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Everything posted by Riba.3271

  1. You really have 2 options if you want to go back to oldish system without relinkings: Demolish all the linked servers and give linked players 1 free transfer (they can't go to full servers) for next 30 days then they will be allocated to random servers. Lower the population status caps.orLet them keep their servers but match their transfer cost and pop to main server and never do relinking again. This would mean linked servers can never become main servers and viseversa.
  2. Server pop only updates once a week now (monday), no point checking more than once per week. EU has plenty of servers that are full despite lacking numbers because Very High + High linking has lot more population together than 1 full server.
  3. issue is majority of active guilds are on linked servers (cheaper transfers) and then they stack every 2 months to chosen few 500 gem servers. This means WvW has 0 stability because guilds are not on main servers, but on the links. And move around every 2 months. This of course applies to pugs as well because they will follow the guilds that have open commanders.
  4. I am worried for the 37% that think dragonbanner is fine :#
  5. Yes, linkings should be removed. Everyone from links should be split to make main server populations match each other. Until then being in higher tier doesn't matter because people change every 2 months anyways.
  6. You can make grand words about anything. What about if it would cost 0 gems to transfer? Would that be okay? There is a balance somewhere. It's seems you thought I wanted free transfers. I think how it is now is just fine. Yes but you said players should be allowed to go where they please which counters that statement
  7. Yes that is cause of the problem, why not just throw in some separate piece of code, that gets the servers in mu from existing part, that hides enemy servers in matchup?
  8. You can make grand words about anything. What about if it would cost 0 gems to transfer? Would that be okay? There is a balance somewhere.
  9. When will this get fixed? For those that don't know: Players on linked servers can see where enemy server players/commanders are just by blocking/friending themOnly main servers can't see other main serversYes there are other ways to spy where enemy are but none of such low effort. This just promotes stacking servers even further because the strongest blob/guild can just follow the weaker one before they even leave the spawn unless they all go invisible which disables guild chats/reduces amount of people joining.
  10. Try to run around with orange or yellow tag in PoF or LW S4 maps and you will know that it is almost impossible to read names when the background is bright from sand, fire or anything that is in the same colour as your text suggestion. it would be togglable in options (turned off by default), maybe anet could even go crazy and let us choose the colour from a few options. What about another option: Changing the colour of the healthbar, instead of the name? Then you could make it even lighter or darker green than it currently is
  11. Mostly mesmer is used for double (or triple) illusion of life these days. You can either run timewarp or gravity. If you go tanky you can go sw/shield + scepter/focus for maximum CC/survivability, if you go DPS you can go Greatsword with sword/focus or sword/shield. My tip would be just play it like DPS backline ele midfight and run blink for survivability, illusion of life for support and nullfield for boonrip. Then run other CC things like gravities and remove boons everytime you CC or shatter someone. I run something like this (can run blink also but take Improved alacrity then, you can also run veil over nullfield but that would require having a decent commander and communicating with him)http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAEx3lVw8YZsPWJOqK8NVA-zVRYBRBIGx8FTTBRmhQtJQFFQ3RgaHgA2DvF9PjA-w Then run tankier double melee weapon version in enemy keeps but thats build is up to you, some people run cleric, some sentinel, some minstrel. I wouldn't recommend chrono for leading like some other people in this thread because the lack of good stunbreaks and cleanse forces you to play pirateship. Like yeah you get veils and portals on demand but someone else can just do those for you. Overall Chrono is like the last class I recommend to people (excluding thieves and rangers) because it requires you to be good and actually use your own brain like portaling people in without being told to do so. Also the class is really snowbally and is quite bad if you're getting 1-pushed on the weaker server. Take my tips with grain of salt because I don't play much Chrono, just enough to know that the class can still be useful.
