obsoleted by the skyscale, but making it leap distances isn't the solution. That's the raptor's thing. I don't know what could be done for the springer. Poor bunny.

    Skyscale should climb ledges.... snip

    This is a fantastic suggestion! I've had the same experience many times. It'd be awesome if it could scale that ledge.

  4. I don't know if you noticed, Anet, but Taimi's outfit on a norn has a serious flaw. (Yes, somebody was bound to try an asura's outfit on a norn.)

    The outfit has a massive left shoulder-pad, which looks awesome. It really does ..........until you go into combat mode and your toon looks left... straight through the shoulder pad. It's blocking the toon's view.

    I tell myself that the bits of the shoulder pad that look like translucent perspex are some kind of viewing slits and that's how he sees through there... but we both know that's a lie. If you look at the shoulder pad from behind it's all black. He ain't seeing nothing. I haven't tried the outfit on other classes to see if they're exhibiting the same problem.

    I don't know what I'm suggesting here. It's too late the change the outfit I guess, and put the shoulder-pad on the other shoulder.

    Maybe my suggestion is... when creating an outfit, try combat mode in each class and make sure it doesn't look ridiculous. /shrug

  5. My 2c:

    1. Please allow equipment and build templates to be linked together. These two are often intrinsically connected; for example, I have a 'template' for thief daredevil which uses staff and has the daredevil trait-line. I have another 'template' which is deadeye. Each of these 'templates' comprised of an equipment and build template, and the way you've done this I have to switch both templates to effectively get my meta-template. Yes, there are hotkeys and yes it's not a deal-breaker but it's also an arbitrary split that just creates confusion and extra clicks. A single template combining both equipment and traits would have achieved everything you've got now and with less confusion. I don't expect a drastic change, just an extra option to link the two.

    2. Please allow an outfit to be assigned to an equipment template. For example, I have a daredevil template and the mage knight outfit would go great with it. It'd be so nice if switching to this template automatically turned on the outfit. This would be a great boon to role-playing.

  6. @slpr.2647 said:

    @Zoltar MacRoth.7146 said:Nice idea but the game can't even remember your position when you log off and log on again. Sometimes I log out and when I come back, I'm at the starting position of the map I was in. Sometimes it's a different map. Sometimes I'm halfway stuck in a wall. When I was new to the game, I asked why this happens. Somebody joked that when we're logged out our toons go walkabout or on a bender. That's as good an explanation as any.

    i have been playing for almost 7 yrs now, and have yet to have anything even remotely like this happen to me. ever..

    Perhaps your toons are well behaved. ;)

  7. Nice idea but the game can't even remember your position when you log off and log on again. Sometimes I log out and when I come back, I'm at the starting position of the map I was in. Sometimes it's a different map. Sometimes I'm halfway stuck in a wall. When I was new to the game, I asked why this happens. Somebody joked that when we're logged out our toons go walkabout or on a bender. That's as good an explanation as any.

  8. This is an interesting question. My take is that it's also a highly subjective one, so I'm going to give you my subjective opinion and I'm only going to give one annoyance of GW2 that keeps it from being great for me:

    The lag in Australia is slight and insignificant... except when it comes to mini-games that require fast and accurate responses, like the adventures like in HOT.

    The actions in Fungus Among Us or Sanctum Sprint don't trigger as fast as they appear to do in the videos I've seen of others doing the course. You can press a button and, intermittently, sit there for a second or two until it fires. It makes achieving gold very difficult and frustrating because no matter how much time you put in, no matter how much you train your skills the game doesn't respond fast enough.

    But I keep trying. And will keep trying until, one day willing, I get those last golds. Then I'll never play the HOT adventures again. Maybe then the game will seem great to me.

  9. @Tommo Chocolate.5870 said:

    @Tommo Chocolate.5870 said:I thought the reason the spider mount was scrapped was that arachnophobia is very common - which is not the same as it being too scary. Of course there are already spiders in the game as enemies, but they decided that, for an arachnophobe, controlling a spider would be worse than from fighting one. (This is all from memory though - I don't have a source.)

    Personally I find Sikandar comical rather than scary, but perhaps that's just me.

    It's probably in this Guild Chat:

    Thanks! This transcript is fantastic. Here's the relevant part:

    like oh my gosh spider mouths mouths together this is not at all what I would have pictured for a spider Mountain yeah it's a spider mouth you yeah spiders like this over mine okay... please don't ever spider to me the black one particular was quite special special special is a words especially word that could be used to describe this

    So I think that clears everything up.

    That brings up an interesting point: which is scarier... a spider without a mouth or a spider with one? Especially if it's a special special spider?

  10. I feel you, man.Once a month I hop on to my crafting toon and get all refinement out of the way in one go. I trigger a load of something like converting mithril into hundreds of bars and tab out to do something else. Later I come back to trigger another load and tab out again. It's very much AFK work.Sure, you can have conversations with people if there's anyone in your map willing to talk to you, or browse the black lion market, or change your wardrobe, or watch TV on the side. But none of that gets around the quintessential enforced tedium of crafting.I don't know the answer to this. I've made suggestions long ago but these days I have no inclination to read the inevitable responses that any change to crafting somehow equates to "getting everything for free".So I treat crafting like housework that needs to be done now and then and enjoy the game the rest of the time. If you're willing to fight the good fight to make crafting better, I salute you and wish you luck.

  11. I've been enjoying the game as a chrono for the longest time. It's my mainstay because it just ..feels right. Or did. I was happy in the game. I had no complains and no desire to desire to read or write on the forums. But this change... this affected me enough to come here and say something.

    I get it, Anet. You want more mirages. That's your prerogative. So you're trying to make chrono less fun. That's also your prerogative. I tried mirage for a while. It's not bad; it just wasn't me, so I went back to Chrono and still prefer it, even hobbled. I like Gravity Well. I like being able to run at a decent click all the time, not sporadically after a dodge. And since my toon is modeled after Doctor Strange, it just feels thematically right to be a chrono.

    I also get that you're not going to reverse this. So how about a compromise? Let me self-shatter if there aren't any clones out. Give me that. All I ask.

  12. @Ashley.1256 said:Allow adventures to be started/restarted with a defined key. This helps people who are using action cam and have to disable action cam, press the start button and the enable action cam again- It makes it very hard to set race records for example.

    Total agreement here. I would even go so far as to say that pressing Escape on the Adventure start window should be considered Cancel, and any other key should be considered Start.

  13. After playing a minion-mancer full time for the past two weeks, I would like to upgrade my opinion of minion de-spawning from annoying to aggravating. There are just too many situations that cause your minions to despawn and require re-activation outside of combat, including but not limited to: changing zones, entering dungeons, exiting dungeons, transforms related to hearts or HP challenges, tonics and probably others I haven't found yet.

    Having all minions out is a fun experience. There you are with your little posse, the magnificent seven against the world. It's a very different experience from any other class, or even other necro builds. And it would really help that experience if there were an OPTION one could enable to automatically re-activate minions after zone-change, dungeon/fractal entry/exit, transform, etc if the minions were out before the change.

    1. What I'd really like is the option for a really spiky, anime-style haircut on humans, and for the hair-colours to include a brighter orange. I've got a character based on an anime, but despite the range of hair-styles there isn't one with suitably spiky hair or suitable colors.

    2. Also also, can you please keep track of which waypoints have been unlocked in each Guild Hall? I'm in three guild halls and on switching between them, any waypoints I've unlocked keep getting lost.

    3. As somebody else here has said, it would be nice to have our necro minions automatically come out if we have them out and change maps, if that's not too difficult technically.

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