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Zoltar MacRoth.7146

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Posts posted by Zoltar MacRoth.7146

  1. @Kal Spiro.9745 said:

    @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:
    • I don't know that the lore says she has a "terminal" condition. I felt it was progressive and debilitating, but didn't sense it was ultimately terminal. (Probably some of you know better, though. Is it, truly?)It's my understanding that she has brittle bone disease, at least that's how I always took it, probably because I have a friend who has that. He can "walk" sort of, but he needs a wheelchair to function, like she needs her Golem. It takes very little to literally break him, he once broke a finger by doing basically nothing. If it was a rib instead it could puncture his organs and kill him. So while the disease itself isn't terminal it's incredibly dangerous and could easily cause the person to die. Also, if it were to degenerate more, the possibility of that happening becomes more likely. Especially when she keeps putting herself in the middle of dangerous situations, like she does.

    Wait.. wait. Taimi has brittle bones, she puts the player character in dangerous situations which we survive against all probability, our player character has visions and an aversion to underwater combat?

    I see it now. LS3/4 is based on M. Night. Shamalayan's 'Unbreakable'. Taimi is Mr Glass and we're David Dunn.


    1. Gleam of Sentience - take off the confirmation dialogs. If I double-click a vendor item, I mean to buy it. And 25 dragonite is a trivial loss if you make a mistake.

    2. Would be nice if a certain number of the same single-use tonic could be forged/crafted into something useful, like an endless version of the tonic or a vial of karma or something.

    3. All gobblers should be consistent and be able to draw materials from the bank/material bank. Gleam of Sentience does, Princess/Mawdrey don't - forcing players to withdraw these materials into inventory to use the gobblers, which is a tedious and pointless step.

    4. Does the materials dude in the Guild Hall (the one you give materials to in order to further guild hall construction projects) allow you to give him stuff from your bank/materials bank yet? That was always a big peeve of mine. You had to see what he needed, run over to the scribe station, withdraw the stuff into inventory, run back to the dude, donate materials, rinse, repeat. It puts me off donating anything.

  2. In the spirit of how the candy corn node in your home instance can be upgraded to King-sized, how about some quests to upgrade the HOT airship/exalted chests in the home instance into their larger counterparts; i.e. Airship cargo -> Large airship cargo; Exalted chest -> Great Exhalted chest.It would be something for completionists and node-collectors to enjoy and yet another way to bring people back to HOT maps.

    1. Personally, I'd find it very useful if GW2 had a 'quick stack' option like Terraria has to move items from your inventory into your bank (the bank bank, not the material bank) if those items are already in there. For example, my bank contains tomes of experience, scrolls of experience, black lion chests, etc. Over time, these drop into my inventory as loot. Currently, I visit the bank every once in a while and manually move these items from my inventory to my bank, onto their respective stacks.What would be useful is a feature I can click somewhere that would automatically move all those items to the bank if they already exist in there. I wouldn't mind if it were part of the 'Deposit materials' option or a separate option on the inventory options menu, or an option on the bank, as long as it were an option somewhere.

    2. Speaking of depositing materials, I also wouldn't mind if there were an option to automatically deposit all materials from my inventory AND compact the inventory in one step, as these are the two most frequent actions I do in managing inventory and I always do both. Currently, it's click-options-menu-then-click-deposit-then-click-compact. A simple icon on the inventory header that does all three clicks in one would save me from an RSI riddled future.

    3. Or, alternatively, if there were a flag I could tick (defaulting to off) which would always compact on deposit I'd be happy with that.

    4. Or, building on the above, it would be even nicer if there were a flag (off by default) I could set to automatically deposit and compact on ANY materials coming into inventory I'd give you my firstborn. I know others are happy to see the loot in there, but I'm fine with watching the loot scroll up the side of the screen to see what I've received.

    5. Building even further, it would be fabulous if there were an option to automatically consume luck if MF < 300, defaulting to off. I'm working up to 300 MF so I'm constantly consuming any luck that drops.

    6. Do the bank tabs have any compact option? I don't remember seeing one. It would be incredible if the bank could be compacted. Once you've got half a dozen tabs it starts to get hard to keep track of how many stacks of what items you have.