  12. Build here refers to software. "Server" term can refer to either hardware or software. This I am referring to software which is why the newest hardware is mentioned at the latter, they are two different things. So you have info on the coding and changes on the back end? Please do share. It just a logical assumption. How can amazon cloud architecture be using ancient hardware? What? You might want to read my posts again, you seem to be jumping all over the place. Huh, so you suggesting that anet did not pay them enough to scale appropriately?But you asking base on my reply, so I am not sure what I am getting wrong. This is way old, but my two cents. Scaling is only horizontal, meaning they can spin up more servers quickly for more instanced maps, ect. Cloud really shines here. But WvW maps can't be instanced the same and therefore can't scale the same way. Unless they bought dedicated VMs, there will be times when the WvW VM will be constrained just by the nature of being on shared infrastructure. I've seen a reduction in VM performance on Azure by 10 fold or more certain times of day. Getting 1/10 of the CPU and general performance in a layer beyond your control will result in unpredictable end user experiences, which is what I think we see often in GW2 WvW now. They should have kept WvW on prem on dedicated hardware IMHO.No reason to necro 2 year old threads, just make a new one :)
  13. Firebrand is always good in blobbing. You can also go burnbuilds. Roaming you can oneshot catas, and weaker zergs, with burnbuilds or run good old power DH that has great cleanse to match any condiboys and reveal to match stealthboys. Btw I think spellbreaker is the strongest spec for groups right now but think warrior in general lacks some oomph for roaming while getting countered by the massive amount of thieves right now.
  14. It is quite obvious WvW players are better than PvP players:Put 50 best WvW players vs 50 best PvP players and the WvW players would win.
  15. Less bags for everyoneEven more advantages for defenderRemoving even more ways for single player to be usefulGrieving allies by rallying enemiesYeah, no.
  16. Yup, mapcap should be lowered a bit. The current balance isn't really designed for mapblobs. 70 people is way too many for pugfights, 55 would be much better. If we need 5th WvW map to make up for it, I am in.
  17. Yep, dragon banner needs nerfs. It isn't even a discussion which banner to put in a tower/keep. At least turtle was indirectly nerfed by nerfing people who you were supporting. just make the 5 skill deal no damage and pulse weakness+might+quickness instead.
  18. These seem more like guidelines for guild strength than server strength. I have most respect for people that can appreciate both rather than transferring off whenever there are 1 or 2 bad months. Choosing your server by timezone is okay maybe once a year, transferring every relinking is nono. Once you have server loyalty, you will realise there are plenty of people around that do their best in WvW even if they don't use voice comms.
  19. Play full minstrel if you play healing power. Just by submitting to going cleric you're saying you won't deal any damage so might as well go minstrel and have better stats while dealing no damage. If you want decent damage + tankiness + cleanse just try something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEIiNssA2FDD7ETrL93FA-zVZYiRNQEsRYlSTRRmhQvJQ3FgqHgA2DvF9PjA-w And if you want to play purely DPS warrior, just go strength with GS + hammer or GS + Axe/axe or sword/axe . Main issue with trying to play damage with Hammer + Sword/warhorn is that the weapons don't support it enough, sword and hammer both have only 1 damage skill outside hammer autos. Using your weapons offensively is not hard, just make sure your "shake it off!" is off cooldown before you do so, Then just chain evadeframes (dodges, gs3, full counter) followed by leaps after it. Do you know what is best friend of hammer spellbreaker? Other spellbreaker, just CC in his bubble with your hammer. And by doing so you also prevent enemies from interrupting his bubble. Now as I type this I ask myself: can there be a hammer/GS shoutbuild with trooper runes that deals decent damage. Maybe. Maybe that is what you're looking for.
  20. We are now T1 and i am happy if we drop out again. Underworld ist just pptn and running away from everything. They let WSR alone. That's result till now (reset was only yesterday) in 2 servers vs 1, because one server is afraid of the other one and the other server is bored of the other one. Dont think it's getting any better this week than fighting on homes and ebg against 2 blobs constantly and can't upgrade anything. 2v1 is normal, especially against the weaker or stronger server on a map where one server is disorganized, but most servers couldn't' be bothered or lacked the population and coverage to 'win' Skirmishes day or night so it would be pointless. WSR was double our kd after the relink which wasn't a surprise, because they still have a strong community with commanders, pugs and guilds. We used to have a good WvW community, but all we have left is a few guilds, few fight commanders, night cappers and pugs who won't just cloud around off tag and wipe against more organized servers/zergs. It's only partly Anet's fault too, since Links allow people to stack on some servers by coincidence or not, which causes queues and imbalance like in the previous T1. We only won every match up with the last link, because of Chatmanders and overpopulation, now we have to wait for Deso to open or wait for the relink. Nah, people are definitely getting more active on Desolation now that they're needed. It is just GH gives WSR vibes they gave up logging in so fast. GH link FoW has at least 7 guilds ((FaLL, PT, Ng, Dmon, Jd, TLS, BB) + vabbi boys now. Guildless group just can't beat guildful ones. But yea Deso hopefully opens up tommorow as Very High and then we get a few nice 1800 gem long-term people in. Overall state of WvW on Deso is much better now than with a link because there is at least something to do even if we can gather max 30 in squad for now against these little overstacked servers. You seem confused on how stuff works. If you are playing more hours to compete since you no longer have an overstacked link you aren't dropping to VH anytime soon. It takes weeks. Like Piken is last in most hours atm and they won't drop for a bit nvm you with a ton hours are def not dropping till guilds leave and your server collapses. So If your thread asking for no link was intended for you to drop to Vh so you could stack more barring an anet mess up no that isn't going to happen. You will burn yourself out trying to compete more guilds will leave if you keep dropping tiers etc a more likely outcomeHehe, well we will just play with what we got then, its not a big deal. And our guilds already left ages ago, our server doesn't function around them. We aren't burning out, we are just trying out best with what we got, which happens to be 30 man groups farming 60 man groups with acs and cannons :p Just eventually enemies will stop hitting our stuff because playing 60 v 30 isn't very fun for them (either 1-push us or get clouded/sieged down). Deso isn't stacked, just 3 full maps of people wanted to be on our 500 gem link without committing longterm because we play smart.
