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Posts posted by Heibi.4251

  1. 7 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Builds by themselves can be very strong and take on two or three, maybe even four or five if they get a really good initial engagement that disables/kill a few almost instantly and hardcounters the rest but if a group of 25+ have a problem killing one that's not a problem with the build...

    It truly is the build. Sorry - no build should be able to be immune to damage, CC's, block constantly and have cooldowns that are so short that the same skills come right back up almost instantly. They outrun most players and can't be stripped due to the ranges. Once we finally get them it has taken 20+ seconds and everyone to finish him off.  Willbender is one of the most guilty these days. Mobility upon mobility.

    • Like 1
  2. Yeah, the cap surprised me many years ago. Wondered why I was getting the notification that I received 10 pts only to notice that I didn't get any. Had to do some digging back then. But yes, it caps out on a certain combined number of daily and monthly points. Monthlies no longer exist, btw. To give incentive to do dailies they later added 2 gold for completing dailies. Otherwise people might play less.

    • Like 1
  3. 22 hours ago, Hari.7259 said:

    I have no idea what an "unkillable" troll build is

    We've had a hard time killing certain builds. Sometimes 25+ can't kill one player. The build is like - block block block, evade evade evade, immune immune immune, block block block, massive leap forward multiple times, heal heal heal, heal more, heal more. Perhaps that's what you've seen?

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    How does TC get thrown into a tier 1 matchup when it wasn't even winning tier 3 last week?

    We got second place in T4 and got thrown into T1. And our link didn't even change. So, go figure.


  5. 18 hours ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

    I have, three times!

    You switched to a Mechanist and fought the same Catalyst and got beaten repeatedly? This interpretation is me assuming you're a Soul Beast main rather than a Mech main.

    If that's not the case and you're regularly beating Virtuoso's with a Mechanist then you shouldn't have trouble with a Hammer Catalyst at all. Scepter/Focus vs Power Mech? Yes some projectile hate and small burst windows for you but you outrange them and have better mobility. Vs Condi Mech? Perhaps they can out cleanse you.

    The problem is that your statement is too general. You're just saying they're a bunker with too much damage. No mention of their weapon set or utilities. No mention of your own build either. Some times there's a hard counter to something and only a very well played Catalyst can deal with a variety of pressures, they can't be good against Power and Condi and range at the same time.

    Having read your responses to a few threads I was catching up on in the WvW sub-forum you strike me as a reasonable person, so again, please make one and try it in sPvP - a mode of nodes the same size as a Jade sphere and therein lies the issue. Wvw is another story, and yes, I've run into some very tanky Catalysts but they were the exception skill-wise. If they beat me, I kittened up. Simple.

    What I'm really doing is trying to appeal to some reason across all the complaints and all the classes, at minimum an understanding based on having played the class you're asking to be nerfed.

    No, I used to play a mechanist. I was talking about how mechanist may have been considered OP like some stated, it wasn't immortal. I would still have a challenge from other players. I never said I switched to Mech to fight a Cata in my post. I've engaged many Catalysts on many different builds with little to no difference. 
    But yes, Catalyst's are able to go bunker and still dish out the same damage as if they were almost full berserker. They have the best of both worlds in one class. That needs to be addressed. There is no balance currently. 

    • Confused 2
  6. 37 minutes ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

    and now players farm the rewards by flipping towers/camps/keeps every 5 minutes like bots and nobody really cares to defend them, because they can just flip them again after 5 minutes. this is what happens when you mostly reward for the offense.

    Exactly the OP's point.  Also seems to be ANET's goal to get things moving. I think they went to far in the nerfing defense direction. But remember, the more feedback they get the sooner things will change. 

    • Like 1
  7. I can agree with the OP's pain borderland defenders feel. The problem wasn't that SMC was running out of supply, it was because players were sponging off the really high rewards for simply putting 10 supply in a wall of an objective every few minutes. The "participation" ANET was seeking to create turned into a sort of supply bot farm on defense. Most of this was in EBG of course since SMC and corresponding towers could and can hit each other constantly. So they took a more harsh answer to the problem and got rid of all the repair for rewards. Sad, they could have adjusted it or simply made it so it only doesn't happen in EBG.

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    • Thanks 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

    I'm at the waypoint at the north end, I don't see anything.
    No green star either, I have already finished the story.



    I had to leave the map and come back, then the green star appeared

    Did you "quit the story" to get rid of the indicator? If you left it on you will have a message in the upper right hand corner saying something about "Check in with Gorrick in Gyala Delve for updates on his research on the haze and demons".  If it is there right near the Charging Station when you arrive. "Gorrick's Research Journal" in yellow text.


    I friended you in game. Log in and I'll show you

  9. 1 hour ago, Serephen.3420 said:

    I think you're talking about virtuoso 

    Nope - I can kill them easily. And since you haven't seen my experiences(as I haven't seen yours) with Catalysts you can keep your smart-kitten comments on topic. I fought a Catalyst in pvp multiple times today and every time he simply tanked the damage and dealt out far more damage than a defensive build should be able to. You shouldn't get the best of both worlds in one class. Even when using a mechanist I had my buttocks handed to be many times. And they're easy to play. But the Catalyst spec is way over tuned and needs some heavy downgrades.

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  10. The one thing I've noticed in all my encounters with catalysts(pvp and wvw) is that they can take little no damage, heal themselves if they do and still dish out massive damage with little to no risk all at the same time.  That means they need a massive nerf. No class should be able to be basically immortal. 


    They can stand on a point and 3-5 players can't even kill them in pvp. And at the same time they are dishing out damage that should be reserved for pure dps. So they are a Tank/DPS all in one. Not a good design. Broken as kitten.

    • Confused 3
  11. I think the bigger issue is how long you stay "In Combat".  I can be half way across the map from something I hit and it still keeps me in combat. I'll have no conditions on me(cripple, vulnerability, etc..), not being hit, around a corner out of sight and still in combat. 


    The issue is really bad in WvW. And arbitrary. You can be hitting a thief for massive damage and they get out of combat while still 800-1200 away from you with conditions, mount up and leave you in the dust. Meanwhile I can be 5000 plus away from any enemy after leaving combat, fully healed with no one hitting me and I'll still be considered in combat on a guardian.


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