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T G.7496

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Posts posted by T G.7496

  1. Their contribution to t6 mats supply on the TP perhaps helps reduce the cost of these by a tiny fraction which helps me in my legendary acquisition.

    Apart from being an eyesore, which I grant they are, they're not really doing any harm to anybody. In fact, as you claim, they're providing you with enrichment.

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  2. On 8/23/2021 at 9:18 AM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    I'm doing it for legendary armor right now.  22 weeks at 24 hours a week is pretty brutal.  I don't see how any normal person is reasonably expected to accomplish this, since it is essentially a part-time job on top of whatever else they do. 

    I think you're confusing brutality with something just taking a long time to accomplish, as intended, for BIS gear, that's not required.

    It took me the best part of two years to get a full set of each weight of WvW armour. It was a long-term goal, and something I enjoyed chipping away at as I also enjoyed playing the game mode.

    I was still working my way through additional sets when the legendary armoury arrived. Now I have no long term goal in WvW. I'm probably in a minority of players, actually, who think that the armoury (despite being a major QoL upgrade) is a mistake, and perhaps even harmful to end-game in terms of goal-setting. I never need to earn, buy or craft any armour ever again, unless I like the skin. Kind of a shame, really. Oh well.

    • Confused 1
  3. It's fine as it is.

    Also, I'm seeing the sentiment "but, for new players it's weely, weely haaaard" everywhere at the moment.

    Like new players are a species apart, or suffering a disability of some kind, or something. They're not. We were all new players once upon a time.

    Like I said in some other thread...

    Being a new player is a temporary thing. If it's in any way seen as an affliction by some people, don't worry, it'll soon wear off.

    • Confused 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    In essence yes but then it's not an argument for saying that WvW is harder than OW content.

    Honestly, if someone's approach to the acquisition of legendary armour is to run a dolyak or flip a camp every 5m, then I have to admire that commitment. That's about the most difficult way they could choose to do it. One would assume that they are also very low rank.

    Completing diamond every week will still take you 6 months for a complete armour set.

    I can only imagine that it will take that individual substantially longer.

    That's pretty committed.

    And anyway, flipping camps, escorting dollies, repairing walls, capping sentries. Those are all legitimate means of participation that are useful to your team.

    Not especially legendary, granted, but there is the ever present jeopardy of PvP combat whenever you venture out, so there's that.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    You can't prove it, I don't believe it, but how would you know.  It looks like a guy escorting a dolyak. Runs back to a castle, stands there a few seconds.  They're not following a zerg around, they're not roaming. They're the easy kills some roamers look for.  There are enough to keep roamers that I know happy.

    They're a useful part of the WvW ecology then.

    They also give the team chat keyboard warriors something to complain about when it's a slow day for them.

    Honestly, WvW is my favourite mode, and I really don't think they're that much of a problem.

    Eventually they either get chewed up and spat out, get what they need and kitten off, or discover they actually enjoy the mode and stick around.

    • Like 4
  6. 24 minutes ago, Rogue.8235 said:

    Since you have no desire for cognitive discourse I'll just state this:

    Individual opinions are great.  Individuals claiming that their opinion is the majority opinion is not.

    This thread is only an example of the inherent bias of non-random sampling, which is a concept learned at the high school level (i.e. basic education).

    Boom, and there it is 😂

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  7. 20 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:


    Objectively more challenging than 2/3 of the already available paths and yet I've yet to see anyone argue about the removal / restructuring of these methods which shows that this point / objection does not come from a principled place.

    Judgey much?

    You just just don't like the idea that the principled place from which these objections come is ... "Want the thing? Then do the thing, to get the thing." Which, as you point out, is eminently achievable via currently available paths.

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  8. 16 hours ago, Excursion.9752 said:

    I did not neglect or overlook any of these. I have and know people who meet all this criteria minus the homelessness. The fact of the matter is if real life is kicking your butt or if you have made choices in your life that takes you away from contact with society for greater than three months well maybe that is more important than a video game...

    I'm sure all these people are much happier now, realising that you understand their needs and life choices.

    I'm also certain that they're even happier knowing that Anet understands these things, too, and has established a character naming policy around the principle that, whatever life may throw at you, you can return to this game without fear of losing anything.


    Everyone acts as if people are lining up to steal names. They are not.

    Some people are covetous of others' ownership of the names they want, and those people are advocating for a change in the character naming policy in order take possession of those names. Whether or not you consider that to be theft, or theft by proxy, or not, it's still ugly.


    But I guess having thousands of dead accounts lock names is a good thing.

    You have absolutely no possible way, at all, to know how many accounts are 'dead' (or simply awaiting the happy return of their player), nor whether those accounts encompass character names that other people covet.


    Everyone is tilted because they can't possibly imagine someone else using their name and the only reason that is, is because anet decided to make it that way. If they had decided to go the other direction people would not care at all about this topic. People hate change is what it boils down to.

