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Posts posted by Treacy.4067

  1. 30 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Sure it's true, but it's not a problem. It makes absolutely NO difference to you if someone gets DPS from pressing 1 button or 100 buttons. NONE.


    Sure it is and sure it does. That's why people are meming and upset over it.  It's not healthy for the game.  There's a few issues at play here, the balance aspect of it being a big part and the automated play issue amongst other things.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Again with the sensational rhetoric ...

    But what they said is true though.  There's already videos of people benching 27-28k with no input, well besides the initial one button press lol.  This goes beyond "accessibility" and into mindless automated territory akin to mobile gaming.  So you can stop banging on that drum because it has nothing to do with accessibility.  I say this as someone that has had to adapt the way I play because of a bad right hand.  

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  3. 31 minutes ago, GWstinkt.6094 said:

    The main cause for frustration here IMO is that some builds and specs are currently genuinly underpowered while mechanist is just genuinly good and also easy to play.

    It goes beyond being easy to play, it's the fact that you don't have to play.  You can push one button and leave your computer and you will do insane damage by doing nothing.  And that is most definitely not "genuinely good" sorry to say.

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  4. 47 minutes ago, GWstinkt.6094 said:


    The real reason people are upset about this is because Mechanist currently performs really well and is also very easy to use, while some other specs currently perform worse.


    Um, isn't that obvious?  Easy, yeah I'd say literally going afk and letting the game auto attack for you is easy.

    50 minutes ago, GWstinkt.6094 said:


    The proper response here should be to call for other specs to be made more viable and useful, instead of tearing others down for playing a spec that you deem to be too easy.

    The proper response would be to revert having a spec's auto-attack do that much damage.  No one should ever be able to do that much damage when they're making a cup of tea or taking a dump.  They're not even playing, it's almost comical.  

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  5. 4 hours ago, Funky.4861 said:


    Wrong: Incorporating real-world political ideology into an escapist pursuit.

    Didn't like the charr civil war that was Drizzlewood Coast?   Because otherwise what are you even talking about? 


    Going in the right direction:  story in general, bringing back season 1

    Going in the wrong direction:  Too many bugs, bots, and balance issues. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Sarius.9285 said:

    seems way more logical, yea a new Guild wars mmo just doesn't make sense at any point in the near future. The new expansion coming in probably 2-3 years, the wvw updates and the announced continous graphic updates wouldn't make much sense if you're were already planning a new game 


    Why would ArenaNet be hiring for Lineage though?

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  7. On 7/20/2022 at 1:17 AM, Gorem.8104 said:

    Hey, hows it going fellow Warriors on exodus from the game (Also Stray is out finally, awesome). 


    Anet reverted the last balance patch yet? 

    I went from being one of the game's biggest fans and cheerleaders to quitting in a day.  For someone like me to leave, well let's just say it had to be a royal screw up.  So yeah I haven't logged in since the day the patch dropped and I saw what they did.  Been giving a proper look at ffxiv finally.  I mean sure I miss gw2, will probably be my favorite mmo of all time, but I just lost total faith with that patch.   


    I will glance every now and then to see if anything improves, good they moved the crit at least, but hearing things like Engi semi-afk auto-attacking and end game groups consisting of only 3 or 4 specs does not bode well imo.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

    Some people here i just looking at the negativity as always instead of the positives. The patch has more good balance changes than bad but sure go ahead and overeact just like everyone on just one single changes. i bet some not everyone here plays warrior but just mad at something and just following the crown like always

    You really seem out of the loop to be fair.  This isn't about some people mad about their build doing less dps and it's not just one single change.  Whether you are affected or not, you should really care about what just happened today because it does not bode well for the game's health. In fact I think that's what really has people upset the most, and many of them aren't even affected directly by the changes.  They just understand the ramifications of today's patch.  Before calling sour grapes, maybe get a better understanding first instead of just guessing and assuming.  To wave your hand and say it's an overreaction is naive.  Balance patches will always make someone mad to be sure, but this is a whole other can of worms. 

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  9. Nope. I logged in and saw what they did and was floored.  Seeing a patch like this greenlit does not bode well for the future, it's that incompetent . I never expected to be quitting today but here we are, after some quick goodbyes I uninstalled.  Maybe this can be a learning experience for the company and things will improve but I can't hold my breathe any longer.  On a positive note, I met a lot of great people over the years and had a lot of fun so I say thanks to all the devs that had a hand in that.  

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  10. I honestly can't fathom why they made these changes, they make no sense.  Maybe someday they'll have dedicated people working on balance that have actually played the professions, that's how bad these changes are.  I was always a champion of this game but I now have zero faith in how they're running things at this point.  I can't believe they went live with this. 


    With regret and sadness I have uninstalled, thanks to all the great people I've played with over the years.


