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T G.7496

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Posts posted by T G.7496

  1. 22 minutes ago, jhnsmth.2641 said:

    This game should support all players, not just the rich ones.

    Rich players are not rich by accident, you know.

    Most have spent their time and resources wisely and gradually in the accumulation of end-game items like legendary equipment.

    And all of them have lived through the period of exotic items, and then ascended items, en route to their end-game.

    It's how the game is played.

    It is also one of the least grindy, easiest to progress MMOs I have ever played.

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  2. Pretty sure that if it bothered Anet at all they would have done something meaningful to address it.


    And, if it bothers you that much, then you should really ask yourself, "In what earthly way does this behaviour affect me or my ability to play the game?"

  3. 28 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

    I like the current system. Now every character has its own birthday and gets gifts. If it were account based I would only get one gift per year. Nah, I’m against that. 

    I agree.

    And also, what rewards are we really talking about here? It's not like the current birthday rewards offer life-changing items.

    It's more a little novelty goodie bag, that puts a smile on my face when I remember creating each character. That's the true value of the birthday gift.

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  4. 58 minutes ago, Endilbiach.4132 said:


    Seriously, fishing might be the least controversial thing they announced, and all this guy can do is kvetch about it.

    It's also, as an apparently expansion-defining thing, one of the most underwhelming.

    Like the skiff and coop mount; nothing wrong with them, but basically fun, 5-minute gimmicks.

    I guess some people were expecting a game-changing experience for the expansion, like gliding, or mounts.

    Not fishing.

    I actually found the livesteam pretty cringy.


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  5. 4 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

    No one should get compensated for anything. That was a wrong move on Anet's part, Just take back all the so called compensation.

    It was player's choice to make those Legendary Armoury, No on asked you to make multiple sets, to flaunt around in, Legendary Armoury is just there for our convenience, Anet doesn't even need to  give us Legendary Armoury but they did and all you do is cry about it.

    How are you going to give back all the time you get to flaunt your Legendary Armoury  around in the game, or because of your Legendary Armour, you can get into raid, HUH?  HOW? 

    There sure are a lot of mean spirited people out there.

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  6. Maybe if there was just one, single in game currency. Just one thing everybody was awarded with, from anything and everything they did. And then there was one type of vendor, with tabs for everything you could get in game. And somewhere near the bottom was a tab for legendary armour. And we could then just go shopping at our convenience.


    Instead we have to suffer this damned diversity that encourages participation in a range of (end)game modes. What a stupid idea.


    Seriously, I'd go with the WvW solution. It is EASY. It is simply a time-gate, and actually my view is that that is perfectly fine.


    The irony is that you'd probably have enough tickets for most if not a full set of armour by now if you'd been doing even a little bit now and then over the years. There is no barrier to entry, and no real skill check. You can just do the PvE content in WvW if you want.

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  7. 5 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    It's a bit buggy, but what there's really no getting around is how convoluted and expensive their build template system is.  Why can't we just have a system that essentially takes a snapshot of everything and just saves it to a one-click template?  Why can't these template slots be reasonably priced?  This system is just a mess and I absolutely hate it.  The legendary armory is a nice addition to an otherwise awful design.

    Once upon a time we could do exactly that. It was wonderful. It was called arc templates. Anet cancelled it when they launched their own garbage.

  8. 19 minutes ago, AzureWolf.9150 said:

    I was really looking forward to the Legendary Armory.....   I have a number of legendaries I share amongst my characters...   Staffs, Swords, etc....   Since most of my builds are power based it's easy for them to share stuff.    But now instead they have to share infusions and upgrades?   That means Nevermore, which took up one shared slot in my inventory, is now replaced with two infusions and two upgrades?    This feels like a gigantic step backwards to me and makes me want to replace the legendaries with ascendeds that look like legendaries.    At least they won't lose their infusions and upgrades when they go into the shared bank.  


    I hope this is something that ANet will address.    It feels ... broken.   The legendary armory should make me happy to use my legendaries, not make me want to stop using them completely.

    From the team that brought you kitten so-called 'template' system, and cancelled the wonderful arc templates.


  9. 6 hours ago, iriyabran.6218 said:

    So the armory kinda forces you to buy equipment template slots.

    What a surprise.

    And if only they had actually designed a build/equipment *template* system in the first place.

    But they didn't.

    They designed a *loadout* system and misnamed it.

    And limited it absurdly.

    And monetised it disgustingly.

    If only there was an amazing template system available.

    Oh wait, there was, it was called arc templates... but Anet forced its developer to disable it when they launched their own kitten system.

    And now here we are.

    With another system that still doesn't quite work.

    Fun times.

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