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Everything posted by Lynnie.7213

  1. It helped me a lot, putting some of these tips in practice as we speak.
  2. Why not? May be enlightening for the haters. I don't like glass builds, i tend to play more of tanky style. Here is the broken SB everyone cry about. lolhttps://clips.twitch.tv/ComfortableBadWhaleTheTarFu (Rapid Fire Oneshot) https://clips.twitch.tv/ClearBeautifulYamTBCheesePull (30k Maul)
  3. lmao just stop with these videos that ar spellbreaker is really bad i have played him before and the other guy literally just opened the wrapper on the game,the spell breaker is just following you around key board turning. anet should grow a pair of kitten and just say this game is balanced at a competitive level not at the wood league level to get gud like blizzard would say.post a video of fighting other good soulbeast and spell breakers that can atleast jump dodge goodness. This thread needs to die lol WI is just a maul that roots with a 25 second cooldown now. Ranger has to be the only profession in the game that ranger mains come in here begging for nerfs Broken Soulbeast. lol im still waiting for a decent video of guys who can jump dodge roll and dont keyboard turn,u have no footage of fighting other soulbeast who are decent or spell breakers mirages any thing really lmao. no footage of these 15k autos vs some one who is wearing armor . I have full legend armor zerker with full zerker trinkets and scholar runes with all power infusions never see these numbers of 15k autos are 40k rapid fires. literally no decent footage of any thing of the sort in this ttopic. just people posting screen with no armor i guess lol :disappointed: It's hard to find decent 1v1s in WvW, those are most common in Spvp, and when i do its long af. Not gonna post a 10 minutes 1v1 to kill people out of boredome. :)Also i don't play the zerk sic'em build everyone is talking about, but you should watch Gladomer, he plays it very often and its the reason this whole thing starts. I think the first post about nearly 20k autos were about him.https://www.twitch.tv/gladomer
  4. lmao just stop with these videos that ar spellbreaker is really bad i have played him before and the other guy literally just opened the wrapper on the game,the spell breaker is just following you around key board turning. anet should grow a pair of kitten and just say this game is balanced at a competitive level not at the wood league level to get gud like blizzard would say.post a video of fighting other good soulbeast and spell breakers that can atleast jump dodge goodness. This thread needs to die lol WI is just a maul that roots with a 25 second cooldown now. Ranger has to be the only profession in the game that ranger mains come in here begging for nerfs Broken Soulbeast. lol
  5. Had this laying around, thought would be a good fit for this discussion. That spellbreaker, man ... :s
  6. Use https://gw2efficiency.com instead, its much more detailed. And get to craft your daily ascended mats asap, because you'll need a bunch of them. In meantime you can already start do the collections, get the jumping puzzles done and etc. I just made astralaria like 2 months ago, was a long journey for me.
  7. For WvW this is pretty much irrelevant. Even on a normal ranger/druid, killing the pet is only a factor in very specific builds that probably would have died to you regardless considering the time it takes to even kill two pets. And much like with other gimmicky builds like condi mirage/thief relying on people being idiots, builds relying on pets becomes worse and worse the more people you fight. You couldn't have said better.
  8. This is my girl, the lettuce lady. She is very bounty hunter alike.
  9. Nothing personal against you obviously, I used your last video ( I even gave you some visibility, now I have to get paid :P haha) to prove that soulbeast works on marauder durability, and the damage is insanely high with a lot of survivability too, not different from a spellbreaker.You are good at playing it so you can even 1vs2 and get an enemy followed by another and still win. All people here had the theory of: Soulbeast burst you using a lot of resources, and if the damage combo fails he is screwed because glassy yada yada yada. No, no, i am poor, no paying! lolI get what you mean but the Sic em soulbeast build is pretty much like that. The clip i am fighting a reaper and Dh, i was dead if didn't get that kill fast.