    It would seem that those people who covet the names of others are as tilted, or even more tilted, by the fact that those names will never be theirs. The rest of us are simply glad that is the case.


    I have never had trouble creating a name in this game so my post here are purely out of principle. I have played games that you lose way more than a name if you didn't log in so this to me seems pretty miniscule.

    Nor me.

    But unlike you I strongly support the principle that currently guides this game's character naming policy.

    And the fact that neither of us has ever had a problem creating a name in this game suggests to me that the problem lies with others lack of creativity.

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:

    The majority of people are disappointed?  You seem to be thinking that you are stating a fact.  This is not a fact.  


    Okay I get the problem here.  You don't know what assertion means.  That is the only way to explain how you claim that you never asserted anything IMMEDIATELY followed by an assertion.

    So, an assertion is a confident and authoritative statement of fact.  What I am pointing out is that the things you are stating as fact are not facts.  These are your own personal opinions, not objectively true statements.

    Right, so an objective statement is a statement absent of any personal bias, personal opinion, or any emotion.  It is the basis upon which one can derive factual truths.

    Again, I am pointing out how the "facts" you state are merely your own, personal, subjective opinions.  They are not reflective of the player base at large.

    You state you didn't "force" any facts, to which I believe you mean assert.  You then assert an opinion as fact in the very next sentence.  It is not objectively true that they have created an expectation in general, only true that they created an expectation that you have.  Again, you can only speak for yourself, not anyone else.  How do you know everyone else has this same exact, specific opinion as you?  

    Okay, so I am stating that you are authoritatively stating a fact.  If I am wrong in my assertion, then you admit that you are, indeed, not stating facts.  In which case, you agree with me that nothing you say has any objective truth because they are not facts.  This is what I've been calling you out on this whole time.  You keep thinking you are stating facts when it's an opinion.  And everytime I quote you it's about what ArenaNet "did" or what "the majority" of players expect.  I don't know how many different ways I can tell you that these are not true, or at the very least you provide zero evidence proving they are true.


    I think I'm an owl.  Some people, an extremely small percentage of the entire player base, has voiced their opinions in this thread.  The number of people you spoke to is a tiny percentage of the entire player base.  You cannot, in any way, claim to know what the majority of the player base thinks.  You cannot state that ArenaNet built up expectations within the player base.  You can only state that you and those who reported the same thing to you are disappointed with unmet expectations.  No one else.

    Further, there is a systemic problem in these forums where people seem to think that opinions are factual evidence or facts in themselves.   Facts are objective, of which opinions are not, by definition.


    Anyways, in short, you twice stated you made no assertions immediately followed by an assertion.  

    Ann assertion is a statement of fact made with authority.  I'm calling your statements assertions because you seem to think that they are evidenced-based statements of fact to which there is no evidence.  


    Also of note, I really dislike the new dyes.  too bright.


    One of the educationalists has arrived. It never takes long.

    Why do people show up in these threads to remind people that what they're presenting are opinions.

    This is a gaming forum, on the Internet, the very fabric of its existence is opinion. And most of it is wrong, of course.

    Except, in this case, I think the majority of people posting on this thread agree with OP. So, one might say that the assertion, that most people agree with the OP, has a certain ring of empirical truth to it.

    I'll wait with baited breath for the next lecture concerning legitimate sample sizes, statistical significance and robust methodology.

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  10. There is very little that has impressed me at about the development of this game since the so-called templates garbage dropped.

    It makes me sad.

    But then, I suppose everything has its natural life span, waxes and wanes.

    I'm not in the least excited about EoD; I mean... fishing, lel.

    The 9th birthday stuff seems par for the course at the moment.

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  11. I've read the OP a couple of times now and, unless I'm just that tired and stupid, I'm not sure I really understand what you feel are the barriers to commanding beyond the misapprehension that a commander has to play Firebrand.


    The only real barrier to being a commander is the price of a tag.


    The barriers to being a *good* commander are many and various, and are largely to do with non-game mechanic things like leadership skills situational awareness, multitasking, time-played/experience.


    Being able to play firebrand well is way down the list and pretty optional.


    That said, being able to switch class and return to the front of the same map queue, within a reasonable time frame, might be a QoL improvement for everyone, not just Commanders.

  12. There is a massive amount of content for you to dive back into.

    Some of it is great, some of it is garbage, some of it is genius, some of it is embarrassing, some of it is hugely rewarding, some of it is unbearably frustrating.

    In short, it's a mixed bag, but you've nothing to lose, except your time.

    • Like 2
  13. You're absolutely right.

    I do not want to share my name with you or anyone else.

    Luckily, the naming rules of this game mean that I never have to worry about that.

    Like I said before, you shoulda been at the party sooner. If your favourite drink is gone, pick another.

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