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Substance E.4852

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Posts posted by Substance E.4852

  1. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @"Substance E.4852" said:People will do mini dungeons like the raven puzzles in Bjora or Grothmar events if you make them fun and give them decent rewards for completion. ESPECIALLY if you tune said rewards to the difficulty of doing content that requires personal effort instead of being carried by a map zerg

    Which is what I had said in a previous post. You can make something fun but players won't generally do it enough times compared to if it were rewarding. The moment you make something rewarding to be worth doing, players farm the kitten out of it until it's no longer worth doing.One also has to consider what rewards are "decent". This is highly subjective. Not everyone will agree on what makes a reward decent.

    Depends on how it's presented. Stuff that can be TP'd will always have a standard gold value that can be measured. Stuff that can't is harder to gauge and also shouldn't be the main focus of content you want people repeating long term.

    Fractals and their loot is a good format to follow. It's content specific loot but also done in such a way that there's always a demand for it and can be sold for gold if the player doesn't need to use it.

    Even dungeon tokens could be turned into forge fodder weapons if you had no other use for them.

  2. @Ayrilana.1396 said:Meta maps are maps with a series of events. Kind of like how the Orr metas are as well as those on some of the other core maps. You also do not know how much the events scale down. You're not the only one as I'm fairly sure the majority of the playerbase is like this too because all they're used to is zerging content. They don't know any different so believe that they must have the same numbers.

    Many of those events are scaled to assume a certain amount of people playing and are thus nearly impossible to complete within the timer, or take so long that people simply don't bother

    The only time Ive ever consistently seen group content that was measurably easier/faster to do with fewer people was back when WvW tower/keep lord HP scaling was totally off the rails and 5 people could kill SMC lord faster than 50 which was eventually patched out

  3. @anduriell.6280 said:

    @"Substance E.4852" said:-Get rid of the CA form resource entirely-Make it a toggle-Change druid skills so that they only heal others, not the Druid himself-Change CA 1 to a melee radius aoe rather than the ranged, time lag impact skill it is now-Adjust the rest of CA form skills power accordingly

    Problem solved

    Pet is still useless in a zerg but at least druid becomes a reliable sustainable heal bot that's needed in WvWI don't know why i think the staff to target allies (other players or the pet) instead enemies would be a fun change of pace. While roaming the Druid would target the pet with Staff#2 to burn the enemies around the pet and Staff#1 to burn them playing cross the line with them.Staff would need to have returned some buffs lost, like a reduced CD in Staff#3 and the return of the evade plus it would need to apply long duration burning in Staff#1 and a short but bursting burning with staff#2. Staff#4 to apply the ancient roots effect (and delete that trait from the game) .

    And druid could be fun to play, different than any other class in game but fun.

    Also the CA skills would need to become PbAoE (Aoe around the druid) like you suggested but it should also heal the Druid.Maybe reduce the healing but give the druid a very strong Outgoing healing minor trait instead ( Lingering Light should be returned to the Beta trait and the actual effect should replace Natural Mender )

    All the Glyphs to work like the Glyph of Unity (Tethers to enemies/allies) and provide pulsing effects. It can even have the first pulse to trigger with 1s delay to give some counterplay and also have better effects ( as that 1s should give enough time to the target to move away and break the tether) .

    Thus a pulsing Daze could be implemented. The spec would be fun and unique still having very strong connection to the pets in a different way, which is what the ranger was all about (pet mechanics, throwable traps, mobile spirits with unique buffs...) .

    The main reason I suggested getting rid of self heals is that Druid's problem has always seemed to stem from the fact that it gave much more sustain to a class that already had solid survival which lead to obvious problems in pvp, causing anet to end up shaving off so much of it that it's no longer really any good

    Pretty much the same way "sic em" on SB has caused LB burst to go to the moon and bring back nerfs to everything else

    There might be a way to make self sustaining druids balanced in a functional way but it's gonna require more theory crafting on skill and trait reworks than I'm willing to put in tbh

    Also, in the format I'm picturing, it's not something you bring to a solo fight anyway so you're going to be relying on team members to support you most of the time as you heal spam

  4. -Get rid of the CA form resource entirely-Make it a toggle-Change druid skills so that they only heal others, not the Druid himself-Change CA 1 to a melee radius aoe rather than the ranged, time lag impact skill it is now-Adjust the rest of CA form skills power accordingly

    Problem solved

    Pet is still useless in a zerg but at least druid becomes a reliable sustainable heal bot that's needed in WvW

  5. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @"Game of Bones.8975" said:I don't want a whole map that depends on a meta to remain relevant.Why do people go to Dragon's Stand? For the meta, not much else.Will people abandon Drizzlewood with the new chapter or when a new expansion is released?

    How else would you make a map remain relevant and not be mostly abandoned like all of the other maps without metas?