  10. Which ranger cast rapid fire that close melee range that you can pass through their hitbox realistically? by using something like judges intervention and running strait through them... as to your quote on me, you said that a knock back shot, rapid fire and hunters shot is enough kill, this being a 1v1 thread it should be obvious to dodge said set up. As others pointed out too, to pull off something like that would require you to use your whole skill bar to set that damage up which would leave a sitting duck and open food for anyone who bothered to dodge once.... this is where the confusion comes in because you start to claim that a ranger can do that without using any set up or using berserkery gear. the only times you really die to a ranger one on one is purely because they are more skilled than you or because they caught you with your pants down so to speak. I get that I came across a bit gnarky im sorry for that but I wonder if you would be too if you had all those accusations and assumptions thrown at you instead. The time you use judge's intervention, rapid fire is already finished, soulbeast is probably stealthed already, or with longbow stealth or with pet stealth.The tactic to cancel the rapid fire animation is the most useless thing I've ever heard. If you are a decent soulbeast player you don't waste all your cooldowns on a combo which has a chance to fail, that's dumb.Why use elite, healing skill, sic'em, soulbeast mode, at 1500 range when you are at safety risking to fail it? Soulbest mode for unblockables, longbow knockback plus rapid fire is already a pretty high damage combo even without the buffs and without using healing, elite etc., and if it fails you still have plenty of comebacks. Of course if you waste all your skills and fail, if then that guy gap close in melee range you are screwed and die in 3 skills xD You have nothing left to use. It's like if a spellbreaker pops berserker stance, endure pain and balanced stance immediately at the beginning of the fight and then remains with nothing left to use and die lol. Why do you even ask for advice if you immediatly reject any kind of advice?Wverything he said is perfectly right and works fantastically. A ranger sometimes just gets a third of their rapid fire done due to that you can walk through them.JI is pretty much instantly in the face of the ranger sure it has 300 range less than RF bit guardian has more mobility to play with than JI and grestword leap JI during Whirling wrath and whirling behind the ranger most often led either to death or retreat.But why do i even tell this if you totally reject the idea of counterplay. There is counterplay, but on a ranger who is not dumb to waste all his skill at the beginning of the fight, he immediately has the advantage over you.As I said, he most of the times uses soulbeast mode, longbow knockback and rapid fire, 3 skills freecasted from safety range.And you already used 1 to 2 dodges, a stunbreak and a gap closer. Of course going close he has to retreat.But you have to be careful of a precast wordly impact, which good players do, they precast it on the moment you are gap closing and exactly when you meet them melee you get melted by a timed worldly impact, and i admit that requires skill and timing to pull of.But many even run the immob trait so as soon as you go close you are rooted for a quite a bit and he has time to reassest or combo burst.Again I repeat I'm not calling the class op and nerfs needed, I was just mad when people were calling it high skill build, when instead it's just the same as a spellbreaker, mirage, deadeye etc. Low risk high reward.In a pure duel 1vs1 or roaming 1vs1 in which you see the ranger coming to you, and if it's not a completely open field with zero obstacles, life is easier for you to deal with him, have more preparation to react fast, but if you get caught somehow by knockback and rapid fire and don't react fast enough you already lost that fight if that soulbeast is not completely handless.Again, knockback plus rapid fire without any prep of buffs, dish out already a pretty good amount of damage able to bring even tankier targets to about 50% health.That's all. I leave the video of this guy, which is pretty good at soulbeast, so you see what I mean. Yeah maybe the enemies are not that great, but for example he gets hit my an holo Prime Light Beam, stunbreak, heal full health downed enemy xDAnd he faces one enemy followed by another, and he wasn't "wasted" after using his combo like you all are saying.Killed a spellbreaker, an holo and a scourge in succession without cuts.Seems like i got dragged into this discussion. Yeah, gotta admit most of these fights the players were not very skilled but since i am stuck in T4 that's the most i've got lately. But, about the holo fight, that is my personal opinion of course: holo is the hardest fight for me to fight against because of the high damage pressure and the CC chains (which ranger is weak against). I'd rather fight two spellbreakers than a good holo. If you commit a mistake they will fuck you up. So yeah, i got lucky there and he wasn't that skilled per say. The day i fought Xan a couple times, dude destroyed me most of times(like 90ish % of times). About being "wasted", i try to space out my utility cooldowns the most that i can, so i don't get stacked cooldowns that will lead to my defeat.
  11. Pistol for sure, but it gotta be power so we get a change from longbow. We already have too many condition stuff already.
  12. We are confirmed broken. I've been getting a lot of those lately in WvW. Worst part is that came from another ranger.
  13. I don't know if i take this serious or not?
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