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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. Here is my Main, usually wears either the (mostly) Mistward armor with Marauder stats or a mix of several pieces with viper stats: https://i.imgur.com/aTlgRY1.jpg[/img]^ A few more photos in the album. That's how He looks in the game: Gear: Armor: Mistward Armor except helm (Resplendent Curtain) and shoulders (Herald Shoulderplate)Dyes: Bloodstone Indigo, Enameled Perseverance Back Item: The AscensionSword: BoltShield: The Flameseeker PropheciesStaff: Dominator StaffHammer: EntropyMace: Luminous FlangeAxe: Luminous Labrys Second Armor: Helm: Mistward HeadwrapShoulders: Ardent Glorious PauldronsChest: Primeval WarplateLegs: Stag ChaussesGloves: Ardent Glorious GauntletsBoots: Phalanx Warboots Dyes: Shadow Abyss, Cherry
  2. The one in the corrupted area at the East of the Desert Highlands map? Didn't notice that was able to konockback with Herald because He was the one cced to death, and with the Renegade He died too fast. But caught me by surprise with another character and was forced to restart the fight 3-4 times. The Hero Points in PoF which involves fights are WAY easy than the ones in HoT. Just use axe #5, mace #2, #3, UA, swap to short bow #5, #4, #3 and is dead...
  3. The best combo for short bow is probably to use first #5, then #4 and then #3 and #2. This is because #4 is so slow that most of AI enemies will move towards you and leave the area targeted by #4 before the arrows "start to fall", so you better secure a knockdown before even to use the #4. The Renegade traitline is a decent adition to condi Rev, and the shortbow can be used in oper world PvE. But the legend is terribad and I never use the F keys. For PvP/WvW Herald is way better. I don't raid in PvE, but I'm aware that despite the traitline buffs the damage, the Renegade didn't change the condi Rev gameplay, because mace and axe are still the strongest choices, and as a support weapon the staff brings a lot more than the sb. But we already known this since the beta.
  4. Some rewards buyable from WvW vendors had a WvW level requirement, which means that you need a minumum of xxx levels in that game mode before the vendor offers that stuff to you.
  5. For Guardians vitality is like chalk for lifters. if your gym doesn't allow you to use chalk, then change your gym.
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