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Everything posted by Feanor.2358

  1. Sorry, but my patience is limited and has never been one of my strong sides really. When my arguments get consistently ignored, I just stop using them because I don't like to repeat myself. And don't take it the wrong way, but you're arguing without knowing the basics of the field you're arguing about. Said crowd passionately defends some ideas that demonstrably don't work. Point in topic, fractals have difficulty tiers, endless complaints about how difficult Oasis is, up to and including ridiculous comparisons with Shattered. See, doesn't work. People aren't happy to play the easier mode. They want the hardest mode to be easy enough for them without putting the effort. So there - that's not an argument, it's proof. I don't believe it would sway anyone thought. You'll keep ignoring what you don't like to hear and you'll keep preaching absurd ideas.
  2. Once again the anti-raid crowd is throwing out ridiculous claims and tries to defend them by repetition. Good job!
  3. You brought the game up. What are you talking about? I even stated that I only did a basic google search which already showed the game design and encounter design to be vastly different. So let me see if I got this right.. you walk into the discussion.. admit you know nothing but yet hope that you will beat someone with knowledge of both. You know, before I raid, I try to get a clue before i walk in, You might want to try that with forum discussion, I don't know, running in blind hoping to win might be how you roll tho, I feel bad for your raid group. I walked into the discussion having knowledge about raids in gw2, which is what this is actually about. You started talking about other games raids and brought up TERA. Which I indulged. You now decided to call it all off as a joke because, well I don't even know why. With now trying to point blame at me? Wow. The discussion was about Raids in GW2, vs Raids in other games. You only had half the knowledge to have a civil discussion. That is a faulting on your part. As mentioned my rading experience includes games as far back as DAoC (DAoC, WoW, Aion) as well as every boss in GW2. You decided to bring up TERA and when asked to provide examples how they (TERA raids) are similar to GW2 even though the game is designed completely differently (30 man raids, tank and spank, progressive gearing) you decided to get personal and change the topic (aka abandon your TERA example). Part of your civil discussion was now removed. The rest can be read in this thread up to this point. If yo didn't know anything about TERA, you should have stepped down and let someone who did, deal with it, as opposed to trying to be the hero and jumping into a discussion you were ill prepared to have. The Gear Tredmill, as I said before, is irrelevant, GW2 did not have a gear treadmill before Raids, in fact, making a QoL gear upgrade like legendary Armor be raid exclusive, makes GW2, far more akin to TERA then it used to be. Which makes Raids yet another step back and in the wrong direction. No.. you changed the topic by saying that people who object to raids in GW2 never raided. That also was your mistake. Fractals were in the game long before raids, and that is the only 'forced' gear treadmill in the game. Fractals were just skins. Raids are just skins too. And he was talking about AR, which is the closest thing to gear treadmill this game has. No.. the stat change ability of Legendary is a direct QoL feature, that marks it as distinctly better then ascended.The stat change is vastly overrated by the anti-raid crowd. The price of the legendary gear makes it a strictly luxury choice, as stat-swapping is available and orders of magnitude cheaper in the Mystic Forge. Legendaries were never a distinct tier and armor didn't change that.
  4. You brought the game up. What are you talking about? I even stated that I only did a basic google search which already showed the game design and encounter design to be vastly different. So let me see if I got this right.. you walk into the discussion.. admit you know nothing but yet hope that you will beat someone with knowledge of both. You know, before I raid, I try to get a clue before i walk in, You might want to try that with forum discussion, I don't know, running in blind hoping to win might be how you roll tho, I feel bad for your raid group. I walked into the discussion having knowledge about raids in gw2, which is what this is actually about. You started talking about other games raids and brought up TERA. Which I indulged. You now decided to call it all off as a joke because, well I don't even know why. With now trying to point blame at me? Wow. The discussion was about Raids in GW2, vs Raids in other games. You only had half the knowledge to have a civil discussion. That is a faulting on your part. As mentioned my rading experience includes games as far back as DAoC (DAoC, WoW, Aion) as well as every boss in GW2. You decided to bring up TERA and when asked to provide examples how they (TERA raids) are similar to GW2 even though the game is designed completely differently (30 man raids, tank and spank, progressive gearing) you decided to get personal and change the topic (aka abandon your TERA example). Part of your civil discussion was now removed. The rest can be read in this thread up to this point. If yo didn't know anything about TERA, you should have stepped down and let someone who did, deal with it, as opposed to trying to be the hero and jumping into a discussion you were ill prepared to have. The Gear Tredmill, as I said before, is irrelevant, GW2 did not have a gear treadmill before Raids, in fact, making a QoL gear upgrade like legendary Armor be raid exclusive, makes GW2, far more akin to TERA then it used to be. Which makes Raids yet another step back and in the wrong direction. No.. you changed the topic by saying that people who object to raids in GW2 never raided. That also was your mistake. Fractals were in the game long before raids, and that is the only 'forced' gear treadmill in the game. Fractals were just skins.Raids are just skins too. And he was talking about AR, which is the closest thing to gear treadmill this game has.
