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Posts posted by Quadox.7834

  1. 1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


    Once upon a time you could get banned for things in GW2.


    Nowadays nothing happens no matter how many people report you, unless there is seriously 90% of the community sending in reports on you constantly all day long for at a least a month or more.


    Go read the TOS yourself. Make of it what you want.

    and then there is me who got perma banned and anet wont even say why or respond to emails *shrug*

  2. 12 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

    Because you think it's unreasonable to have the duration of the interrupted skill the same as the ICD? For the CC spam mesmer can output at a willing and RNG pace? 9 years on non sense I heard.

    absolutely. you do not understand what you are saying, you do not understand this game, and you do not understand game design in general.


    Get in line with your complain,

    "Get in line with your complain" learn english


    there's more important to deal with. 3 seconds ICD is already extremely low for 15 seconds and we can already find you complaining about that.

    that's right, there are more important things to deal with. so why are you talking about it?


    also, what i complain about is the **bug** that there is a hidden icd. either fix the bug or add the cooldown to the trait tooltip.



    There are already several traits that gets Weakness with no higher than half a second on disable, if that doesn't make you happy to have, nothing will.

    disable is not interrupt. Also, look at lightning rod.

    • Like 2
  3. On 5/7/2021 at 12:23 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

    I'd like this too. I don't have the time or inclination to read those numbers so the only way they're useful to me is if they're all zeroes; then I know something is going wrong. If it's anything above zero then the actual number is just visual noise, so it would be helpful to make them smaller (or hide them entirely) 

    Exactly. 0s or "miss" or "invulnerable" or "interrupt" or "blocked" are good, but the damage numbers are useless and should be possible to disable.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

    GW1 was full of cooldown increasing abilites, mainly interrupts. Mesmer was loaded with them, but ranger and warrior had them aswell.
    The GW1 skill with the same name (Power Block) had the potential to disable your entire skillbar if you ate an interrupt(as it disabled all spells of the same type). You guys are lucky the rest did not make it into this game.

    I actually had to look up the trait, and turns out it was added in 2014, not on release. The fact that I do not remeber shows how much effect it had initially... close to none. But then the game sped up, mesmers gained a plethora of new interrupts, the trait itself got powercrept with added damage and weakness... and now it is no longer about watching for key skills to interrupt, now it's about padding your keyboard with something nice so your face doesn't get hurt.

    So while I'd say the current iteration is trash(but thats kind of the whole game at this point, End of Dragons better be an effin miracle), at some point in time it was a decent PvP trait.

    back then halting strike (damage on interrupt) was an adept trait (and it could crit) so you could still have power block + damage on interrupt.

  5. 20 hours ago, Curunen.8729 said:

    I'd be happy with that. Gear (and food tbh) has been responsible for too much of the nerfs, making said gear even more of a necessity, instead of dealing with balancing/removing the gear itself.


    Another option is they could change the direct endurance refill instead to gain eg 2s vigour on weapon swap. Do the same for adventurer rune (eg 2s vigour on heal with 10s icd, similar to things like rune of the revenant giving 2s resistance on heal). Still have some synergy in various builds, but no immediate refill.

    Yes that would also be good, and similarly intelligence sigil could become fury on weapon swap.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Jaykay.9641 said:



    Following up on this now that patch as come:


    There is indeed 2 staff traits on the major Chaos line. IMO, this is unacceptable. This needs to be changed as it's really bad design.


    Also, Chaotic Transference (Chaos Armor grants protection when cast) only gives Protection on Staff 4. Chaos armor does not instantly grant Protection, tested this with Phase Retreat in Chaos Storm.


    I was hopeful, but I think we all knew it was going to be like this...

    ???? seriously in that case its a massive nerf, it always gave prot on all chaos armor

  7. On 5/5/2021 at 5:42 PM, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

    I think the Mantra changes are pretty alright.


    Though they are taking away the 'charge up' part of the Mantra, it means we gain faster access to the Ammo skills.  I won't have to stop for 2 seconds to charge a Mantra during combat, but can go straight to the ammo, that is a good trade IMO.


