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Posts posted by Treacy.4067

  1. 1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Nothing false about it ... those are literally at least 2 reasons Anet tells us in patch notes for many years as to why they make class changes. 

    Again this isn't about me or you or any other player. It's not about me convincing myself of anything. It's about reading, understanding and believing when Anet tells us the reasons for the changes they are making. 

    Clearly you don't understand my point regarding the logic in your post. Again, what you said is irrelevant if the premise is faulty from the start. A company (party A) executing their goals doesn't always mean those goals are good for its customers (party B).  So using that as example to say it's in a good place, because a company achieved what they wanted, is not proof nor is it a good argument in the first place.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    1. Do people play the class the amount Anet wants?

    2. Does the class work the way Anet wants it?

    If the answer is yes to those questions ... then we are in a 'good place'. Stop convincing yourself it's about you. 

    Not only is that a false premise, but it literally ignores the argument of the other side. In case you're still confused, that means that people are saying there's a problem with both 1 and 2. Stop convincing yourself we are in a good place.

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  3. On 7/20/2023 at 3:49 PM, garpu.6210 said:

    It seems like every MMO I've played in the past 15 to 20 years has had dire predictions about its doom shortly to come.  Hell, EQ and DAoC are still kicking, as is CoX (not officially, but they did just release a new issue.) Guild Wars 1 is still up.

    Not only are those terrible examples of currently thriving games, they prove the point and lend validity to the doom predictions considering their current and historical numbers.  It's like what I said earlier in this thread; when customers  are screaming from the rooftops, it might be wise to step back and evaluate decisions regarding the successful longevity of your game. Again I mention Rift, an example where people warned of what was coming but the devs and company pressed ahead anyway and the staunch supporters didn't listen or brushed it off. Then those predictions came to fruition and the game died. Yes it's still technically running but the game is on life support, a dead game.

    Back to this game. When people see this many red flags, they're going to question it and at the very least wonder if this new design philosophy is for them. Some people label that as doom and gloom talk but that doesn't negate it's validity. Criticism doesn't necessarily come from a malevolent place. People tend to sound the alarm when they see decisions that might jeopardize their favorite game. Now gw2 may survive this new direction with the current crew in charge, nobody knows. It will be a question of how many veterans hang on to find out and if the game can draw new players in to replace the veterans that do leave and whether those new folks stay.

    tl;dr Just because a game is still up and running doesn't mean a game is healthy and thriving. 

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  4. On 7/4/2023 at 12:12 AM, Neiara.9362 said:

     Every game is "dying". Literally no game will retain it's peak forever but as long as it generates enough money, it will keep existing. GW2 isn't going anywhere. I've played both wow (18 years) and ffxiv (3 years), and right now, I enjoy GW2 (2 months) more than either of them. This whole thread is pointless.

    Their argument is that the game is going downhill, that its best years are behind it, and people who have been here for years see it and are concerned. I wouldn't call it pointless for them to say this if that's how they feel, when they do it because they care about the game. Constructive and valid criticism is good for games.  Of course someone that's only played 2 months would think everything is fine.  But you are right that the game will continue on, it will just be a shell of its former self and lose a lot of long time members of the community. This happens with every game at some point. I mean there are still games that are running but you wouldn't consider them alive really if that makes sense.  Let's take Rift as an example: I remember long time players sounding the alarm when the game was making very questionable choices and others putting their fingers in their ears and telling them to just quit if they don't like it. Well they did quit and the game took a nosedive. But I guess you can say the game is still technically up and running.

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  5. On 7/8/2023 at 12:59 PM, felix.2386 said:

    if you still can't understand.

    and the changes PvPers are hailing have no relation to what warrior is today in pvp, and consider the fact that the rest of the changes are all basically buffs with big cooldown reductions(except brutal shot)

    it's more due to how other classes are performing.

    Of course it relates.

  6. 1 hour ago, yourexcellency.1458 said:

    So yes please give away the skyscale. While they are at it just make leyline gliding automatic.

    Just give away updraft use, and mushrooms use since that's needed....and give away Nuhoch Wallows mastery so people can navigate TD easier....wait also give away Thermal Tube as well because it's not fair that people in Dragonfall can shoot across the map and some can't yet because they skipped that content...maybe also give just one full set of legendary armor too, it just takes too long to get all of it...oh oh how about a free item to get a title of your choice so people don't have to do the collection or content, it's not fair that I have to play the game for it....

    Sad that I have to put a /s but there you go.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

    @Azure The Heartless.3261 Just not gonna lie here. Seems like i will just leave PvP again. Power Warr seems actually to struggle hart and the only thing left that is pretty good actually is Condi Berserker. Idk i don't like condi at all so I might wait till anet decides to buff things like Arc Divier, Eviscerate, Decapitate, Breaching Strike to a better power lvl. In this case cya in some better times in PvP 😛

    Leopards Ate My Face

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  8. 7 hours ago, Blackari.2051 said:

    LOL, "if I have to play a game for 1 hour to get one of the best transportation devices in it I am not doing it" ... talk about entitlement ... I really wish ppl like you would really quit and stopped plaguing games, wanting to have everything handed to them on a silver plate right under their noses ..... 

