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Posts posted by Quadox.7834

  1. 10 hours ago, AXLIB.8425 said:

    Ah, in pve GS ambush is just used for tagging and sword ambush is just a clunky leap (if the terrain is not flat then half of the time i can't even hit them with it) without much damage. Though I'm still unsure how you are getting 25 might with GS ambush.


    I should clarify that when i say burst i mean 30k to 40k+ burst in pve, without cs you will still be hitting at least 10k to 20k+ if you are doing it right with zerker, so enough to murder most in pvp, you just not going to have anything to survive especially in zerker.

    GS is a good weapon for power dps, is just sword sword and sword focus hits harder and have a good pull and block. though i want GS 3 and 5 to be looked at by anet, there is almost not a single situation those are useful (honourary mention to GS 5 in octovine south, the only time its actually useful)

    focus pull 5 enemies -> swap to gs -> ambush = 30 stacks might

    • Confused 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:


    Try something like this, you can switch bunch of stuff too.
    Idea is to have 2-3 F1 shatters as a pressure tool, quickly drop someone to 70-60% hp, and then at any time you can 1shot them, and you can try back to back. In theory it sounds good, but in practice there is 2-3 scourges that have effectively 70k HP and you cant mathematically kill them 😄


  3. 2 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    It's hard to keep a rationale mind when we know, the devs in charge of balance take suggestions from individuals with vested interests in the game , how else could we explain the current state of the game?


    1) Damage and sustain has not been removed gamewide...only specific professions got hit extremely hard to remove them from the game in the best interests of specific individuals. Am I exaggerating? Look at this: 






    Same function, but apparently one deserved to be nuked from orbit while the other was left alone....coincidence?....I think not, I really thought we were supposed to get away from passive traits...




    What about this one then? And there are so many other "fallacies" with this company "logic" , the bias is so blatant and obvious, they removed stability from this trait : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Invigorating_Strikes .....too much stability uptime apparently....meanwhile we have https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juggernaut


    It's hard to maintain a rational mind when there is so much crap going on behind the scene...and for record I am not asking for nerfs, I am asking for fairness

    Now look at conjured weapons; the damage wasnt nerfed at all. Earth shield can do 8k+ autoattack damage.

    • Like 1
  4. Healers are really stupid and boring in this game because they refuse to add the ability to target allies, so every support skill is aoe (which makes it very easy to play) and usually heals yourself too so you are basically a tank + support rolled into one. It's like if every healer in overwatch was lucio but if lucio had the same HP as roadhog

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Axl.8924 said:


    So is GS not taken at all for chrono DPS power?

    part of what you said is why i like gs for power.

    I apologise, I was talking about pvp, I don't know anything about pve.

  6. 9 minutes ago, AXLIB.8425 said:

    Ehh, care to shar the build? There is nothing in mirage trait line that help with power, and sword and greatsword ambush certainly isn't it.

    Or is this a PvP thing?


    If anything core able to take Illusion trait line probably help with the power more than mirage trait line.

    A single greatsword ambush with IH+DE can give 12 stacks of vuln (or more if you have clones out), big damage, and 25 stacks of might.


    Sword ambush stacks vuln with domi traits which -> damage. Sword ambush clones and clone on deception give you more clone gen -> higher damage mind wracks.


    Oh yeah sorry it is a pvp thing. Prob not viable for high level pve like raids.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Axl.8924 said:


    Why do we have such huge dependence on a 106 sec CD to get good numbers?


    With nec all i need to do to get good numbers is to click the axe 2 and multihit then go and turn into reaper and i do big numbers.


    I can't even come close to doing same dps plus i don't like how they nerfed GS on mes.

    You should try power mirage, there you don't rely on a 105 sec cooldown

  8. 8 minutes ago, otto.5684 said:

    And yet Mesmer has been outside of the spvp meta for like 2 years now (yes, even before the Feb 2020 patch, which completely killed mirage). Is the skill overloaded? Yes. Is it causing mesmer to our perform? No. 

    Lmao you missed my point, that guy said Continuum Split is "broken" and "bonkers" so I made the point that distortion is also extremely strong and that's why losing distortion and getting continuum split is a good tradeoff for chronomancer.

  9. 8 minutes ago, AXLIB.8425 said:

    The ability by itself is really strong, but anet nerfed everything else so you have to use cs to have competitive burst with the likes of dh, holo, and reaper, all hit similar if not higher burst with the press of a few buttons.


    The shatter just feel like a badly designed class mechanic that is also outdated. No other class gets punished for doing something successful (killing the enemies). And your clone often just die before you can shatter them in anywhere outside of Pve, so you don't even get to uses the full shatter. Think of it like warrior loses adrenaline when they take damage so they can't use their level 3 burst, and if they do they also lost most of their sustain, as mesmer barely have any damage migration other clone, stealth and dodge.

    you can definitely do massive damage on power mirage too so CS is not strictly necessary. Core is lacking though.

  10. On 7/11/2021 at 7:36 AM, Axl.8924 said:

    Csplit is something that needs fixed for sure.


    I-m also glad they nerfed staff for mirage, because reading up it seems its supposedly fine, but before was doing 50k.


    GS has a little bit of range not much.