    I imagine we will see balancing on the recharge timer for these skills as opposed to added (or removed) utility or damage.  



    As for the change to Restorative Mantras, this is also a buff in my mind as it changes from "on charge up" to "on use of ammo skill".  Meaning if you sat on the Ammo to avoid the charge up, Restorative Mantras was never going to be used.  Now the Trait has a lot more utility.


    Although I have leaned heavily on Mantra of Restoration and have used Mantra of Pain periodically, this change to Mantra's will actually get me to revisit them.




    You mean for PvE I presume?

  8. 6 hours ago, Armen.1483 said:

    Chronophantasma in PVP is trash anyway, especially if you play against real people and not bots. Bunker chrono has died a long time ago and now power chrono pvp builds rely on quick burst damage, thus making STM preferable for quickness.Most  phantasms are trash already in PVP, I don't see why it is an issue.

    Yeah It isn't an issue rn in terms of balance, luckily.



    I mean I agree that chronophantasma is a bad trait from the design prespective

    I agree (though note that this thread is really about the Danger Time nerf, we went off on a stupid tangent).


    , if we had something else instead of it that increases damage and adds some spice to chrono, yeah why not. In PVP chronophantasma is a big no no for me because there is no real phantasm oriented build for pvp (and for a good reason) and even if there were any I am not sure Chronophantasma would fit in well anyway, just interrupt the brainless phantasms and you are good. People who play chrono and take chronophantasma are free food for me whatever class I play.

    Condi Chrono is a phantasm oriented build which uses Chronophantasma. Helseth and Drazeh stream it:




    • Thanks 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    its clear we can agree to disagree on many things here so ill just finalize what i have to say here


    1. as someone else pointed out, csplit is a pain to balance around because it can double just about anything a mesmer can do, including burst. we come back to the question ‘why should chrono hit any harder on its burst vs core, if it can already do it twice?’ if you dont believe in strict niches then this question is pretty logical, which is why i find the danger time dmg bonus reasonably questionable to have


    2. im sure they wouldve kept the dmg bonus on danger time for ‘balance’ purposes, but i find anet doesnt like having different-looking skills/traits between game modes unless its a numerical alteration that doesnt include {blank}. to keep the 10% on danger time in pvp, it wouldve had be a minimum 5% in pve; anet wont do {blank}, 0% is a cruel joke and 1-4% looks pathetic. they seem to want to get rid of it completely in pve, but theres no real calculation for this in pvp, hence why i see this is as a hard-to-negotiate ‘random nerf’


    i dont have anything against power chrono in pvp however, so i did propose reverting danger crit bonus back to 30% (as it was before it got the dmg%) and reducing csplit cd to solidify the ‘core, twice’ advantage, which is more in line to what i (and anyone can disagree) think chrono should have

    Upping the crit chance to 25-30% to compensate the removal of crit dmg would be completely fine w/ me.

  10. On 5/8/2021 at 3:10 PM, Noodle Ant.1605 said:


    This would all be arguable if chronos actively sought to use their unique mechanics over core elements. But if a chono build that almost fully imitates core matters so much, how am I supposed to correctly judge if these are even significant or not?

    Idk what you mean here. Yeah most wells except grav well are underpowered atm in PvP, what can I say.

    On 5/8/2021 at 3:10 PM, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    A poster told how you use chronophantasma actively. If that's how you treat it, there's a high chance you use time catches up passively. And chronophantasma actively screws with clone delay for its effect which you've mentioned multiple times!

    Chronophantasma is activated automatically, passively. In that way it isn't an active; you don't do/press anything to activate it.

    On 5/8/2021 at 3:10 PM, Noodle Ant.1605 said:


    Shield on chrono didn't stop people from playing it offensively. This trait didn't stop people from playing power on mirage either. People impose Niche Wars 2 on themselves.

    Exactly what I said (well except 3rd sentence which is dumb).

    On 5/8/2021 at 3:10 PM, Noodle Ant.1605 said:


    Danger time gets nerfed and this post seems to suggest its the end of chrono as we know it.

