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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. ^ With no evades/blocks, no mobility skills and a few ones which portray problems with unleveled terrain and perform particulary bad in the PvP arenas the short bow seems specifically designed to be bad at PvP, and solving its would need such drastic rework that the changes in off hand sword would pale in comparison. But that hypothetical changes probably would mess the condi Renegade performance, in the only dps build which prevents Rev from being banned from raids, so isn't gona happen. Which maybe is good, due changing the short bow won't provide a ranged condition build to neither core Rev or Herald. What this class needs for competitive ranged condi builds is a new core weapon, not linked to specializations. A single main hand pistol would have worked when the off hand sword provided the block (so a gap closer or mobility skill + 2 condi attacks would be enough). But now the sword doesn't block, so you need five skills to make something viable.
  2. Pistols; the class still lacks a ranged condition weapon viable against human players, and this makes condi builds rather weak at competitive game modes. But I'm not sure at all about the chances of a new expansion...
  3. In what game would it be a small add-on? In Diablo III the adition of build templates was done in a very minor patch in 2.5.0. No expansion, new character, new zone content or anything significative was made to that patch. Making the arena map selection smaller (and moving it to a corner, as happens with the display of "map almost empty, please change to other") should cost them almost nothing. Build templates I do understand the complexity due how their network had to manage the placement of the items in the inventory, but as far as the PvP screen is related, this 15 months of nothingness speaks volumes about how much ANet cares for WvW/PvP.
  4. This is now almost 15 months older, with 4 major patches and a whole new chapter of the living season released since, and still we got nothing... Let me summarize: Doing queue from PvP hall is boring and unproductive; most of players do it from PvE/WvW maps while playing content.The "select map" screen is huge and blocks most of your vision near your character; if pops up while you're in combat in WvW chances are you will end killed.Seems a very easy thing to fix. You can even monetize it: I gladly would pay gems to rid off that annoying screen.
  5. ^ The only "role" which the Renegade is suited for is to feed deaths to the enemy team. And is a shame that the forums didn't split between specializations, so the full front page of the Revenant is full of threads about the Renegade, which is useless at the game modes I play the most.
  6. They tried to downgrade power Herald as much as they could in order to make Renegade somewhat appealing in PvP, but failed miserably. So at the end whe have a Renegade which doesn't work in PvP and a Herald which works but is duller to play than a year ago.
  7. I finally crafted The Bifrost this morning after ~80 days of lazily stacking gold. It took me ~1100 gold coins to do the task, which was surprisingly low. This was mostly because I already had tons of mystic clovers and obsidian shards. I bought the precursor at 400 gc two months ago through the Black Lion market, and did the same with most of the materials. After crafting Twilight, Sunrise, Flameseeker of Prophecies, The Acension, the Legendary PvP heavy armor set and now The Brifost I think that I will take a rest for a while... I recently changed the look of my main to this... Helm is the Norn Cultural tier 2.Shoulders and gauntlets are the new PvP Mistforged Glorious Hero Armor.Chest and boots are from the Mistward Armor.Legs are from the Warbeast armor introduced in PoF. Dyes are Permafrost, Cyanide, Blue Steel and Enameled Perseverance.
  8. For a sword using bruiser the best choices are Guardian (core, DH or even FB) and Ranger (mostly Soulbeast). The Guardian can be specced mostly in valkyrie+zerk stats and achieve high sustain, good cleansing and a variety of tools, and aside of the sword can use some nice weapon combinations. Sword is subpar for Warriors in roaming/pvp (can work, but is mostly hybrid damage and axe or dagger will perform better) and Revenant is not a bruiser: can evade, blind and disengage but is bad at tanking direct damage (plus extremely vulnerable to conditions). Trailblazer's Chronomancers and Mirages can also perform as a good sword wielding bruisers.
  9. So adding slots to speed up the limitless gathering tools which are selled in the gem store had high priority (which was mostly irrelevent and take resources to be implemented, but produced earnings), while making a small change in the UI (moving the screen alert to a corner, or making it smaller, translucent or less intrusive in any way) which demands almost no effort but would have a big benefit in the quality of life of the players is disdained for more than 8 months... I known that WvW/PvP sit very low in the ladder or interest of ANet, but I think that there's no excuse. The worker that gently revamped the GW 1 graphics could probably do this in like 5 minutes...
