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Everything posted by Seis.4736

  1. I main thief before it got gutted out nerf after nerf. It started to feel like "why am I playing thief?" gameplay. Switched to Rev and it felt unique back then but now it is also starting to feel like it is losing its identity/uniqueness. I think they should just remove the cd from switching between Alliances and make the skills share cooldown. Tie all 'on legend swap' and alliance swap effect on an icd (9s) Keep the 2 dodges but add an icd to the 3 dodge types to discourage dodge spamming. Maybe make the Vindi dodge normally when in icd. To add flavor, maybe change the dodge animation for each dodge type. Spinning ele animation (i think on water, not sure) for the heal, daredevil bound to the dmg dodge, etc
  2. Can't you just melee with a range weapon? IF this ends up being a ranged weapon, can't you just stand in melee range as it is with other ranged weapon when stacking? I'm just worried that the swords might not generate a lot of LF. It seems they're focus on health utilization instead.
  3. Logan Thackery So we get an excuse to kill him off and remember him forever in our hearts.
  4. We did this as a pure test in the guild hall arena. No stowing of weapons happened. That works the same with other weapons and OP wrote: "All other weapon main hands do attack in stealth when taunted, but not rifle."Also I'm with @Sir Vincent III.1286 here, getting taunted in stealth was never my problem so w/e. what with it revealing on attack launch rather than hit I mean that's what it's supposed to do and that's what the skill desciption says, so I'm not sure what's the problem here :p Might be related though, who knows. True, its pretty much a balance decision, but it means its coded differently. And well, given that its the outlier, I think we have found the source of this bug. Or maybe not. Who knows, bugs are not exactly rational. Although true that not much taunt happens, when it does happen, it ought to work correctly. In the case of a deadeye, who loves their long-ranged, lots-of-stealth playstyle, a successful enemy taunt should make a deadeye act accordingly. As it stands, a rifle deadeye can still stay in stealth despite getting taunted. However, the taunt still works as a CC, i.e. you lose control unless you stunbreak, but without the revealing shot, that part of the counterplay is null.Agree. I have no 1st hand exp of this but it sounds fair to force the stealth attack with taunt
  5. Have you tried using tricks? I bet it would fit the sharpshooter/gunslinger vibe you are going for. Ps. I play gunslinger too :P
  6. I still run zerkers. Very squishy and can end up as 0 dps if you die fast but I find it fun and challenging.
  7. I mostly play thief (DE) for RP lol
  8. Lol i am still waiting for a comeback from the OP
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