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Posts posted by Quadox.7834

  1. 3 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    There's Helseth too. And I say the same, plat 2 mesmer main. And pretty much every other mesmer I've talked to.

    Not just talking about mesmer players, everyone , from drazeh to boyce to naru will say it. You would be hard pressed to find a single player above a certain caliber who disagrees

    • Like 8
    • Confused 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Garret.1965 said:

    Omfg, the shatters literally have no illusionary persona, have cast times, and even require LoS. Yeah, virtuoso is pretty trash. Your F3 can't be used reactively to interrupt anymore and f4 is actually worthless. But sure, it's perfectly fine. Everything else just needs nerfs, right?


    Only thing on virtuoso I liked was sword #3. 





    Also f3 literally doesnt track at all, as in, if they are walking to the side it just misses

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  3. On 8/20/2021 at 5:43 PM, hash.8462 said:

    The blades launched by phantasms when Phantasmal Blades is equipped do way too high damage, probably 3 times the intended damage (unless the tooltip is wrong).

    there is probably some wonkyness going on because the phantasm blades count as coming from your phantasm (uses the phantasm weapon strength etc) according to cmc

  4. On 8/19/2021 at 9:56 PM, Me Games Ma.3024 said:

    When hovering the purple dots over your skillbar the tooptip says "n Illusions" instead of Blades. Literally unplayable.


    Using F1 deals more damage when using shatter storm. It uses a different coefficient.


    Greatsword Autoattack Crits will apply Vulnerability but not Bleeds with the Virtuoso Traits.


    Phase retreat will not generate a blade if used above 1200 range. 


    Bladestorm Sorrow can sometimes hit targets above the maximum distance with only the middle blade.

    i could not get f1 to do more damage with shatter storm. in fact, it actually seemed to do less (very slightly, like 10-20 damage less)

  5. On 8/21/2021 at 12:04 PM, ascii.1369 said:

    Yes, technically it works as intended, but at least in my opinion "as intended" produces unfortunate results here. The issue is basically with all skills that are instant but require line of sight. To maybe get back to the original point of the topic, as far as I'm concerned bladesongs shouldn't require line of sight anyway, same for the virtuoso healing skill.

    But virt f1-f3 aren't instant, so what do you mean?

  6. 7 hours ago, ascii.1369 said:

    True, I would put that in the category of bad design. The fact that it works as normal while not pressing W is beyond stupid to me. Either they want it to be line of sight, in which case you should need to face the target, or not, in which case it should just work like normal shatters.

    The reason it works when not pressing w is because skills in this game have an auto-face functionality when standing still. For example, try it with mirror blade. This is universal in this game and not unique for virtuoso shatters.

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  7. 3 hours ago, ascii.1369 said:

    So your posts seem to pretty much boil down to this quote and I think we're just having a difference of opinion here. You seem to think that anyone who finds bad design/coding an issue just isn't good enough to exploit it. In my opinion animation canceling and similar stuff shouldn't be a part of any game, it's just bad design or lazy coding. If they want their combat system really skill based they should implement it that way, not rely on what is essentially bugs to make so.

    The facing your target thing we are talking about in this  thread though is not a bug

  8. 2 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    Yes but the projectiles are much faster then what Virtuoso has currently. Like you said most projectile requires to face your target but the fact that this is ALL of virtuoso's kit is the problem.

    I agree the projectiles are bad on F1 and F3, this is what we should be campaigning for them to fix first and foremost, F2 is good though.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    Also im pretty sure this will get fixed soon enough there hasent been anything that is remotely abuseable for mesmers without it getting fixed or removed shortly.

    Yeah sadly it might, some people will prob report it too because they are goody two-shoes. It should absolutely stay in the game because there is a drawback to doing it (you lose out on the 5 blades) which means there is a choic, which means there it adds skill cieling.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    Again that isn't their whole kit, there is a reason why no one plays holo especially after the CC dmg nerfs and plays nades scrapper, and rapid fire is only 1 skill in ranger's arsenal of abilities. For Virtuoso its 80% of its kit there is a distinct difference.

    Dont know what you are saying here, dont know what holo has to do with this. Most projectiles need to face your target either the whole way through (like rapid fire) or at the end (like point blank shot). Virtuoso only at the start which is the better option.

  11. 1 minute ago, MrAmputatoes.6031 said:

    This is very much in comparison to standard core shatters that are instant and require no target to be used. The bladesongs provide no positive aspects in compared to core. 

    The blades cant be killed and you dont need to be melee range.

  12. 7 minutes ago, MrAmputatoes.6031 said:

    It still doesn't make it a good mechanic or even a rewarding one. Sure, I can do it, but does it make the class feel/ play better, no, its counterintuitive to what the player wants to be doing. Its like ESO combat: sure its fun but in order to be effective you NEED to animation cancel. People do it, but its the main reason people refuse to play ESO.