  5. I get the impression you're doing that about GW2 raids. I don't care if you're played raids in every single other mmo out there. The fact of matter is, raids in this game are very different from any other content in mechanical variety. Ultimately every content can be reduced to a dps race, but that doesn't make it generic. If someone claims raids are as generic as dungeons, he either never really played raids here or is simply being dishonest.
  6. I have done raids since the 90's. I have a clue what I am talking about. Thanks for the wrong assumptions. So have I, I was talking about raids in GW2. You make it sound like they are somehow different then raids in TERA for example. I didn't see anything unique or special about GW2 raids, that make something different them what we have done to death many times before. Some of us are simply burned out from the Drama and BS, have our small circle of people, and don't see the magical need for Double Group Dungeons, Which is really all a raid in this game.. like so many others.. just a double group dungeon encounter.. meh. Raids are common, generic content, nothing special about them, and truth be told, GW2 would have been better off trying to find a new approach, to test the norm, then fall back on such a bland system, its a step back for the game as a whole.. next will you beg them for Kill Stealing.. to make the game more challenging?I beg to differ. Raids in GW2 aren't generic. Dungeons are indeed.
  7. Those are there to give noobs an easy LI, plain and simple. I don't have anything against them regarding their design, it's their nonexistent difficulty that annoys me. Everyone skipping LI-less trash like Gorseval's pres and Twisted Castle kinda reinforces my point. No one would do escort and trio if they gave no LI, because they're boring filler, there for those who can't get LIs by doing the normal bosses. Disregarding my arguments because they don't fit your opinion does not make them invalid. Exaggerating - too. The notion of "giving free LIs" is absurd. The "noobs" as you call them will have hard time beating even Escort, let alone Trio.
  8. Disagree. First off, there's no problem with exclusive content. On a broader level, it's either exclusive or generic. The game is full of exclusive content, content targeted toward specific, players which make up for a small part of the player base. That's fine. Even more - that's the sensible thing to do. You can't make generic content exciting, so you can actually keep more players in the game with a variety of different exclusive content. Which the game does. You need to look a bit further than just mechanics. We'll keep getting things like Escort no matter what. Because there are design notions like pacing. You can't make a boss feel epic, threatening and utterly challenging if it's on the same level as every other boss. Variance in difficulty is an important tool to do that. It's not that you can't do a harder Escort or Trio. It's not that you want to put it there for players seeking lesser challenge (you have FotM for that already). It's that you want to distinguish what comes next, use the contrast to emphasise the next boss. This kind of undermines your next point about difficulty modes being healthy for the raids. I can agree on adding higher difficulties. Which we already get btw, in the form of CMs. Lower difficulty raids would be rather pointless in my opinion, as they will serve the same purpose as FotM. And if the rewards there remain - as they should - lower and weekly-gated, there will simply not be enough interested players to warrant the development time.
  9. Please... The effects in this game are quite mild. Have you tried D3? If that's Diablo 3, no I have not. Other than GW2 I've only tried Guild Wars, Tabula Rasa, Last Chaos, WoW, Diablo 2, Torchlight, Rappelz, ToR, AoC, TSW, ESO, RoM, Tera, Rift, NWO, LotRO, Skyforge. Aion, CoX and Wildstar. While GW2 is superior to a lot of those games in one way or another, I never had trouble seeing a boss in any of them. The effects in GW2 may seem mild to you. That may be due to your being exposed to games where they are more intense. Maybe the difference in perspective is due to differences in visual acuity and light-change tolerance among people. I've seen pieces of a lot of GW2 bosses. I've seen an arm here, a leg there. The bigger the model, the more of it I may have seen.Actually the differences come from the possibility to have a lot larger number of players using skills and contributing to the visual clutter on a single scene. In D3 (yes, it's Diablo) and many of the games you quoted they are limited to a much smaller number. Hence they generally have much more visually impressive skills. Just compare Meteor Shower in and in .I get what's your point, but there are limits to which you can tone down the visual effects of the skills without making them seem... lame. You have to take into account the experience of a lone player playing solo as well as the full zerg blasting world bosses.
  10. Please... The effects in this game are quite mild. Have you tried D3?
  11. First off, while Balthazar is a vastly powerful entity, he's no longer the god he used to be. Not even the same league. Notice how Kormir had a very visible bright aura around herself? Notice how Balthazar didn't? Remember the tales about people going blind by staring at the gods for too long? Second, Aurene. The story doesn't exactly explain it, but this is the second time we see the bond between the Commander and Aurene used to overcome a challenge (first was a training mission set up by the Exalted). I think the idea is this bond goes much deeper than simple teamwork and empowers them both somehow. Third, Kralkatorrik. I imagine part of Balthazar's power was busy dealing with the elder dragon. I imagine it wasn't a small part, too. After all, Balthazar didn't confront Kralkatorrik directly, instead he sought to attack his weakness. This suggests the dragon is probably the stronger entity at the moment of the conflict, and even while being attacked he'd pose a considerable threat. The Commander and Aurene did not have to overcome Balthazar's power, they only had to tip the balance, make him lose control.
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