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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. Pistols (Mainhand) because of our skill-set possibilities; #3 having three shot bursts, #2 interrupt enemies and grants Quickness to allies, #1 having a 3 shot, 2 shot, last combo is a 1 shot that interrupts and completely refreshes pistol#3... you know, OP stuffs. Though Shouts on Warhoarn would be interesting to theory craft, FB is already support oriented. I absolutely DO NOT want another support spec... not everyone likes that role m8.
  2. If we're going to advocate for spellbreaker nerf, maybe focus on the spellbreaker mechanics instead of advocating changes that hit every warrior build that chooses to use Greatsword. Its overpowered. It gives way too much defense. The ability to escape at your leisure? Check! And some evade frames? Check! This is part of the problem with warrior in general. That they can simply escape and heal up and reset the fight. a 450 range .75 second evade is for escaping and fight resetting? Whirlwind plus Rush is the combo, which is hardly OP compared to Thieves and Mesmers... Well, mesmer and thieves are not as sturdy as warrior too. So can you imagine that putting it all together in 1 class? Resistance? Check. Stability? Check. Immunes? Check. Passive Healing? Check. Mobility? Check. Mesmer/thief = Broken Teleport spots? Check. Broken stealth mechanics? Check. Insane Mobility? Check. Insane Burst capability? Check. Immunes? Check.Even the so called "most balanced" holosmith = huge aoe? check. big damage? check. insane mobility? check. stealth? check. on demand stab? check. auto proc immune? check. tons of cc? check Spellbreaker sure is strong, but people argue in ways i don't understand. No offense but of course you wouldn't understand. You are a warrior main, you will never understand. Also, not of those classes you mentioned can take a 2v1 or a 3v1. Thief does not have immune either. Funny you bring up 3 classes just to match the capability of 1. Only thing that SB/war does not have here is stealth So to what level do you wish to nerf a spellbreaker into?Bronze tier sounds fair :)
  3. [PvP]FB for sure. The only catch is due to the spec's support-type-elite, we are more reliant on our team than usual. But have, say, two teams of equal skill fight each other. The team with a Firebrand in the comp will win. This is the strength of FB that most overlook.
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