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  1. Yes, after level 80, levels give spirit shards. If you have HoT/PoF/EoD then you begin to get Mastery levels. These are the higher numbers you see. I wouldn't waste ToK on spirit shards until you are sure you don't want to play with leveling an alt. Some of us are to the point where we have ten thousand of them and spirit shards are the only use.
  2. I haven't noticed the garden problem, but I notice AoE gathering on the ore nodes in the Asura instance flakes out several times a week for about a month now.
  3. Could this just be latency and a draw issue. Perhaps it only appears faster. If you contact one of the faster players in game, post race, maybe they can give you the advice your looking for.
  4. FYI: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reality_Rift The important part: "These motes count towards the daily limit of 250 Orbs of Volatile Magic after which they stop granting volatile magic and experience, but the rift can still be repaired." Did you hit your cap?
  5. I don't think there is any thing about games that hold attention spans. Mostly it's the people. Find a fun group of friends to play with at some interval, and you can get tethered easily even to a garbage game. The content in this game is just meh at best, but that's the same all around. No MMO could ever pace content consumption rates that players want. So play in smaller doses with friends and its more entertaining. Then, bounce around to other games to get the content your are looking for, and hit up some single player games for good stories (none in this game for sure.)
  6. Just list a LFG that you need help doing strike for mount. People will assist. It may not be the perfect group but after some tries, it usually gets done.
  7. The order is random unless it recently changed. I think its far worse to run by an event dozens of times in a row to never get the last one. This is an open world achievement in DE that requires you do a group event to kill a creature (4 different possibilities). I think the OP thinks there is an order, when the spawn type is random.
  8. How is this anything but pve, what upgrades came to wvw and pvp?
  9. A full guild hall is worth a lot of gold, about 10k gold just in materials not to mention the time investment. I wouldn't hold out to much hope on this one. Alternatively you can take the new guild hall with a handful of people for the 100g investment. If you ask in map chat or LFG you will find the assistance you need.
  10. The better idea is to fix auto loot, whats the point if I still have to run around spamming f to loot the 40 extra chest not deemed worth of the big chest. Why bother doing only 1 any ways.
  11. Silver and gold jewelry was easy to craft with so much crap just sitting around.
  12. It is faster to skip all the open world trash parts of the return to stories with a repeat toon. You can do with either. Edit: You can also do them for the first time as well.
  13. What is happening is the 2 orbs from both rings are stacking. If you check the affect on one then uncheck the other. Wait a moment and check the second one, you will see 2 orbs. when you enter the mode they both launch at the same time and overlap, so it may appear brighter, but its just a stack.
  14. Even with hardware differences, it also matters your graphical option. Slow out dated hardware running performance settings (low quality) will out preform a better rig with ultra setting (high quality). Try setting his machine to the lowest possible setting and see if lag goes away. Then tweak to improve. Remember some things like character model limit and quality may affect visual tells in raids. Can also check speed test, to make sure you are both getting comparable speeds in a browser to rule out throttling related issues to a degree. Be it your ISP or hardware.
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