    This is who the game caters to now sadly.

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  9. They had plenty of time to stop this change based on the feedback and they didn't. I think it was just lip service.  This change right here is enough for me to just stop playing. Will check back somewhere down the line to see if they revert but for now, it's on to other things.

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  10. 22 hours ago, Shi No Nai Hasu.1428 said:

    And we also know that no one does them, given that the map is useless to 70% of the playerbase......I just have to WAIT, not grind, like a normal MMO or game, no WAIT.

    First off you're wrong that no one does them. Do you think you're the only person doing a collection? You have to wait because people probably did it before you for theirs. And your solution is to make it grindy? lol Heaven forbid a collection has you do varied activities to earn it and to play with others in, gasp, an MMO. 

    When you are doing an event, don't just expect people to know where to go. If you want help, help them help you. Get a tag, give directions, guide them to the event, etc.  This reeks of entitlement and the game should not ruin its design to cater to it.

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  11. Yeah same, just trying to enjoy the remaining time we have before they sap the fun out of it. I took an extended break last year with that atrocious banner/crit-in-arms patch but came back when they fixed it.  I'm hoping the same happens here and they reverse this stupid change at some point in the future.  Time to check out some new stuff.



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  12. 10 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

    there's literally 0 fun in hard stuck in an unresponsive long-channeling skill that can be dodged by even a monkey.

    you have no idea how much more gameplay rich is arcing slice, compared to arc divider.

    And you have no idea how many hours I've played on warrior. Don't presume to tell me what I know or don't know about warrior gameplay mechanics.  I don't enjoy Arcing Slice and rarely use it. However, I and many others do enjoy Arc Divider and we've explained why in various threads.

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  13. 4 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

    It was for reference because OP mentioned it as a problem in ither MMOs themselves. And I wanted to highlight that it's a much smaller issue in gw2, albeit gw2 is not perfect either, but at least they do try to downscale players and have a lot of mechanics in place to alleviate the issue of max level chars coming back to starter zones.

    There is still an issue despite those measures though and I don't see the point of whataboutism when it doesn't alleviate or solve the problem here.

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  14. 3 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

    Now try WoW, BDO, Archeage and the likes and come back with a comparison afterwards and whether this really is such a problem in GW2.

    What other games do is completely irrelevant when we're talking about this game. For a ridiculous analogy to drive this point home, that's like trying to say it's okay that your room is on fire because the house next door is fully engulfed. 

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  15. 15 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

    and cmc already stated it's not intended.

    So not only will it reduce the fun of game play, it's a dps loss as a result that wasn't intended, one that will need yet another fix. Not a good look and it really doesn't instill me with confidence.  I really hope they're listening to this feedback and don't go through with this Arc Divider change.

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  16. 7 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    No, I fail to see the OP's problem.  If the OP doesn't like high level characters interacting in lower level zones, then maybe the OP shouldn't play around in lower level zones. If the OP has specific goals to meet there, then sure, but don't stick around in the zones once those goals are met.

    How do you know when their goals were met? Regardless your argument, again, makes absolutely no sense. That person had to have been playing to experience the problem as they perceive it. And let's say that person's "goals" were met and moves on, that doesn't somehow solve the problem they were complaining about in the first place.  And for your other solution, to not play in lower areas at all, well that is a ridiculous notion considering new players will literally need to level in them. 

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  17. 7 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    Playing there,sure. Hanging out?  Why don't they simply do what they came to the zone to do and then move on to higher level zones instead of staying in the starter or lower level zones and complaining about level 80 characters?

    Are you really struggling to understand the concept of how the game works? There are a multitude of reason why someone would be in the lower zones.  You saying someone can't criticize something because it's a lower level area is very peculiar.

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  18. 52 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

    @Treacy.4067 but does not Berserker mean "fast big hit burst skills"? Old Arc divider was just Big but slow. So make it a better Version of Arcing slice makes sence.It still will be a big AoE and will hit hard (1.89 is the lvl of Arcing slice while enemy is under 50% Life) with a big radius (think it will be the mid range of the todays Arc Divider). In the end even theme wise the inc Arc Divider does make more sence than the old one.


    P.S. now you guys could confuse Spam me again ..... Have fun 😄

    I don't know how to explain it any better than I already have. We already have a skill like that, we like the animation and the theme of a warrior using a powerful greatsword cutting through a large group of enemies. It's satisfying, it's very on brand for warrior class. It's fun.  Remember fun?  Instead of them addressing the casting time of it, they do this quick fix which guts the enjoyment just a bit more out of the profession. 

    If people are confuse spamming you, maybe they're legitimately confused.

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