    ??? It's not "the end of chrono as we know it" lmao, it's a slight, but unecessary, nerf to an underperforming PvP spec (power Chrono).

    On 5/8/2021 at 3:10 PM, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    There is that other build you linked.

    Did I link a build? I forgot in that case.

    On 5/8/2021 at 3:10 PM, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    Maybe power burst isn't actually chrono's 'niche'?

    Don't know what you mean by this, sounds irrelevant.

    On 5/8/2021 at 3:10 PM, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    I feel like it wouldn't matter anyway because you'd just do core burst if it actually was that bad.

    Don't know what you mean by this. Are you saying I would just play core if Chrono gets nerfed, or what? I'm happy to tell you that I've played more Mirage and Core power than power Chrono, although I'm not sure how what I play matters.

    On 5/8/2021 at 3:10 PM, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    I don't care if chrono gets nerfed this way because I don't think chrono, if designed well enough, ever needs to rely on dmg bonuses.

    Yeah, so you do want pChrono nerfed in PvP, that's a very interesting opinion. I disagree. Glad we made that clear.

    On 5/8/2021 at 3:10 PM, Noodle Ant.1605 said:


    There's nothing special about chrono that saves it from random nerfs regardless of my opinion.

    ?? I mean, evidently. Once again I'm not sure what purpose of this statement is or what it is supposed to mean.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

    NASA was reliant in the ULA rockets which used Russian engines (SS-180 or something...), when the US Goverment put pressure to cut the use of those ones ULA tried to make them theirselves and failed entirely. They were also unable to replicate the old Saturn V engines. So they had to start from 0, as Space X or Blue Origin. So for a decade the capability was lost, because the people which crafted the older ones was gone and no one was able to do the older engines with the techniques we have now. History is not a linear path of constant progression. Regression and dead ends happens to.

    Yes they can happen but not in that instance in that way. Take the example of computer keyboards, they regressed in practice from the solid high-quality chucks of steel that IBM made to plastic membrane ones, but the technology/knowledge wasn't lost just the material conditions (the factories shut down etc), it wasn't profitable anymore. Anyway let's stick to gw2.


  12. 7 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

       Tell that to Jonathan Ewards; he broke the triple jump record 25 years ago, still has the record and only 6 people were able to surpass the 18 m in this lapse, whereas He did it 13 times in a year. NASA entirely lost the capability to send people to space after retiring the Atlantis and Discovery, relying for a decade in the Soyuz program and now in private aerospace companies. When Federer, Nadal and Jockovich retire, the newcomers will be weaker than those three at their peak for decades, if not generations...  Countles examples. 

    1. there can be single talents that just happen to be born with the right genetics and upbringing but those are exceptions

    2. nasa didn't lose the skills, they have way better technology and science now, just not the funding or interest

    3. in gw2, kiting is a pretty good example, back in the days of kiting like royalty on legacy, kiting with jump spots and jukes etc was a rarity, now every fker in plat 2 knows how to do them all.


  13. 41 minutes ago, apharma.3741 said:


    More or less, that's why I was saying I don't think it is a bug. Perhaps an oversight with the reduction to 1s of stab from previous changes to the skill. Even then I'm OK with the skill having a small window where stab isn't up, skills with little counterplay and so much benefit don't need "fixing" to remove all small periods of vulnerability.


    What is funny is no-one has mentioned the actual game breaking bugs with this skill at all, like how if you dodge while casting you lose energy, the road doesn't build and it's on CD or that small differences in terrain can have wildly different effects on the skill.


    @Quadox.7834 Quoting is a mess so I'll just say it here. I don't know anyone that has been playing since HoT that will say they are mchanically better now than they were when they were back then. Certainly I don't know of any top end player that is mechanically as good as they were when tryharding over pro league. There may be some of them out there (Boyce as an example) but they're the exception as most good players I knew stopped trying as they were tired of the low skill high reward and nothing to really try for, especially after the wide spread manipulation.


    8 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    people thinking that players from the past were better are delusional, just looking at the past with pink tinted glasses.

    Yeah, you can tell from just watching old VoDs, the further back you go the more clear it is. That said they were prob better in terms of team play.

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