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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. Issue: F1 burn application is not working at all / Virtues are not overlapping. I was able to replicate the glitch easier by weapon swapping during the cast of Virtues but there's definitely a glitch going on with F1 not overlapping other virtues. This has been mentioned on Reddit as well as the Guardian forums.
  2. I was able to replicate the glitch easier by weapon swapping after allowing your virtues from fully channeling all the way through.... Sometimes Permeating Wrath is working, other times it clearly doesn't. There's definitely a class breaking glitch going on here.... I hope it gets fixed quickly. EDIT: I submitted the feedback to the Bugs section, along with a video clip of F1 clearly not working during F2 activation.
  3. ....if you've played this game for so long then why do you sound like a silver player? Your complaints has been 100% about Scrapper. Scrapper is currently a Yolo build bro. Go BRRR hard or go home. Don't like the spec? Try Holo. Holo is arguably more OP than Scrapper in ranked Conquest and it's also a higher skill ceiling spec compared to Scrapper. Scrapper will burst like a Berserker War except it's slightly more mobile. Both of which are glassy specs. Same for Willbender. Same for Weaver. Honestly this thread should be moved to the Engi forums lol.
  4. As a trash WB I've been farming Tempest Ele.. but hammer cata goes brrr, so does war. There's room for a +1 support now such as core bunker Guard alongside supp Ele. Two supports means you can run 3 glass bruisers if you wanted to.
  5. Overwatch and LoL have some of the best reporting features I've seen in a game. People have literally gotten banned within an hour or two worth of heavy toxicity banter. GW2..? You can be toxic for 2 years and not get banned lol. The automated report feature is either non existent or is way too lenient. Saying "kys" should be instantly flagged for shadowbanning..
  6. Queue times would be quicker for 2v2 & 3v3 gamemodes because matchmaking pulls less players. Match quality would improve drastically IF this was soloQ only... this would be true for Conquest as well. The problem this game continues to have is premades; people are dodging premades, leading to solo/duo to go up against top25, resulting in more blowout games. Generally the Leaderboards top 3 or top 5 players don't really have much for competition. Incorporating AT fixed the 5's premade toxicity issue but there's still the issue with premade dodges & player rotation boosting in ranked duoQ conquest and the miniseason..... so why not just have 2v2/3v3 AT's for the miniseason, while also making 5v5 Ranked soloQ only? 5's AT every 2hrs 2's/3's AT every 30minutes during the mini-season. 5v5 Ranked SoloQ only | Miniseason gamemodes Ranked soloQ | Unranked 5's remains the same. Edit: There will still be rating/match manipulation but top players attempting to queue sync, with multiple accounts, would be more difficult if ALL Ranked enabled gamemodes were soloQ.
  7. Yeah i agree Hammer still sucks.
  8. Oh you actually want more soloQ gamemodes? Don't you know that's not part of Anet's road map... even if more modes is what 99.9% of the PvP Playerbase wants?
  9. Don't you know that class prowess is based off of how many Bronze players you can 1vX?
  10. We can talk about bad matchmaking, rating abuse, selling titles etc. all day.... tbh the thing that really hurt GW2 PvP long term was how much of a fail Stronghold was. Stronghold was SUPPOSED to be the new flagship PvP map but the Devs never listened to our suggestions, such as incorporating a type of equipment character progression, or anything else similar to a MOBA but GW2 style. But what we got was something that was less strategic than Conquest.
  11. So there's decent metabuilds out there that you don't want to play on... and you're failing on the bad builds that you do play on, so much that you think the entire spec is worthless? After we're correcting you, you're backtracking by now calling WB a poorly designed spec? This is such a troll thread lol...
  12. Virtue overlaping has been a huge headache for every WB build and in every gamemode to the point that this change was unavoidable. I am also perfectly fine with Restorative Virtues finally being good.
  13. Anet releasing a pvp balance patch mid season to address an issue? Lol! Thanks for the chuckle. I'm going to show this to my very real nonimaginary gf so that she too can have a laugh.
  14. Yeah I agree... and it wasnt just sagebrand build that were effected. I remember Arken maintaining top50 with a glass AH build utilizing Mantra of Truth. But it's nerf was absolutely ridiculous. It's not like we could just suddenly tack 300% worth of Weakness from somewhere to gain back the Weakness duration lost. Anets balancing decisions during this period was really really bad when it came to Guardian.
  15. I can't say I agree, especially on the sPvP side of things and especially for Ranked sPvP. Furthermore I hear people say WB is meta and "works better" in WvW but since I don't play that mode I'll let some one else talk about that. First off WB dishes out a LOT of AoE damage when the getting gets good. Is it going to struggle with War/Cata/Vindi? Yes absolutely and so will 80% of other specs (hence the incoming nerfs) but believe me when I say that WB is extremely close to being a 5th pick meta class for AT comps. It is also a solid G3/Plat1 Rank spec. It's not going to be as OP as Cata/War/Vindi but we can run circles around those classes sometimes. I know I post a lot of meme builds lately for funzies but This Build basically carried me to Plat. I've been looking for a condi hybrid to take care of glass oneshot classes and this does exactly that. Willbender still needs buffs in areas that matter but it is far from being a worthless spec.