    7. And, of course, when you click F near the bank vendor the bank should take precedence over any common NPC standing nearby whose only line of dialogue is "hello". If I ever want to talk to Mr One-Word-Vocabulary, I'll select him.

    8. P.S. It would be useful to be able to consume a number of tomes of knowledge in bulk, as I do when I do a key-run. Currently, you double-click each one and have to respond to the dialog that pops up. If there were an option in the Tome's drop-down menu like "Use " that prompted you how many you wanted to use (or for simplicity just an option like "Use 10" because level 10 is what a toon needs to be to get that black lion key in the personal story) and it used up that number of tomes with only one confirmation prompt, that would be AWESOME. Of course, I'd still have to go through all the level-up prompts from those icons that build up just above the map, but at least the process would be a little smoother.

  3. @ReaverKane.7598 said:My issue with it, has never been so much the difficulty (trust me it's not that hard), but the fact that you have to wait so long for it to restart. That's what causes the frustration, even if people don't realize it. In most JP, including Winter Wonderland, it's all about the timing, and if you mess up, you can start over pretty soon, if not immediately with your error still fresh, and keep some of the grasp on the timing, which allows you to improve. The Clock tower can make you wait minutes for it to restart, which means everything is gone, and you'll be more frustrated and less focused by the time you get to start over.It's all because it's treated like a pvp map, with you having to wait for the pvp session to restart. If that was changed, and you could either be switched to a new instance as soon as you fail, have a personal instance (because lets face it, having wisps jumping ahead of you brings nothing to the enjoyment of the JP), or simply re-script the whole thing so that it functions in a wave, like the wintersday puzzle, allowing multiple people to be completing it in different stages of the puzzle. Until they get rid of that enormous wait time, the difficulty will always seem greater than it actually is.

    This. Epic this.

  4. @YuckaMountain.3786 said:How about adding some kind of indicator that shows with a glance that when you inspect a book of recipes you looted whether you know all the recipes or not.

    It is annoying to go and check them one by one if you cannot remember if you had the items.

    Was just going to say the same. This is a royal pita. Better still, don't drop a book if I've finished it. It's useless. Even better still, drop a book with something I haven't finished.

  5. @"Aeon.4583" said:Small suggestion, to add Loot Count badge in loot section, which is show how many of same item you currently have in your bag.Sometime i wander around zones to gather some resources. And i have to open backpack now and then to keep track of how many resources i have gathered.Look at this Photoshop pic. Left is how it is now, right is my suggestion, showing how many Iron and other stuff i currently have in bag.C6wFbWR.png

    I love this idea!

  6. A couple of QoL requests relating to summons consumables:

    1. Given that the Sunspear Paragon Support consumable is account-bound, can you make all other summons (like the elemental powder, which shares the same cool-down) also account-bound, not soul-bound and allow them to be placed in the shared slots? This would make them more useful amongst multiple toons.

    2. Could all summons please be consistent in their duration? Currently, most are 5 minutes, the paragon is only 2.

    3. There's a consistent bug between the Elemental Powder and the Ogre Pet Whistle. If the powder is used AFTER the whistle, no elemental is summoned but the powder is still wasted. This has been reproducable for me, so I'm hoping you can reproduce it too and discover what's causing it.

    4. I understand that the paragon, elemental and jade share the same cool-down to stop all three from being summoned at once and increasing server load, but if one has already been used and you use another, can the second usage please not consume the consumable?

    5. Would be nice to have key-binds for each summon.

  7. @Teratus.2859 said:(Small Ask)I really want to be able to access my home instance upgrades (nodes etc) in the Suns refuge.. this was a huge missed opportunity imo and really made the Refuge feel kinda pointless after completing all it's upgrade quests.All I use it for now is a free teleport to Jahai thanks to the scroll.

    (Moderate Ask)More combat tonics please :DI'd love to see things like the Monkey King tonic become combat capable.

    I couldn't agree more with these suggestions.

  8. Just thought of another one - what would be useful (for me) would be a key bind I could set to pick the highest level target nearby. Let me explain: in a big fight, it can get difficult to select the champ amongst all the adds and other players, and their summons. I use the key that selects nearest target then cycle until I find the champ. But some champs/bosses disappear/teleport or have periods where they're not selectable - so you lose your targetting and have to do it again, and again. Hence the key that could select the highest level target.