  10. Making it possible to dismiss the map vote box is on our backlog, though I'm not sure when we'll get to it. I did create this thread in January. We are now in September, with 2 major patches in between. Nothing was done.
  11. Because Glint has more cc and AoE cleave, and better tools overal for fighting against humans.
  12. Guardian's animations for scepter looks like trash. And heavy armor users wielding the same weapon as Harry Potter doesn't feel better. Plus scepter would be (in theory) a ranged weapon, which means low damage. You seriously want a Renegade 2.0?
  13. My previous choice of pistol was based in the assumption that we had a mobile block in the off hand sword, which no longer is the case. I already have Eternity in my Guardian, but if the creative team behind the future Rev spec is the same as the Renegade I would instead to call a trident or a harpoon as the next weapon, because after the clusterkitten they made with the short bow I think that they are disconnected from the reality and any thing they would do with the greatsword is aiming towards a fiasco. I also disagree with the notion of "pure damage oriented" for the next spec: Renegade is a pure damage buff and still is thrash outside PvE raids: is bad for close combat fighting vs humans because has no sustain nor defensive/mobility tools, and is retardely bad at range due the short bow fails to make any pressure against human players. Since I doubt they add a new ranged weapon (we already have one and half) I would like to see a mele bruiser with good mobility (made from a different creative team). Is amazing to see how Mesmers are better than us at ANY range while having better sustain and mobility at the same time.
  14. What if we get the greatsword but ends being as bad as in the Reaper? Overall the track for weapons in the specs is mostly mediocre.
  15. Rev is a heavy armor class and I always try to build my male heavies as Speish Murheens, so for me Norn is the right anwer.
  16. And yet the art from HoT anf PoF depicts Herald and Renegade in the skin of a male and female lettuce...
  17. Guard's scepter is at least x10 better than Renegade's short bow, so no: is not the worst weapon in the game. In fact Guard's scepter has an unusually big dps for being a ranged weapon; I wouldn't say that is one of the greatest ranged weapons in the game, but after all the nerfs to the damage in the longbow both are pretty much even. Chains of Ligth is a very powerful tool and the flexibility which brings being a single hand weapon is appreciated (there's a lot of 2 handed weapons with a couple of good skills which lose a lot of value due the rest of skills being trash).
  18. OP, just wanted to say for this part there is a DPI Scaling option in the graphics tab now. I have a 4k monitor and it works great for resizing the UI to not be tiny. Don't know when they added it. That was helpful, thanx.
  19. I can die in the middle of a tense, interesting fight in WvW. We have small notifications about PvE things at the bottom of the right side of the screen any time we achieve something, or the "empty map" calls, or the PvP achievements, and for the end of a queue in transit towards a WvW the banner covers the center of the display but at least is relatively small... But for PvP queues the notification covers your whole character and his near environment; if you're fighting can easily cause your death.
  20. Seriously, is a hindrance any time you're waiting in queue for a PvP match while playing in WvW or another game modes and you are in the middle of a fight and suddenly the center of your screen is clogged for no reason. If I care I'll join the match, if I don't no matter how big is that crap, I won't sign up. And by the way a UI size redesign for players with big screens would be apreciated; I was using a 1440p display since 2011 (a year before the release) and won't even try to figure what would mean to play this game in a 4k monitor.
  21. 5 slot weapons leads to shipwrecks as the shortbow: a design with no mobility or defensive skills which renders the weapon useless in 2 game modes (maybe even 3). If a new weapon is bad and fills 5 slots then will be utterly unusable. A new mainhand or offhand is a better choice because we already have playable weapons which can be combined with (sword, mace, axe and sword).
  22. The Shinning Blade is so amazing looking that probably will force myself to craft it despite I already have Bolt :^)
  23. Mainhand Pistol (or both hands) because I still want condition ranged weapon viable at PvP and roaming.
  24. Ok, then from a PvE perspective I'll say that the balance patch from May 16 is what made condi Revenant suitable to raids: Renegade isn't but a moderate buff in numbers.
  25. In which way fills the missing aspect of condition cleanses, stability access or raw sustain? I do feel that condi Herald is better at PvP than condi Rev, and both of them fall below the power Herald.
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