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Everything posted by flyingplanet.6912

  1. Losing unique boons is exactly what I am worried about. Now, I would never play support warrior or druid spirits. Why? because I "feel" like other classes support better with fewer keys to press. I am pretty sure there are other people, as an example, who only enjoys support warrior or druid also "feel" their classes are easier to manage than others and would find little reason to play other support classes. Why would someone play something different if everything results in same boons anyway? I wouldn't call that diversity. I can list some examples, but let me be clear that I am NOT saying this is exactly how it should be implemented. It's just to showcase the direction I hoped anet to take in their balance patches. 1. Warrior banners/Druid spirits: Unique boons will stay, but reduced effect. Can be stacked/opposite effects to enemies. Unique skills can be added when someone holds the banner/carries the spirits 2. Scrapper gyros: Make gyro summonable again. Increase it's effect. Add invul time when it first spawns. Can get boons from friendly units. Adjust between invul time, mvmt speed, boon effectiveness/duration, and their hp to balance boon blob in wvw. Would roll back sneak gyro invis time. 3. Mechanist: This spec was an issue primarily because mech did too much dps in addition to player damage. If I were anet, I would rework mechanist so that player can enter mech, just like Asura racial skill-summon power suit. The suit will have second hp separate from that of players and new powerful mecha cannon skills but I would add penalties like players will die if they fail to escape from mech when it explodes; will take ~3 sec and can be interrupted. Rifle nerf was unnecessary. Roll back rifle when it was first reworked. 4. Thief shadow art: Roll back to previous shadow art. Delete extra stealth on heal. Halve stealth duration on steal. Patch acrobatics instead (it's what truly needed rework). 5. Deadeye: Dealing with Deadeye before SA rework was completely l2p issue. Now with slight sacrifice of stealth, it's actually overpowered in wvw with near infinite ini regen, damage and mobility. Funny how all the "nerf de" thread disappeared when it's really the time de should be reworked. * Change silent scope from stealth on dodge to making all rifle skill to have 2000 range (including deadeye's mark and DJ). * Once marked, Malice stacks automatically with time interval. * Change shadow meld to Death judgement skill that can penetrate barrier,block,reflection. Increase it's velocity/damage. Rifle #1 skill no longer changes to DJ when stealthed. * Delete or significantly reduce all reveal skills/effects (As a side note: Patch a bug that makes projectiles to miss when above ~1200 range.) 6. Firebrand: Rework was not necessary. It was fine as it was. If infinite reflection barrier like Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark was the problem, I would change it to a barrier that disappears after reflecting certain number of projectiles. If stability was an issue, I would decrease it's duration. But even if devs felt like rework was necessary, the rework they done looks exactly like direct copy-and-paste of thief initiative system. I expected much more creative rework than this. So these are my examples. I am sure some of you won't agree with me and that's fine. I am trying to say anet needs more effort than they are currently putting in.
  2. Since the warrior banner patch, every single balance patch effectively mowed down my favorite builds. Not just one or two, but majority of the builds have been dumpstered into either brain dead builds where press 2~3 buttons to get all boons/damage OR extremely clunky mess where there is no point in even trying the build. I used to dedicate a lot of time and buy many gems because each spec had clear identity that no other mmos could provide and each balance patches gave some insightful changes/refreshments. Even if specs that I played got nerfed/deleted/reworked, previous devs (before the layoffs) always left new hidden lore or builds that were so creative and fun to play with. Based on reddit and profession posts here, I guess those that remain are really enjoying the new updates and I am not trying to argue about that. I am simply hoping that devs take more effort and time when doing next balance patch because my interest to the game which I didn't lose even during massive content drought in previous years, just took a huge blow in the last three balance patches. EDIT: minor spelling error
  3. New version of SA is more toxic because now DE has mobility and damage with slight sacrifice of stealth. Before the patch, permastealth was sort of a meme build and DE was only able to do mosquito bites and ran away when they are out of initiative. I always enjoyed laughing at them when they do that. Now? they spam 2, then dodge few times then they are back to full ini. they then spam 4 to run away. No way of catching them. Not to mention how much damage they do now in group fights. I disagree. Current version of DE is even more lame. If anet wants better balance, I think de should be nerfed to giving only 1 ini and eliminate condition removal when they stealth so that other profession has chance of catching them. But honestly, it would be better if anet just change back how shadow art was even if they halve the stealth gain and patch acrobatics instead. Losing stealth on steal was a huge strike to all other thief professions. EDIT: minor spelling error
  4. Since Feb 2020 patch, I have never seen this much complaints on scrapper nerf because in comparison to past huge nerfs on other specs that pretty much made the professions obsolete, this scrapper nerf was nothing abnormal. In wvw, no other profession, except firebrands, are heavily demanded by organized squads and determines the winrate in group fights. Even teapot, whom I usually see talking about how certain builds are overpowered ( which usually get completely destroyed by anet the next patch) , made two videos defending scrapper. So I guess this partly explains why mechanist got outrageous buff while warrior lost one of it's last standing "uniqueness" in previous patch and never got it back. I mean, I understand that. Anet gotta listen to what majority player base wants, but since Cohen mentioned about uniqueness can other profession get it back too? Maybe roll back to pre-feb 2020 because right now most builds are just too boring.