  21. Desos doing okay> @CrimsonNeonite.1048 said: We are now T1 and i am happy if we drop out again. Underworld ist just pptn and running away from everything. They let WSR alone. That's result till now (reset was only yesterday) in 2 servers vs 1, because one server is afraid of the other one and the other server is bored of the other one. Dont think it's getting any better this week than fighting on homes and ebg against 2 blobs constantly and can't upgrade anything. 2v1 is normal, especially against the weaker or stronger server on a map where one server is disorganized, but most servers couldn't' be bothered or lacked the population and coverage to 'win' Skirmishes day or night so it would be pointless. WSR was double our kd after the relink which wasn't a surprise, because they still have a strong community with commanders, pugs and guilds. We used to have a good WvW community, but all we have left is a few guilds, few fight commanders, night cappers and pugs who won't just cloud around off tag and wipe against more organized servers/zergs. It's only partly Anet's fault too, since Links allow people to stack on some servers by coincidence or not, which causes queues and imbalance like in the previous T1. We only won every match up with the last link, because of Chatmanders and overpopulation, now we have to wait for Deso to open or wait for the relink.Nah, people are definitely getting more active on Desolation now that they're needed. It is just GH gives WSR vibes they gave up logging in so fast. GH link FoW has at least 7 guilds ((FaLL, PT, Ng, Dmon, Jd, TLS, BB) + vabbi boys now. Guildless group just can't beat guildful ones. But yea Deso hopefully opens up tommorow as Very High and then we get a few nice 1800 gem long-term people in. Overall state of WvW on Deso is much better now than with a link because there is at least something to do even if we can gather max 30 in squad for now against these little overstacked servers.
  22. I do not see a single beneficial item in that list. All to the benefit of the door pounders. Guild golems and shield gens are both offensive tools used by blobs. Shield gens are obviously busted because they block even trebs and mortars making it so that you don't even have to use time to clear some defensive siege. Anyways defending is busted in general, thats why large zergs dominate. Small group can't take anything right now and that is why blobs can just ignore them. For example lord being sturdier and defenders stronger obviously benefits just blobbing it up as you need more players to take things in reasonable timeframe.. Lets say small group wants to push bay on enemy bl to pull them off garrison. 1 guy can shield gen, Yes! as you see currently shield gen is only defensive tool against small groups not big ones, their trebs/catas so they can't use trebs or long range catas. And not only does the lord take ages to kill, there are ewps and very few defenders needed to wipe them because 800 extra stats. Upgrade times should be longer because how do you upgrade SM? Blobbing it up! You just need 1 strong blob for 2 hours and everything is T3 in your BL and even SM, possibly one keep on enemy BL. Before HoT upgrading SM was all day thing and required dedication. You must understand that strong overstacked server blobs can always flip things regardless of balance. Making it harder for them to defend things and allocate resources will also make it harder for them to stay constantly on offense. Keeping keeps/towers lower tier for longer periods of time benefits smaller groups more. And make it so that everyone doesn't have to stack on same server just to flip something. You seem to have this conception that objectives should be impossible to take regardless of how strong/smart your group is, I actually believe in the opposite; As long as you're stronger and/or smarter you should be able to take an objective. Each server will have more highs and lows throughout day.
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