    I hope in future they might solve the issue with power mirage somehow by overhauling it, maybe small one so peeps can choose that.


    Its pretty terrible when core gets hit because of a elite.

    If they are inclined also for people to keep alive the illusions, can they please have more health?


    what needs fixing about CS

  11. On 7/11/2021 at 2:50 AM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    the thing aboust mesmers ranged weapons is that they are " RANGED "
    mesmer always needs to get in close, 
    1 staff autos bounce
    2 you usually run 1 melee, 1 ranged weapon, to make use of all your kit you gotta go melee
    3 shatters are melee so you gotta get close
    4 staff autos/gs2/gs4/staff 5 works better at close range/melee 
    And honestly that is a good thing, standing at 1-1,5k range and just shooting isnt great, but what IS cool is dipping in and out of range as it gives room for interesting combat for both sides ( if done properly )

    Logically chrono CSplit is broken, having a skill that resets all your cooldowns is just bonkers when you stop and think about it, and the rest of the skills, weapons and traits have to suffer for it.

    Having a skill which makes you invulnerable to all damage and cc for multiple seconds, while being able to attack during it, is also bonkers and broken.

  12. 55 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:

    And yet people in this thread are complaining about how OP it is on certain classes, perhaps we should reflect of how pvp has changed for 8 years has it gotten any better for all the content removed.


    I can't discern this from any other nerf this because i don't like it thread.

    Yes, downtate is objevtively overpowered rn, but that is a separate point to the question of its existance

  13. Downstate was a mechanic added to profile and market this game as a more casual mmo where players don't get punished for their mistakes. "You can keep fightning when you die!". It serves the purpose of the blue shell in mario kart, it levels out the playing field. And that's why it sucks.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Clownmug.8357 said:


    It's funny to see them go from "there's so much visual clutter you can't tell what's happening" to "there's barely anything visible so you can't tell what's happening".

    the latter is largely caused by the former, because there are so many visual effects important skills need big visual effects to be able to be seen. kind of a moment 22

    • Like 1
  15. On 7/12/2021 at 4:53 PM, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    Sustain/healing wouldn't be so bad if downstate/ressing wouldn't be so op, because then you could afford to all-in a target and don't have to save half of your offense to have a small chance at finishing off a target.

    Yep, all downstates are very overpowered right now, not just resses but the downstates themselves

  16. On 7/12/2021 at 11:33 AM, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

    Ah yes, you would exactly survive 1 more hit from pre-feb2020 powercreeped speces XD
    The absolute easiest fix would be revert game to 2014 balance state while also deleting all HoT and PoF e-speces.
    After that you start balacing classes, but you keep in mind the new stats and sigils. 
    Gratz, now you're at starting point in which you're allowed to design elite speces from scratch, since all of current one are just core2.0. Instead of going uberlazywae you create proper "subclasses" system, each one of them will have it's own traitlines atleast 5, which alters your "class mechanic" in desired way that actually will provide "new playstyles".
    This way you'll get Core = HoT = PoF as it should be from the very start.
    But hey, it's gw2, we don't do proper work here. :')

    1. One hit (or, 10k hp) is a lot


    2. You could oneshot in 2014 as well


    3. That wouldn't be an easy fix. It would be an incredibly hard and time consuming fix. What I said was an actual doable fix

    • Like 1
  17. 8 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

    The problem is anet cant seem to find a middle ground between everything being able to do 1 shot combos, and nothing dying unless 3 people focus it. This is because every class has the means to completely re-sustain themselves every 20-30 seconds. Combine that with all the evades, blocks, ccs, and condi spam and its impossible to have reasonable balance. If damage is high, you can kill someone in between animations and people will die instantly. If damage is lowered then people can just chain defense and infinitely re-sustain even if they get outplayed. Classes need to have far less sustain, or far less active defense. I think most people like the skill involved in active defense so sustain needs a huge adjustment.

    100% true, and the absolute easiest fix to this would be to revert the feb 2020 patch and increase base health pool in PvP by say 10 000.

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  18. On 6/28/2021 at 9:26 PM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    Oldschool Runescape is alive, yes and its all a very fair comparison I think.


    Oldschool Runescape is actually a great example; being another MMO, and being entirely driven by community polls.

    Nostalgia does have some to do with it, but where it mainly went right is that there aren't many bad patches since they're all community-driven and usually require like 75% of the yes votes to pass.


    Total opposite for GW2, but I think that just shows @Quadox.7834is right, and it is pretty relevant to compare SPvP to the competitive parts of different games.


    Like, if you asked me to choose between no updates and the past year of PvP-specific updates, I would honestly pick no updates at all. Consistently bad updates have taken away a lot of the depth and magic from Gw2 PvP that gave it any staying power.


    Other games that aren't MMOs have also done this. Overwatch, Realm Royale(If anyone remembers that)

    Both implemented highly controversial updates that caused them to tank players, or in the latter's case, die completely.

    Totally fair to compare all their failures when SPvP is being taken on the same wild ride.

    Yep I would prefer to remain on the PvP state of 2015 rather than get a bunch of bad-to-mediocre reworks and overhauls that haven't done anything to increase enjoyment (beyond a short period of novelty after feature releases).

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