    Animation cancelling are a big part of what makes fighting games combat cool and deep and skilled (incl stuff like L-canceling in smash melee), these types of mechanics might not feel natural from the start but once you get good at it, it starts to flow and feel satisfying. Though I dont know anything about ESO so the implementation there might be boring.

  13. 2 minutes ago, MrAmputatoes.6031 said:

    It still doesn't make it a good mechanic or even a rewarding one. Sure, I can do it, but does it make the class feel/ play better, no, its counterintuitive to what the player wants to be doing. Its like ESO combat: sure its fun but in order to be effective you NEED to animation cancel. People do it, but its the main reason people refuse to play ESO.

    It is kind counterintuitive to be able to face away while throwing a dagger at all - but we should count ourselves lucky that we have that mechanic. Imagine if it was like rapid fire or plasma beam where you need to face your target the whole time. Virtuosos playstyle is comparatively dynamic.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    Fact you need to even do anything to work around simple casting is a design problem. This should not be a mandatory way to make the class or skills work, this should be optional.

    This is pretty normal with various skills in Gw2 though, for example gale on elementalist focus. Managing these types of mechanics are part of what separates the wheat from the chaff and makes it so impressive to see good players playing their class. Honestly count yourself lucky that we can even finish the cast while facing away - most projectiles don't get that luxury. For example with rapid fire you need to face your target the entire cast

  15. 17 minutes ago, Hackuuna.4085 said:

    Basically this spec seems to be optimally played as full glass with ranged about facing. 

    1. Utilities can be cast while facing away (1200 range on the two AoE damage/immob)
    2. Cast F1/F2/F3 and about face immediately after starting the cast
    3. Pistol/Greatsword phantasms cast while facing away, periodically turning to do greatsword/dagger skills or autos

    If something gap closes on you, you have 3s of invuln (where you can't do anything else since locked in cast time), and 1.5s of block (again locked in 1.5s cast animation). It's really funny that mesmer is designed to be within 600 range and yet this spec is less punishing to anyone within that range.

    Actually you can stow the distortion utility and still get the full 3 secs, although you dont get the blades. Imo if this is a bug they should keep it because it provides a really fun and skilled option. There are a lot of tricks most of you are missing out on that make virtuoso potentially actually good.

  16. 1 hour ago, ascii.1369 said:

    Well, obviousely about face is an option, you kind of need it for PvP anyway. But regardless of how you turn around, with about face or manually, you turn around. You're right that it works if you stop pressing W for the cast, but that seems even worse than turning around. While turned around you at least can still move, while just releasing W makes you stop completely.


    I would say I agree with you somewhat, there are workarounds through good mechanics, so in a sense it's a learn to play issue. But I don't think the "fix" for bad design should be learn to play.

    you only need to release W for a split second, like 0,1 secs, then you can press it again. Ill try to record some videos to show you guys how it can look.

  17. You CAN cast bladesongs while kiting, just release your W key for a split second, press the bladesong, then hold W away from your enemy again. You do not need to face your target at the end of the cast. It feels weird at first but trust me, it's actually fun and skillful. I suggest to bind "about face" and learn to use it a lot.

    • Like 1
  18. On 8/18/2021 at 3:00 AM, Sir Vincent III.1286 said:

    Flying Cutter

    - Flurry trigger should be 2 hits. The damage simply lacking compare to GS1.



    - Projectile needs to be faster and homing back to the Mesmer instead of following a straight path.


    Unstable Bladestorm

    - Effect is not very clear. How damage does it deal to targets inside the bladestorm? How often do they get hit? After testing, "damages foes it passes through" doesn't seem to happen. Damage only applies when the blades shoots out.


    Blade Renewal

    - CD is too long

    - Should be a stun break


    Psychic Force

    - Should not be a stun break

    - Reduce CD if stun break is removed


    Jagged Mind

    - has a 100% chance to apply bleed on crit...why not just say it applies bleed on crit straight up?

    - Why GS is considered as Blade, but Sword isn't? Blurred Frenzy and Counter Blade should both be the type Blade


    Duelist Reversal and Psychic Riposte

    - should trigger on "block and evade", instead of "block and dodge", because it triggers on evade (e.i. Blurred Frenzy)


    Infinite Forge

    - it's rather useless

    - It's better if it restocks 1-3 Blades whenever you use Bladesong.



    - this trait necessitate that you also take Jagged Mind which means there's no other way to build around this GM trait -- in other words, it's useless without Jagged Mind

    - If the Dagger skills applies Bleeding, then this trait makes sense. Otherwise it's a waste of GM slot.


    Overall feel

    - It's a fun E.Spec specially with Sword/Sword build.

    - Dagger skills need work (see above)

    infinite forge is absolutely not useless, it is actually the best one for many builds. but it should prob work out of combat.

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