  5. I think this was pre-2020 patch. DE can never oneshot someone with perma invis unless the opponent is standing still. Ofcourse you can adapt fast because current DE has become "just like" other specs. Anet's recent balance patches made all classes almost identical in skills and traits, probably in a way that dev's inner circle pvpers enjoy. Few aoe circles that hit 3 people or few projectiles that do about ~2k damage for ranged classes etc etc ....and remnants of skills that were so unique to each class's identity which used to provide diverse playstyle putting gw2 on a whole different level compared to other mmos. But I get it. I know that this is how old mmos fade away usually. They run out of funds, ideas or motivation, but they have to patch something. So they eliminate stuff that vocal groups hate but distinguished them apart from other games becoming more generalized and unfun.
  6. Not really. its pretty bad now because stealth was pretty much the only defense thieves had. If you ask players to choose between 1 sec of stealth vs 3 initiative on dodge, 99.9% thief players will choose the stealth. If anet wanted the stealth thieves to be gone they should've buffed acrobatics. Not sure about pvp but I have only seen 2 pvp deadeye videos while majority of them were either guards or necros. For WvW, you see more deadeye because daredevil and core thief builds has become pretty much useless after the stealth nerf. But even before the patch, I haven't seen a single perma-stealth deadeyes who actually knew how to fight (except newbies who were trying out this spec). I was quite surprised when people here said how wvw is infested with deadeyes causing problems but in fact it was not. It was really had to see thieves in general because they do minimal impact in wvw scores. Perma-stealth was sort of like a meme build in which you have to put in all initiative + stealth skills to maintain it.
  7. Guardian. especially firebrand and willbender. I am seeing this profession so much in wvw and pvp overwhelmingly compared to other profession. They do amazingly well in both support/tank in squads or 1 vs 1 pvp. Some changes should be done so there is more build diversity in competitive modes.
  8. How about you ask for buff on other classes instead of nerfs? If something should be nerfed, engi and gurdian should be the first to be significantly nerfed because they are the only classes I am seeing in organized wvw squads that kill any pug groups. Aren't you more disheartening to see GROUPS of low-ranked players getting deleted even though they react? But honestly just like the recent patch, anet's nerfs only remove contents from wvw and therefore only ends up losing players. Anet should know people who will complain about something they don't like will complain anyway regardless of patch just like this thread.
  9. Most likely twitch streamers + pvp top 0.1% players. I have seem some specs and builds getting immediately nerfed a few days after teapot complained about it.
  10. Over the past years, I haven’t been able to see single positive feedback made to player suggestions posted in this forum. The vocal minority in this forum doesn’t want any changes to wvw, wants viable builds to be removed in pvp because they somehow found it overpowered, and refuses to get challenging pve maps. And for some reason, anet seems to be accepting their ideas into patch notes.What’s the result? No significant changes to wvw for almost 5 years, largest decline of players in pvp, and EoD maps are completely empty except meta hours. They complain one thing and when it gets reflected in the patch, they complain two things. When that also gets reflected, they complain even more. For those who don’t keep up with patch notes and this forum, I will tell you what happened in previous years. PoF gets release --> They bash on anet for new specs having too much condition damage --> Condition damage gets nerfed --> They then complain about skills having too much aoe and number of targets --> Number of targets of every skills halved --> Now they say power oneshot builds are destroying new players --> power damage significantly reduced (feb 2020) --> Now no one is dying because all damage skills fell to oblivion --> Complains in this forum that fights are too long in pvp and wvw --> All sustain and buff skills changed or deleted --> Now in WvW, squads which have most number of pugs win the game instead of player skill and knowledge while in PvP, population largely declined to the point where gold rank is now top 250. Honestly, this wouldn’t been an issue if anet was able to balance between the complaints and what actually creates fun. But the problem is they are not doing that. Maybe they think people in the forum (like 15~20 maximum) represents the majority of playerbase? Under the name of equal balance and newbie-friendliness, the game is turning into eerie abandoned town that is slowly rotting into pieces. I do not know the exact statistic of the game, but I know that two of my dedicated wvw guild disbanded due to lack of participating guild members and commanders, all of my friends whom I introduced to this game right before EoD quitted after 3 weeks (aka they bought all three expansions), and HoT maps that were presumably hated the most in this forum are still the most populated maps in all three expansions. At this point, I hope anet changes direction of their updates and give out exciting patches even though it may seem imbalanced. They should try out new types of skins (ex. Time-limited gender/race specific skins), new subscription systems that brings interesting features (like add-ons), new mounts in wvw, new maps/modes in wvw and pvp, new purchasable voice-lines, etc etc… As long as the patch doesn’t include very obvious p2w systems, such as money affecting stats, I am fine with any changes at this point. All in all, this is just a suggestion from a player that can potentially bring fun to players and money to the company. If anet doesn’t make any changes that’s totally fine because it’s their game and I fully respect their ownership of the game.