  9. My wintersday wish list:

    1. Please, please, PRETTY PLEASE let my home instance nodes appear in SR, if programmatically possible. They miss me.
    2. Please let those nodes all appear on ground level. In the river is acceptable too.
    3. Please let those nodes all appear in roughly one spot, like one of the side chambers that may not be getting much use, or even open another side chamber in one of the passages currently blocked by a rock-fall.
    4. Please let my cats appear in SR. I reckon the desert fox would love to chase a snowball.
    5. Please let my unlocked NPCs and vendors from the core home instance appear in SR. They can be there under the pretense that my toon called them there for moral support or something.
    6. Please let my hunting journal (from that tiger short bow collection) appear in the bookshelf in SR.
  10. @Q ho.3514 said:

    @Zoltar MacRoth.7146 said:Firstly, thank you for Sun's Refuge. I enjoy using it, but there's a few things that would make it even better:
    1. Have the player appear at the centre hub when using Spearmarshal's Plea to enter SR and not at the distant entrance each time. Yes, it doesn't take long to get to the hub on the beetle, but it's a boring journey to repeat each time.
    2. When using Spearmarshal's Plea, please display the UI on top not behind whatever other dialog is up.
    3. In fact, building on #2, whatever dialog you open last should appear on top, as per standard UI conventions.
    4. Display labels near the portals in SR. It can get confusing which one leads where.

    If you use Plea again you will appear at the centre , not perfect but still better than nothing

    Thank you, Q ho.3514. You're a legend. :)

  11. Firstly, thank you for Sun's Refuge. I enjoy using it, but there's a few things that would make it even better:

    1. Have the player appear at the centre hub when using Spearmarshal's Plea to enter SR and not at the distant entrance each time. Yes, it doesn't take long to get to the hub on the beetle, but it's a boring journey to repeat each time.

    2. When using Spearmarshal's Plea, please display the UI on top not behind whatever other dialog is up.

    3. In fact, building on #2, whatever dialog you open last should appear on top, as per standard UI conventions.

    4. Display labels near the portals in SR. It can get confusing which one leads where.

  12. Recent updates have highlighted some other ideas:

    (For simplicity, all mention of potions here refers to the cosmetic novelty potions.)

    1. Potions need their own category in the Novelties wardrobe, for thematic reasons if nothing else.

    2. In the Novelty screen where you select the item for each novelty slot, can you add a 'random' option. I have a bunch of kites unlocked. It would be nice for a random one to pop out whenever I press the button I've linked to the kite novelty slot.

    3. Some consistency amongst cosmetic potions, or transformations in general, would be awesome. Many have different buttons for deactivating the transformation; often it's 6 but sometimes it's 1 and with the watchknight it's weapon swap. Can all transforms (except watchknight) have the same button, such as 0, to exit the transformation?

    4. Consistency amongst potion durations would be great too. Many are 15 minutes, some are 5, others.. who knows? Can all non-endless ones be standardised to some interval, say 15 minutes, and all endless one just last until they're disabled? After all, they're endless.

    5. Someone mention somewhere that their potions, like halo, disappear after waypointing or being downed. With the not-so-recent update to make travel toys re-appear after combat ends, if they were active before, could transformations be upgraded to re-activate after waypointing?

    6. Allow gliders to be visible when gliding while transformed, and provide an option to toggle this feature.

    7. When transforming into a tree or furniture, can our names be automatically hidden, provided the 'always display my name' option is unticked? It would be awesome for games of hide and seek.

    8. In my dreams, I wish that turning into a tree or furniture would have enemies ignore you, provided they didn't see you transform, but I know the reasons why that can never happen so I won't ask. Although it would be enormously cool. I'm imagining animal enemies being fooled by something like a couch, but smarter enemies wondering, "Hey.. wait a minute. That couch doesn't belong in the middle of the desert!"

    9. Also in my dreams, I wish more transforms were useable in real combat.

  13. @Blude.6812 said:All of them removed from the game

    Or.. double all instruments by > @Gaile Gray.6029 said:

    @Blude.6812 said:All of them removed from the game

    But they give a lot of people pleasure, and you can disable hearing them, if you like! I would not like to take away the fun from other people, when I can manage my own experience. :)

    OR... double the instruments by adding a copy of each existing instrument but make the copy EXTRA SHINY! And make them shoot unicorns when you play them.

