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Everything posted by kooldude.7260

  1. Tell me I owned you without telling me Weird that you know I play thief even though this is an alt account, but I have no clue who you even are 😂
  2. Ever since that Discord leak a year or two ago, this game is transparent to everyone. They don't know what they're doing, they're just buffing the playstyles they like...which also happens to be a bunch of Celestial builds that enable expansion buyers to have the apex predator builds immediately on purchase. Either incompetent favoritism or P2W garbage tactics, either way it is embarrassing and these devs do not deserve any praise whatsoever for screwing balance repeatedly for at least 5 years. Funny seeing a dev pretending like PVP/WVW balance is in a good state lol. You can play like 20 Ele builds look at the build variety! /s
  3. The people dropping all the Confused reacts are Celestial players refusing to accept that they're being carried to every win lol.
  4. The pay to win balancing was glaring ever since HoT, but this time it's more obvious than ever that they want new/returning players to be able to buy the expansion, use their level 80 booster and instantly have the best builds in the game. It's why Celestial was buffed and continues to be OP (it's the stats you get from 80 booster), it's why the new specs are always OP on expansion release for 1-2 years. A good game doesn't need these kinds of tactics to make money, but this is not a good game anymore.
  5. Cele harbinger is beyond broken and is basically pay to win ezmode for new players who use their level 80 booster gear. Disgusting game.
  6. So you can't walk around on a nonsense build and expect to win? Got it. I'll just play power P/D core thief with nothing but signet utilities. 'woe is me everything is so OP!'
  7. I can't believe it has been like 10 years of Burnfall schizo-posting about thief being OP Melee thief is in the weakest state it has been in since like 2016. Everyone has reveal, stealth of their own, just as much mobility, insane tankiness that lets them shrug off backstabs, or throws marks. L2P. You can take a backstab from an SA DD, then turn around and reveal + True Shot them for twice the damage back. Pure skill issue.
  8. It has always amazed me that People enjoy playing at 10FPS so much for whatever reason that they will purposely look for only this type of content. ArenaNet has gotten complaints about lag in WVW for years, but has done nothing. Instead they push balance towards favoring comp builds, full squads, and map blobs which makes the lag problem worse. The roamer meta used to be power builds, now it is Cele or Minstrel so you can survive long enough to call mapchat for 3 people. Mounts have not been nerfed. 95% of builds cannot escape a larger group that is repeatedly lancing and dismounting on them one at a time, then going out of combat and doing it again because mount is faster than players. This phenomenon alone is so beyond stupid that it is still in the game, and it is actually braindead that the devs don't see a problem with this. These problems have basically ruined WVW. Players that somehow enjoy playing Microsoft PowerPoint and ArenaNet addressing the lag and blob problem with a general attitude of 'just go out there and zerg bro, WVWers want giant fights only, because when we actually play this mode all we do is zerg on Maguuma'. Mounts making it so unless you are on the fastest/stealthiest classes, you are literally dead the second you encounter a larger group. Really, the main zerg audience of the game and the devs deserve each other since their negative IQs probably match.
  9. I stole Stability. You can see the Daze icon still active when they cast F2. I dazed them with Steal then again with Mace Head Crack (4s daze) and they were still able to cast F2.
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