  11. You are right. Also power d/p backstab(or malicious backstab) combined with heartseeker does tons of damage in less than 1 sec, which I thought would be anet's focus for may 11th balance patch. EDIT: minor spelling error
  12. I don't think some people are thinking the way you wrote. Teapot even said he wants the skill to be deleted because the skill is overpowered and deletes players.
  13. I honestly think players will probably still complain on deadeye's binding shot after may 11th balance patch. The main issue with this skill is not with 3 sec knockdown in stealth because it has 3 sec delay (and ~3 sec of stealth if players want to use it in stealth). If the deadeye is in stealth for more than 3 seconds and you are just standing there doing nothing then you deserve to lose that match. The problem lies with the additional effects that comes with the knockdown: (2 sec immob, 2 position, 15 vul, 2 boon removal). As long as it is hit it gives the opponent in significant disadvantage whether the deadeye is in stealth or not. With this change, the deadeye will be even stronger when combined with "be quick or be killed" trait. (for example: cast binding shot --> steal --> then death's judgement). So maybe it would be a nice idea to reduce the additional effects, maybe remove some, while increasing the skill's cooldown instead of making the deadeye revealed when used in stealth. EDIT: minor spelling error
  14. In wvw, when you fire death judgement at around 1000 range, it almost always misses even without blind. It's been almost a month since this bug was reported but still no change.
  15. Hmm... didn't know you guys would have this much discussion on my old post, but to keep things clear, Anet is less likely to nerf permastealth deadeye.Permastealth is still possible at a cost of damage. This means that you will be annoying but useless in any combats. (in 1vs1)If you build damage like one shot builds, then you won't have permastealth, so any mistake will likely lead to a loss.Also, deadeye is generally ineffective in any group contents because of low sustainability. Anything that a deadeye can do , other profession can do much better and easier.If anet is willing to nerf permastealth, then other aspects of deadeye should be buffed. If not, then no one will play deadeye because it will be simply useless. And as we have seen in previous balance patches, any major buffs to thief profession have lead to tremendous fights in forums. So whatever changes anet makes, people will argue regardless.
  16. You're saying this with 4 other sources of stealth on your bar.......... This doesn't kill perm stealth. I don't think you get why perma stealth became problem in the first place. It was problematic because thieves can do high burst damage + escape utility skills + perma stealth. You will not be able to win fights by filling the entire skill set with stealth skills. (especially against classes that have reveal skill.)
  17. There are many posts about the permastealth, but I just want to let you know that the most popular way of getting permastealth is heavily nerfed in this upcoming patch.In case you didn't know the way to get easy permastealth : Pick "Hidden thief" in shadow art that gives 20% cd reduction on deception skills.Pick "smoke screen" which is a deception skill. (its cd went from 25 sec to 20 sec)Use heartseeker in the smoke screen until it goes awaythen the duration of stealth should be approximately equal to the remaining cd of smoke screen.And in this upcoming patch, the smoke screen cooldown increased from 25 sec to 35 sec as well as shadow meld stealth duration decrease from 3 sec to 2 sec.So you don't even need deadeye trait to maintain permastealth and now it is getting nerfed.I am posting this because it looked like people were requesting thief permastealth nerf without suggesting specific methods.If you have any other opinions, feel free to write reply
  18. Zerker gear with rune of earth.The below is the screenshot of the ranger a few moments later, but I am not entirely sure about the build.
  19. So I have seen many negative comments about one shot thief builds (backstab or death judgement)Now what would you say?
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