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Everything posted by Ohoni.6057

  1. Well more mobs would mean more loot ... It would have to be balanced to prevent that, like if there were more mobs, they would drop less loot each or something. Have to keep it fair.
  2. Which would mean "Don't make it whatsoever". Picture this:Queensdale. Shadow Behemoth. Hard Mode.Now it's going to be the same fight, just harder with maybe new attacks and doing more damage and more HP.Same exact loot like the normal one.Now except for those that's in it just for the challenge, how many people would be interested in really doing a longer battled Shadow Behemoth for the same reward?Already have people who refuse to play with certain people in fractals/raids because it takes too long. Not sure which audience they would be catering to do more work for the same pay as someone who does little work and get the same payment in the end. Hey, people keep asking for hard mode. If they want hard mode, if there's demand for it, then that's fine, give it to them. If they just want better loot than other people get, then they should ask for that instead, and be refused.
  3. I wouldn't mind seeing them add hard mode options, so long as it didn't make more/better loot available.
  4. Melee Focus. Accept no substitute. It's criminal that five years in and you can't bash people's head in with a Focus on any characters.
  5. Oh, not me, certainly, all my other characters I've been running through the PoF content (I'm halfway through my last one, Warrior), I'm just noting that it's an option. You also have the option, on a new character, of just running the HoT HPs and NOT getting the HoT spec just yet. My PoF Route is to get all the CO ones, then all the Highland ones, then all the Elon ones except for sometimes the one in the brand with the Hydra patrolling it, then all the ones I can get to in the Desolation, which I usually only need to do around half of by that point. The fights there can be harder to solo though. depending on class. I don't see why. You're not meant to be able to casually wander to Elona, if you could, then why haven't we done that already? The story justifies your trip over there. I'm not saying I'd be opposed to them just opening up a direct route, I'm just saying, they don't have to, it's not something we're owed.
  6. You don't need Path of Fire maps to unlock the elite specs. I was able to fully master Deadeye as soon as the patch dropped due to having every HoT and core Tyria HP completed on that character. For my other characters I just used the Lily of the Elon method. There IS one other method available, but it requires clearing the entire story and starting a sidequest on at least one character first. That will give you an account-bound item that allows you to teleport to Vabbi at will, so you could use that to sneak your other characters in. Long route though.
  7. I honestly think that new races and new classes are extremely unlikely at this point, both because they would take a ton of work with fashion wars going on, and because while people definitely want them, I don't think they would really "sell" an expansion to the degree that gliding and mounts did. I think it would be better that they put their efforts into making the core elements great, and having some flashy, but affordable new elements, than to try and do something that would be such a massive undertaking, with minimal payoff. I did vote for player housing because I don't like voting "other," but definitely a feature that I think would be a massive success for them is unifying armor skins, so that you can mix and match any light, medium, or heavy pieces however you like. Not only is this inherently awesome, but it would make it easier to offer quality clothing items on the Gem Store that are NOT Outfits. It would take work though migrating all existing armors to work in the new system.
  8. The Legendary Mosaic Elegies are collection items you can discard once you've received them. That is made clear nowhere in the game.
  9. Yeah, I'm kind of shocked that it's 2017 and the devs still haven't realized that map-wide event markers are needed to point out large scale events. They still have these dinky "within walking distance" event indicators even for mega-bosses. This is especially criminal now that we have mounts that allow us to cross most of a map within a minute or two. I mean, I entered Elon once with a character who'd never been there before, following an LFG about the Deadhouse being run, and dashed over there within a minute or so, the opposite end of the map (there are some handy sand portals along that route). So yes, definitely broadcast that a Bounty is active and it's location. And definitely don't give players any reason to tag the board before heading out there, I'm still unclear as to whether there is any benefit to doing so, but if so, it needs to be removed, because a player that joins into the fight who was nearby deserves just as much credit as one who was hanging out in town when the bounty started. One thing about rewards, I've gotten a few bounties where I get these tablets for beating them? A different tablet for each boss? What sort of inventory nightmare is this? Either have a deposit tab for them or make it so there is only one of them so they can stack better, not separate tablets for each boss you fight.
  10. There are metas in every map. You're just not paying attention to them, or leaving the map before they start. Stick around, and you'll see them. If you are talking about the event in Vabbi and the event at Maw - those aren't metas - they are just events. Unless you are talking about the find treasure "meta" in highlands? I appreciate the assumptions though.There are two somewhat conflicting definitions of "map meta" within the community. The first is where you have a rather significant series of chained events, which open up new areas of the map and require multiple stages (the failure of which causes a set-back or total reset of the chain). These have been in since launch. The other definition is one in which the entire map is devoted to a single "concept," with all events progressing some sort of progress bar, which eventually triggers bonus rewards and a final event of some kind. These were mostly seen in the LWs2 and HoT maps. PoF doesn't really have the latter, but it definitely does have the former on several maps, whether players actually complete them or not.
  11. The content teams did an excellent job. I really enjoyed the story and felt consistently engaged by it. It moved through the maps, while still providing plenty of room to explore. The maps were designed to be beautiful, easy to casually navigate, but also with plenty of secrets to reward the explorer. The amount of small details, characters, mini-quests, and collections was staggering, and it was mostly optional enough that I didn't feel pressured by it. The Mounts were great, all of them had their own fun aspects of gameplay, and while some took more time to get used to than others, I really enjoyed switching between them as I traversed these new areas. I feel like each unlocked new aspects of the maps, bringing me back to the older maps in a natural progression, and unlocking them never felt like too much of a chore (as some HoT masteries did). It was a great idea to make the "best skills" the 3rd ones, instead of the 4th. The class teams really dropped the ball though. None of the new classes were as good as the better HoT classes, they all had some really cool design elements to them, but had poor choices that made them way too niche, only useful in some small role in the game, rather than being flexible enough to adapt to any aspect. It's ok to have one "row" of traits that are "just for PvP" or "just for WvW," but there should also be other traits in that spec that make them just as good as the HoT specs at roaming PvE, or any other aspect of the game. I really look forward to the first major balance patch, and hope that several of the specs get top-down overhauls, but as it stands, I just do not care about most of them.
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