    For Great Justice!💪

    Crazy Treacy

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  11. This is bugged again.  Tried helping someone do Salt on the Wound, and it bugged around the same location as before.  When the targets came up on tail and back it just got stuck there.  We kept flying and shooting but nothing, no progression.  The difference from last time is the tail wasn't whipping over and over.  Tried it a a few times and keeps getting stuck at same spot.  I think it might work solo but perhaps a new bug is happening with a party.

  12. @Joote.4081 said:Ah! So the lack of players could be down to the times I visit these expansion area's. That is something I never thought of but could very well be why I'm seeing dead maps. I will have to change the times I visit and test this out.On a side note I am in the process of playing through the story for the very first time (all chapters). I'm hoping this will cast light on some of the things that confuse me about this game.

    You also have to remember that there are multiple instances of those maps, there's always a couple of maps with people on it doing events, especially the metas. Look in lfg and hop over to a fuller map before it fills up.

  13. @Joote.4081 said:I have nothing against desert or jungle areas it's just I don't think HOT nor POF were designed with a mmo play style in mind. More like something you might expect from a single player exploration game. And you can tell as you move from one area to another. Old maps populated to sometimes crowded, new areas I see very few people, sometimes I feel as if I'm the only one logged on when playing on them. :)

    If a creature has the ability to fire grenades for petes sake make it once with a cool down, this spamming the entire area with grenades is terrible.

    I'd argue the opposite. It's better when teaming up with others in those areas which is very mmo type of play.

  14. @Joote.4081 said:

    @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Is it really that long, over an hour?I don't remember it taking much time, but it's been awhile.

    Yes it's a long instance. That long I said to myself 'when is this going to end' I'm sure I was very near completion when I got kicked. Why kick you back to Lions gate? That's cruel. And not to give you the usual warning that you are leaving the instance boundary is even cruller.

    Wait you're talking about the first instance where you get your raptor? That's not a long instance and certainly not an hour. It's mostly trash mobs and ressing npcs/putting out fires for the heart. I agree that they should have a better warning system for out of bounds though.

  15. @Parasite.5389 said:

    @"DarcShriek.5829" said:I've seen the same character do this at multiple chests within moments.

    how are you getting to these chests faster than this "same character" in order to see them? either you're in two places at once, or you're moving faster than they are.

    In Siren's Landing there are lots of nodes and chests near each other. You can see them teleport to each one., from the one near you to one in the distance. I usually see at least a dozen bots in the few minutes I spend there for a daily, especially during off peak hours.

  16. @"Milkshake.4370" said:I was truly only hooked after reaching Heart of Thorns.This is where the game takes a huge turn for the better. Absolutely everything is improved; music, sound design, world design, story, writing. Literally everything about this expansion was incredible, captivating, and immersive.

    This was my experience as well. I started and stopped the game a few times, never fully getting into it, but then I reached Heart of Thorns and and everything just clicked. So much so that I stopped HoT, bought all the content I didn't have and then did the whole story in order.

    The moment that got me was when I entered Verdant Brink and saw all the destruction with The Pact Laid Waste playing, that npc shouting "Commander, over here!" and seeing how layered the map was. That was when I realized how the maps including the events, npcs, music, sights, and sounds all tied directly into what was happening with the story so I finally "got" what the game was doing. Also, I got wrecked there so the added difficulty was exciting and made me want to play and get better.

  17. Post an lfg, there's always others that need those achievements or people willing to help. I don't get the hate for anet on this particular instance considering there's a reset mote (says challenge mote) before you make the final blow so you can reset it without having to start the whole instance over. It should put you right back at the boss fight. I wish more instances had this like the World Summit for example. Are you NA or EU?

  18. This is one of the major metas for Lake Doric. The event "Clear out the remaining White Mantle forces around Noran's Homestead" has been bugged for a while. It's blocking many achievements/collections including Cin Business, Friend of the Forest (because the "Investigate the rising paranormal activity in the Harvest Cascades" won't spawn as a result), Immelhoof's Heart for Lake Doric Master collection, It's a Trap for mastery point (because Noran's Safe Room cannot be accessed), and Holding Back the Tide achievement for Harvest Cascades. This in turn also blocks Aurora and The Head of the Snake meta achievements.

    The event was done successfully but it won't trigger even though number is showing 0 white mantle left to kill. It would really be great if this could somehow be fixed or at the very least have a new map so we don't have to wait another week for a reset.


  19. If they're teleporting from node to node then they're hacking. It's really bad especially on the season 3 maps. You have to keep in mind though that sometimes people do park alts at things like a single rich node or a specific chest. So it's possible they are simply logging in and out. You can tell if they're using teleport hacks if you see a gathering of nodes on screen and they teleport to each.

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