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Posts posted by Treacy.4067

  1. 1 minute ago, oscuro.9720 said:

    Idk how changing arc divider from 3 hits to 1 is removing class identity, but if that’s what does it for you, I guess that’s what does it for you. 🤷‍♂️

    Rushing head first into a group of mobs with a big kitten greatsword, spinning to win as you take charge and handle business...I don't want another Arcing Slice thanks. 

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  2. Just now, oscuro.9720 said:

    You know Warrior was buffed this patch right?

    It's not just about the numbers which, quite frankly, is the problem.  You should be able to balance classes without removing class identity and what makes specific professions fun.

    Like with what happened a year ago after the infamous banner patch, I'll probably just quit altogether but maybe come back if they fix it. The Arc Divider change is deal breaker for me unfortunately.

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  3. This is a terrible idea, keep it a spin with 3 hits. Stop taking away the feel and fun of what makes warrior great. There will be no reason to even use GS anymore. For the love of warrior please reconsider this change Anet.

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  4. On 11/30/2022 at 3:26 AM, Zombiesbum.3502 said:

    Then why on hell does the event spawn at "stupid-o-clock"? Obviously the devs intended players to be able to complete the even at those times, otherwise it just wouldn't spawn.

    Unlike Silver Wastes event, once you'd completed it, it's meaningless to complete it again (for most players) this is extremely toxic design. It either needs reworking so it's more or less soloable, or the rewards need to be buffed to bring older players chomping at the bit to re-complete it. The once per day reward is also extremely problematic.

    You want Triple Trouble to be soloable?  lol, no, just no.  We've already seen a lot of things dumbed down, stop trying to ask for the few remaining group events that require coordination to be removed.  GW2 is known for having great open world meta events so why would they remove this aspect of gameplay?  If you can't find a group, make one yourself or learn to command, or join a guild.  You need mastery points? The game has so many other ways to earn them.  I've never seen someone say that event timers are toxic lol. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Anet just acknowledged in balance philosophy livestream that accessibility to builds for all players ... is a thing. Take that for what you will but to me it says, power mech isn't a mistake. Right up front in the Goals:

    Fundamentally, our goal is to ensure that the moment-to-moment gameplay in Guild Wars 2 is enjoyable for as many players as possible. To that end, we want to capitalize on the depth of the combat system to build a fluid and fast-paced combat experience that allows players to express their mastery of mechanics. We also want to create a substantial number of viable build options and allow for a broad set of combat strategies in order to enable a wide range of playstyles

    To me that says the opposite.  It's talking about rewarding those that can master their builds.  So yes it was a mistake because it's rewarding too much for too little.  The end goal is to make sure each profession has options for viable easier builds, not doing top dps with no intensity builds. The term "depth of the combat system" is the key, as well as "while still having room for them to improve their mastery over the combat system and increase their effectiveness."  So they look ready to dial those LI builds back a bit.

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  6. Not to mention Bloody Roar, a Grandmaster trait mind you, that has been bugged since they "buffed" it yet actually ended up being a nerf.  Feels like I'm hurting the group unless I bring a mechanist so I'm just avoiding group stuff until things get fixed. The balance in this game is off the rails right now.  

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  7. 3 hours ago, thorrand.6548 said:

    Then don't play it? The fact it's played so much is a decent indicator they did something right. 

    Quite the opposite actually.  A lot of people feel that they have to play it or new folks pick it because it's overpowered compared to the other professions. To say that the ridiculous amount of mechs in groups and in general is indicative that something is right is laughable.

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  8. 1 minute ago, samsar.9152 said:

    Mechanist is fine as it is now. No need to change it.


    Please, do nothing to mechanist. I have never loved engineer as profession so much than now. 🙂

    "This is fine."  lol.  It's pretty well known by now that mechanist needs a nerf and Anet needs to make it a priority.

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  9. 46 minutes ago, Powerfat.7294 said:

    Why is having a build that is easy to play a problem? Maybe you should stop being ableist?

    That's an ad hominem attack on that other person for the record. Also that build isn't "easy to play" it's automated gameplay with no input, other than the one button press.  It's essentially the computer playing the game not the person.  The game should and does have easier low intensity builds for people with accessibility issues, (I have a bad right hand so I play with my left and adjust accordingly), but I'm completely against these no intensity builds where you can literally walk away from your computer and let the game do that kind of damage.  It's not good for the game.


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  10. Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

    Sure we talked about all those things because they are related, but my point hasn't changed. The DPS on LI rifle build isn't a problem. If the patch is any indication, Anet doesn't think so either. 

    At the very least stop changing what you write, stand behind what you say for crying out loud.  Anyway, The DPS on afk NI rifle build is an issue of meme proportions and I expect it will be addressed on October 4th if not sooner.

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  11. 1 minute ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    OK .. that's not me agreeing the power rifle DPS is unbalanced. That's just you taking things out of context or misunderstanding. I don't know how you do that ... I've been very clear what my position is in this thread. 

    You've not been clear, you've changed your position several times.  First it was about accessibility, then about afk, then encounters, etc, etc.  Also, just because you change your original posts AFTER the fact, does not mean someone is taking you out of context.  I always quote the original thing said to me, I don't go back to see what changes were made after I make my own point. I only caught you doing that well into the discussion.  Bad form.

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  12. Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

    Quote all you like. No where in there did I say was the DPS a balance issue. 

    Except you did, that's how quotes work. You agreed with me when I said the balance and dps problems happened since the last patch.  Maybe read the things you reply to before commenting to avoid maybe saying something you didn't mean in the first place.  If you want to go back on it fine, but you said those things.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    I don't need to ... I never said the things you are accusing me of saying. 

    We were talking about the dps being out of whack and I said it was a balance issue, then you said it was an encounter issue.  I then said: "The encounters didn't all of a sudden break.  It's a problem with the recent changes in the balance patches."  and you said: "That's true. That doesn't mean they weren't trivial in the first place though."  And I thanked you for finally agreeing lol.  You did the same for the problems with afk mech.  I can quote that too if you're too lazy to go back and read what you wrote.



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  14. Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

    I didn't agree to any of these things. Mechs don't take up ALL the spots and I never said their DPS was unbalanced. 

    Go back through the thread.  You've edited every single one of your posts but I usually quote the original or relevant bits.  I even thanked you at one point but then you went and stealth edited that post to say something completely different.  You don't debate in good faith.

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