    If Anet stopped designing Overworld content that required large groups to complete then it wouldn't be an issue. All these meta maps have their own currencies and yet Anet put them either in harvest nodes or behind group content.

    People will do mini dungeons like the raven puzzles in Bjora or Grothmar events if you make them fun and give them decent rewards for completion. ESPECIALLY if you tune said rewards to the difficulty of doing content that requires personal effort instead of being carried by a map zerg

    You only even think of "abandoned map" a framing because meta maps are unplayable without a certain number of people while vanilla launch maps have events, JP's, mini dungeons, and the occasional instant spawn world boss to kill and they're still enjoyable for what they are years later

  6. While I did find they did a great job with the prologue, Bjora, and EOTN, this still isn't really expanding the game in the way people expect

    All we've really gotten is new areas to go and do the same stuff we've always done

    Hell, by some standards, the previous season was more of an "expansion" because at least it gave us a new mount that was so overpowered it renders all others obsolete in any area that isn't completely flat terrain (IE almost none of them) and changes the way you get around the entire game as a result similar to what gliding did

    Sticking by strikes is a step in the right direction but knowing Anet, I can't realistically say they will continue with them as a format after IBS is over, thus leaving them to be yet another isolated nugget of content that isn't integrated into the game as a whole exerience

  7. @Yggranya.5201 said:

    @"Excursion.9752" said:Not only is the meta to long your chances on getting in on a map that is not "Fresh" is slim to none. I've already noticed people afking until near the final fight. Can't wait until we have half a map afking waiting on others to do the work.

    Ahh, The joys of MMO "team work".

    It;s really the only MMO where I've ever seen this much leaching and it almost entirely has to do with the game leaning heavily on overworld content where it's much less impactful to the actual completion of the content

    Games that revolve around party content can just rely on teams kicking leachers or people pulling their weight because slacking off means no one succeeds

    Compare that to GW2 where people either afk out of harm's way (floating on skyscales during Drakar before patch) or just laying dead expecting everyone to res them so they don't have to run back because the other 50 people will carry you to your loot regardless of whether they want to

  8. Visual diarrhea is already a massive problem in this game to the point where boss fights are still just unintelligible disco raves even after several attempts to cull clutter

    Any attempt to give people the ability to customize skill effects will just lead to everyone equipping the most garish and noticeable effects they can, much how they already do with auras and glowing armor

    All it would do is make the game look substantially worse and lead to even worse FPS in zerg fights

    • Confused 1
  9. @Voltekka.2375 said:Dunno, but @God.2708 and @"subversiontwo.7501" have offered plenty of insight on how and why ranger can be used in zergs, even if it's "offmeta" (personally, I always run offmeta builds even on scourge reaper etc). Their arguments are more than valid, hell I have been corrected more than once by them in the past in the forums and they made me see things differently (I thought I knew stuff, but guess what, I was wrong!).Nothing more to add, really. I am just happy to exchange opinions with people like the above-mentioned and get better, instead of bitter.

    It's just the same old copes about how Ranger isn't totally useless therefor it's """viable"""

    Meanwhile, the class is still out gunned in virtually everything it offers by other classes such that no one will ever ask someone to "switch to ranger"

    Even using them for pin sniping is largely useless after Anet changed "unblockable" to a charge system

    There's a big difference bewteen "not total garbage" and "worth taking over another class"

    Even the best possible SB set up is still worse than just spamming Rev hammer into a zerg just as Druid has never been better than other support classes

  10. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @EremiteAngel.9765 said:With the recent Armageddon patch nuking DPS from orbitMeanwhile, people are still getting instakilled on zerg pushes.

    30 people hitting you all at once is still gonna kill you even if you reduce that collective damage from 300,000 down to 30,000

    @MrForz.1953 said:I'm tired of polls. I'll say this though: Sustain should have been something very limited since the beginning of this game, being tanky is one thing but everyone should die after a while, give a proper base ratio between tankiness and damage for all contenders to have the same fighting chance nonetheless and have actual dedicated healers be at risk for their capabilities instead of being immortal. Immortal healers have been a plague in too many games already. Take a hit, sure, but not over 70 hits.

    Healing power and boon duration were a mistake and should have only ever been a way to buff your outgoing support only, on stat sets that otherwise sacrifice damage and personal defense and turn you into a typical MMO healbot

  11. @"Sazukikrah.5036" said:Gw2 Gonna pop up on Nerd Slayers Channel "Death of a Game" , with continuous disapproval from the community and favoritism to PvE players. Can we at least address the imbalance with necro life force generation? just made it 3 to 4% in pvp ? It's still insanely op in WvW. Lets talk about Soft CC's from NPCs in WvW that immob , stun and blind you constantly. Lets talk about Towers and sentry's marking you from a mile away which virtually makes stealth classes unplayable. does not take 4-6 weeks to address those changes. Mean while underwater combat still hits like a truck, but the last balance patch was suppose to normalize damage. I'm still able to hit 5-6k war claw dismounts on players. That's balanced? Please do not infracture my post and read what I am actually putting for once. And lets not forget there's virtually no cleave damage for downstate players, at least reduce the number of times a player can get up or reduce the downstate health. Dont know how many times i just had to sit there and watch someone get back up from a fight i was already outnumbered in cause someone could revive someone through my damage.