  16. First off, you are not wrong... Anet literally posted a pole on who wanted class swapping prior to game start and something like.... 57% pvp players selected YES to that pole. It's utterly ridiculous (and bias) because this clearly causes multiple issues with matchmaking balance when it places classes and player efficiency to said class, on a given team. ESPECIALLY when sPvP population is as low as it is. (this post was before AT's were implemented and it was right before PvP Seasons as well. Matchmaking had to work twice as hard. This was seen when the Devs were altering Matchmaking Algorithms several times a week just to find the right sauce. 1v1/2v2/3v3's.... the official stance has been "We don't want to separate the PvP population". The irony 1.5years after this very old Dev post? They release a new PvP gamemode named Stronghold that only had 5% of what the playerbase asked for while also separating the pvp population (during this new gamemode release, premades of 5 vs solo/duo/trio comp Queue Times were at an all-time high). The fallacy here is that more individual, unique, players can queue for 1v1/2v2/3v3 game modes along side of a separate 5v6 game mode, like our current iteration of AT's. It's why most competitive (especially competitive) games have separated individual game modes. 1v1/2v2/3v3's don't cause higher queue times. What doesn't make sense is....this current system has had a HUGE on-going match manipulating process for the last few years. This current iteration has been the most abusive match manipulation in ALL of GW2 history.... for anyone who keeps track of GW2 PvP, this speaks volumes.
  17. 1.) Put GW2 on an SSD (solid state drive) as oppose to a HDD (hard disk drive) to launch the game quicker. For those who don't know, launching a game on an SSD is eons quicker than a game installed on an HDD. If your game is on an HDD, you may have to do a little research to see if your specific motherboard can supports an SSD. 2.) Upon immediately entering the game, exit the game by going into character select. You shouldn't crash if you are not in the map but do keep track of your in-game timer. Set a stopwatch or phone timer so you can enter right before match starts. 3.) If you are stuck in HotM, enter a random public pvp server. This should place you back into your game. (Things that didn't work for me) Not leaving your base... Not selecting/targeting any other player... Leaving your game minimized throughout the whole duration... (multiple crashes causes) immediately leaving your base while several players abuse the glitch =/...
  18. FB is extremely awful in sPvP to the point that I wouldn't recommend it for new players or anyone, which is probably why Metabattle have old Firebrand builds lol. That said a new patch is coming out on Heart Day, Feb 14th. Firebrand will change so much that there will be new metabuilds for them. They will be better but I'm uncertain about their proficiency in sPvP. All Guard specs have builds that do decently in WvW and PvP both but I don't play WvW so, I can't really help you in that regard :3.
  19. Ah I stand corrected, thanks for the explanation :3!
  20. Hammer was never a defensive weapon. It was first a Burst weapon with the Virtues trait Glacial Heart at its core. That gave Hammer#2 nearly a 2k additional burst. It was so strong that it became meta for a given time in tournaments. That was 100% it's identity for a very long time until Anet gave it nerfs. You and I can both agree that Hammer is trying to rediscover it's identity as a weapon but the current changes to Hammer#3 barrier, Mighty Blow port and AA quicker attacks.... are purely QoL features that players have simply been asking about. Sure it's fun when fighting a Moose or getting beat down by a random NPC warrior in Heart of the Mists but it's not going to be a significant buff in competitive PvE/WvW/PvP by any stretch. Greatsword outshines hammer by a LOT so if you don't want to give hammer gameplay tools then what else should we give it? More barriers?
  21. You mean Judges out to... another trap combo or just away? In your scenario all the traps are used, so it's not like you're going to land another traps traps traps on anybody after your initial Judges port with hammer. That and Guard as a whole could really use that escape card on ALL of our specs assuming you can even land a very-melee-oriented Banish, then quickly target some one else on the map for a quick port away within that 3 second window. (this would be awesome btw) If Banish has a port on hit, it would obviously be on a short timer. Not like you can keep a free port for 30 seconds. A 3 second free port to use for Mighty Blow or anything, is all you need.
  22. Make Banish a port option after landing a hit... don't just put it on Mighty Blow.
  23. Bruh, amongst all the classes do you know how many 1v1's a Guard can successfully win 3 out of 3 times competitively? It's less than zero but also not more than zero. That said I wouldn't mind a 1v1 mini season because it will finally be soloQ only lol
  24. Ah yes. A video game version of Tiger King... "A top AT player just got caught selling titles and deliberately throwing games has now been banned" (the player)
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