    1. Make this thread a sticky on the main page.

    2. Allow depositing into guild treasurer directly from bank/mat bank.

    3. Allow the recipe selection dialog to be closed with the ESC key like other dialogs. I mean the one that pops up when you get a book of recipies from some event in HOT and you have to choose one.

    4. Following from #3, either highlight in a book of recipes which ones the player already has unlocked, or provide a check box or something to filter it down to those already unlocked.

    5. Following on from #4, either highlight in the TP which unlockable items/skins the player already has unlocked, or provide a means to filter them out. You have filters on other things like rarity. Should be possible to filter on unlocked. Both would be fantastic, but the filter would be my first preference if I had to choose one. I love unlocking things so reducing the TP list to the unlocked things would be awesome.

    6. Seriously, put in a Sell Min/Maj Runes/Sigils button on vendors. Put a confirmation prompt on it if you want. Anything would be better than double-clicking fifty times to sell all the junk runes/sigils that keep piling up.

    7. When changing guilds to access their various guild halls, please remember which waypoints I've unlocked in each hall. What's the point of allowing multiple guilds when the explored parts of each hall get cleared when you switch to another guild?

    8. Provide previews of novelties wherever they're sold, e.g. in the gem store or from vendors. It would be good to know what they look like when making a choice.

    9. Would be nice to be able to hold the mouse over a bounty board in map view and see what bounties are on the board, and if any are currently selected, and by whom they're selected.

    10. Following on from #9, would be nice to be able to click on already selected bounty on a bounty board and have the game tell you who has selected that bounty. That way, if there are several commanders in the zone and they're not responding to chat, you could find out which one is doing what.

    11. Years ago I suggested some kind of NPC that would harvest home instance nodes and a year later you brought out the Black Lion board (with no credit to me but I'll let that pass) which acts as an NPC that collects stuff for you. I'm happy you're open to a little automation in the home instance, so how about building on that with some kind of NPC you can pay with silver/gold to harvest one specific resource of your choice day after day, e.g. oysters? You would pick just one node to harvest and it would keep getting harvested until you cancelled or change the task.

    12. Thank you for the new World Boss Portal gadget. What about building on that by adding the travelling PACT merchants to it, or HOT bosses or POF bosses if the player has those expansions? Also major city waypoints, e.g. that one outside the bank in Divinity's reach, or the one by the bank in LA? You could even make this an upgrade to the original gadget which costs karma or gold to add. Taimi could be the merchant that upgrades it. That would make thematic sense.

    13. An UBER portal tome, which combines all tomes from LS seasons, OR add the LS portal scroll waypoints to the World Boss Portal gadget in #12 - although it should probably be renamed some kind of 'Uber Portal Gadget'.

    14. Display toon's title on char selection screen.

    15. Would be nice to have some way to see a list of zones and how much each is completed, OR somehow highlight zones that are incomplete. For example, if one were to zoom out as far as possible in map view, you could display lines around all the zone borders and a percentage inside each indicating how much is completed. As someone who enjoys completing zones, this would be very useful instead of having to pan around, holding the mouse over each zone.

    That's... probably enough for now. Thanks again.

  14. I was just writing in the Halloween thread and had an idea to suggest...

    Cosmetic Upgrades to Home Instance nodes

    The king-sized candy corn node is an upgrade to the candy-corn node to make it look bigger and give more candy corn. All well and good. But how awesome would it be if you could upgrade other nodes, at least cosmetically?There could be a vendor or vendors who sell cosmetic upgrades to specific nodes (or perhaps a generic node upgrader for a higher price than a specific node upgrade). The upgrades would not affect the output, to avoid disrupting the economy. But they would make the nodes look bigger, more detailed or add effects.

    For example, the currently lack-luster brandstone node could be upgraded to a "Sparking brandstone node" which has some cracking electricity arcing here and there. It would then make sense why the original brandstone node looks so dull. The equally lackluster Aurilium node could get bigger and give off some kind of golden glow. The wintersday tree is already good, but upgraded it could have extra wintersday ornaments around it or maybe spin around.

    This would be fun for collectors (like myself) and could be a draw-card for people to invite others to their home instances to show off their bling.

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