    I think they forgot WvW exists agan

  12. @mistsim.2748 said:

    @Substance E.4852 said:"no firebrand nerfs in pvp"

    Absolute clown tier balancing as usual

    I eat FB's for breakfast. I hardly see any in plat.

    I'm sure

    I mean, if you want tips, you should just ask around. But tbh, if you can't 1v1 an FB meme build, then you are probably quite hopeless.

    "This class is over performing in all three game modes and still doesn't even have trade offs for it's elite specs, that doesn't seem balanced"

    "That's just because you bad at game"


    FB is a pug-stomping meme build bro, just like DH is/was. It's not where balance dev resources need to go.

    There are more game modes than PvP, sir

  13. @voltaicbore.8012 said:

    The only hope we have is the next elite spec.

    Lolololol I remember when I used to feel that elusive feeling... 'hope' .... about ranger in general. I've long since given up. I mean, I still main ranger in everything, but instead of hoping for improvements I'm just resigned to dealing with the endless bungling and lost opportunities.

    They completely shit the bed with stance share and an elite spec that is nothing but party heals

    There's a 0.0001% they will offer anything that will perform in WvW with the next spec

    Especially when it's almost certainly going to involve the pet walking around normally which means dead pet the entire lord room fight

  14. @mistsim.2748 said:

    @Substance E.4852 said:"no firebrand nerfs in pvp"

    Absolute clown tier balancing as usual

    I eat FB's for breakfast. I hardly see any in plat.

    I'm sure

    I mean, if you want tips, you should just ask around. But tbh, if you can't 1v1 an FB meme build, then you are probably quite hopeless.

    "This class is over performing in all three game modes and still doesn't even have trade offs for it's elite specs, that doesn't seem balanced"

    "That's just because you bad at game"


  15. @Lazze.9870 said:First of all, Soulbeast lacks a good zerg weapon. GS would have been decent if Hilt Bash had more targets, but it would still want a second good weapon. Unfortunelately, we're left with a dagger that should have been a core weapon to begin with. SB's zerg viability was dead on arrival, even though a permanently merged pet for new skills and stat bonuses + shareable stances looked good on paper.

    Not sure why're you're bringing up cleanses to begin with. Druid is not just better suited at it, but pretty decent at it comparatively to other support builds. The main issue is that Engie's Purity of Purpose is stupidly broken and undermining other cleanse options. Druid could be quite capable in zergs if Anet made some smart changes to it. Even with all the nerfs it's still useable as a one-off in in smaller squad skirmishes and GvGs, immobilizing inside warrior bubbles while providing heals and cleanses.

    Druid wasn't even capable back in beta when it was so utterly broken you could basically be in permanent CA form the entire night but just walking around with regen on yourself outside of combat

    It would need nearly every CA skill as well as all of staff reworked to be anywhere close to what scrappers and FB bring while being as tanky

  16. @aaron.7850 said:50% increased speed on all actions is way too strong. Even as a Chrono Mesmer I find myself in conflict because on one hand I get to have 100% uptime on quickness, which is nice, on the other hand playing it is way too frantic and stressful, my keyboard doesn't appreciate it when i go all wack-a-mole on it.

    Sounds like the problem is Anet's addiction to boonshare and boon duration increases

    This wasn't an issue pre-HoT

  17. @Blocki.4931 said:

    @"asterix.9614" said:So it's obvious bird, deer and cat will be getting nerfs for ranger. Can we please keep the smokescale the same for wvw. It's the only pet for soul beast in wvw and if it gets nerfed kitten knows what I should play. My main power mirage got deleted, holo is only good for cc chain and the ranger I sometimes roam with in wvw will die if smoke scale gets destroyed. Keep the pvp changes separate from wvw please.

    I've been writing this when I'm able to. I can't even believe people are feeling that pets are OP. It's just absolutely bizarre considering how weak in reality they are. If those pets are nerfed, literally the only pet we have is smoke which aside from its utility - hits almost like a wet noodle now. At the same time I don't want to continue to be locked into one pet only.

    So 4k auto attacks from AI are perfectly fine while the actual player can do whatever they want? Cool.

    Been fine for years now

    Funny how "Pet damage" is the only thinkg rangers have going for them anymore now and suddenly it's "OP"

    Almost as if this is all part of petty personal grudges and not based on balance at all

    Almost as if everything else in the game got nerfed but this AI, which you cannot possibly outplay, did not get touched much if at all.

    "can't outplay"

    We're just making shit up now?

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